Since all other apps have been moved to the "app" folder, the autotest app remains alone in the test folder. Rather than having an entire top-level folder for this, we can move it back to where it all started in early versions of DPDK - the "app/" folder. This move has a couple of advantages: * This reduces clutter at the top level of the project, due to one less folder. * It eliminates the separate build task necessary for building the autotests using make "make test-build" which means that developers are less likely to miss something in their own compilation tests * It re-aligns the final location of the test binary in the app folder when building with make with it's location in the source tree. For meson builds, the autotest app is different from the other apps in that it needs a series of different test cases defined for it for use by "meson test". Therefore, it does not get built as part of the main loop in the app folder, but gets built separately at the end. Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <>
434 lines
14 KiB
434 lines
14 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation
# The main logic behind running autotests in parallel
from __future__ import print_function
import StringIO
import csv
from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue
import pexpect
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import glob
import os
# wait for prompt
def wait_prompt(child):
result = child.expect(["RTE>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF],
return False
if result == 0:
return True
return False
# get all valid NUMA nodes
def get_numa_nodes():
return [
re.match(r"node(\d+)", os.path.basename(node))
for node in glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node*")
# find first (or any, really) CPU on a particular node, will be used to spread
# processes around NUMA nodes to avoid exhausting memory on particular node
def first_cpu_on_node(node_nr):
cpu_path = glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/cpu*" % node_nr)[0]
cpu_name = os.path.basename(cpu_path)
m = re.match(r"cpu(\d+)", cpu_name)
return int(
pool_child = None # per-process child
# we initialize each worker with a queue because we need per-pool unique
# command-line arguments, but we cannot do different arguments in an initializer
# because the API doesn't allow per-worker initializer arguments. so, instead,
# we will initialize with a shared queue, and dequeue command-line arguments
# from this queue
def pool_init(queue, result_queue):
global pool_child
cmdline, prefix = queue.get()
start_time = time.time()
name = ("Start %s" % prefix) if prefix != "" else "Start"
# use default prefix if no prefix was specified
prefix_cmdline = "--file-prefix=%s" % prefix if prefix != "" else ""
# append prefix to cmdline
cmdline = "%s %s" % (cmdline, prefix_cmdline)
# prepare logging of init
startuplog = StringIO.StringIO()
# run test app
print("\n%s %s\n" % ("=" * 20, prefix), file=startuplog)
print("\ncmdline=%s" % cmdline, file=startuplog)
pool_child = pexpect.spawn(cmdline, logfile=startuplog)
# wait for target to boot
if not wait_prompt(pool_child):
result = tuple((-1,
"Fail [No prompt]",
time.time() - start_time,
pool_child = None
result = tuple((0,
time.time() - start_time,
result = tuple((-1,
"Fail [Can't run]",
time.time() - start_time,
pool_child = None
# run a test
# each result tuple in results list consists of:
# result value (0 or -1)
# result string
# test name
# total test run time (double)
# raw test log
# test report (if not available, should be None)
# this function needs to be outside AutotestRunner class because otherwise Pool
# won't work (or rather it will require quite a bit of effort to make it work).
def run_test(target, test):
global pool_child
if pool_child is None:
return -1, "Fail [No test process]", test["Name"], 0, "", None
# create log buffer for each test
# in multiprocessing environment, the logging would be
# interleaved and will create a mess, hence the buffering
logfile = StringIO.StringIO()
pool_child.logfile = logfile
# make a note when the test started
start_time = time.time()
# print test name to log buffer
print("\n%s %s\n" % ("-" * 20, test["Name"]), file=logfile)
# run test function associated with the test
result = test["Func"](pool_child, test["Command"])
# make a note when the test was finished
end_time = time.time()
log = logfile.getvalue()
# append test data to the result tuple
result += (test["Name"], end_time - start_time, log)
# call report function, if any defined, and supply it with
# target and complete log for test run
if test["Report"]:
report = test["Report"](target, log)
# append report to results tuple
result += (report,)
# report is None
result += (None,)
# make a note when the test crashed
end_time = time.time()
# mark test as failed
result = (-1, "Fail [Crash]", test["Name"],
end_time - start_time, logfile.getvalue(), None)
# return test results
return result
# class representing an instance of autotests run
class AutotestRunner:
cmdline = ""
parallel_test_groups = []
non_parallel_test_groups = []
logfile = None
csvwriter = None
target = ""
start = None
n_tests = 0
fails = 0
log_buffers = []
blacklist = []
whitelist = []
def __init__(self, cmdline, target, blacklist, whitelist, n_processes):
self.cmdline = cmdline
| = target
self.binary = cmdline.split()[0]
self.blacklist = blacklist
self.whitelist = whitelist
self.skipped = []
self.parallel_tests = []
self.non_parallel_tests = []
self.n_processes = n_processes
self.active_processes = 0
# log file filename
logfile = "%s.log" % target
csvfile = "%s.csv" % target
self.logfile = open(logfile, "w")
csvfile = open(csvfile, "w")
self.csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
# prepare results table
self.csvwriter.writerow(["test_name", "test_result", "result_str"])
# set up cmdline string
def __get_cmdline(self, cpu_nr):
cmdline = ("taskset -c %i " % cpu_nr) + self.cmdline
return cmdline
def __process_result(self, result):
# unpack result tuple
test_result, result_str, test_name, \
test_time, log, report = result
# get total run time
cur_time = time.time()
total_time = int(cur_time - self.start)
# print results, test run time and total time since start
result = ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30)
result += result_str.ljust(29)
result += "[%02dm %02ds]" % (test_time / 60, test_time % 60)
# don't print out total time every line, it's the same anyway
print(result + "[%02dm %02ds]" % (total_time / 60, total_time % 60))
# if test failed and it wasn't a "start" test
if test_result < 0:
self.fails += 1
# collect logs
# create report if it exists
if report:
f = open("%s_%s_report.rst" %
(, test_name), "w")
except IOError:
print("Report for %s could not be created!" % test_name)
with f:
# write test result to CSV file
self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str])
# this function checks individual test and decides if this test should be in
# the group by comparing it against whitelist/blacklist. it also checks if
# the test is compiled into the binary, and marks it as skipped if necessary
def __filter_test(self, test):
test_cmd = test["Command"]
test_id = test_cmd
# dump tests are specified in full e.g. "Dump_mempool"
if "_autotest" in test_id:
test_id = test_id[:-len("_autotest")]
# filter out blacklisted/whitelisted tests
if self.blacklist and test_id in self.blacklist:
return False
if self.whitelist and test_id not in self.whitelist:
return False
# if test wasn't compiled in, remove it as well
# parse the binary for available test commands
stripped = 'not stripped' not in \
subprocess.check_output(['file', self.binary])
if not stripped:
symbols = subprocess.check_output(['nm',
avail_cmds = re.findall('test_register_(\w+)', symbols)
if test_cmd not in avail_cmds:
# notify user
result = 0, "Skipped [Not compiled]", test_id, 0, "", None
return False
return True
def __run_test_group(self, test_group, worker_cmdlines):
group_queue = Queue()
init_result_queue = Queue()
for proc, cmdline in enumerate(worker_cmdlines):
prefix = "test%i" % proc if len(worker_cmdlines) > 1 else ""
group_queue.put(tuple((cmdline, prefix)))
# create a pool of worker threads
# we will initialize child in the initializer, and we don't need to
# close the child because when the pool worker gets destroyed, child
# closes the process
pool = Pool(processes=len(worker_cmdlines),
initargs=(group_queue, init_result_queue))
results = []
# process all initialization results
for _ in range(len(worker_cmdlines)):
# run all tests asynchronously
for test in test_group:
result = pool.apply_async(run_test, (, test))
# tell the pool to stop all processes once done
# iterate while we have group execution results to get
while len(results) > 0:
# iterate over a copy to be able to safely delete results
# this iterates over a list of group results
for async_result in results[:]:
# if the thread hasn't finished yet, continue
if not async_result.ready():
res = async_result.get()
# remove result from results list once we're done with it
# iterate over test groups and run tests associated with them
def run_all_tests(self):
# filter groups
self.parallel_tests = list(
self.non_parallel_tests = list(
parallel_cmdlines = []
# FreeBSD doesn't have NUMA support
numa_nodes = get_numa_nodes()
if len(numa_nodes) > 0:
for proc in range(self.n_processes):
# spread cpu affinity between NUMA nodes to have less chance of
# running out of memory while running multiple test apps in
# parallel. to do that, alternate between NUMA nodes in a round
# robin fashion, and pick an arbitrary CPU from that node to
# taskset our execution to
numa_node = numa_nodes[self.active_processes % len(numa_nodes)]
cpu_nr = first_cpu_on_node(numa_node)
parallel_cmdlines += [self.__get_cmdline(cpu_nr)]
# increase number of active processes so that the next cmdline
# gets a different NUMA node
self.active_processes += 1
parallel_cmdlines = [self.cmdline] * self.n_processes
print("Running tests with %d workers" % self.n_processes)
# create table header
print("Test name".ljust(30) + "Test result".ljust(29) +
"Test".center(9) + "Total".center(9))
print("=" * 80)
if len(self.skipped):
print("Skipped autotests:")
# print out any skipped tests
for result in self.skipped:
# unpack result tuple
test_result, result_str, test_name, _, _, _ = result
self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str])
t = ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30)
t += result_str.ljust(29)
t += "[00m 00s]"
# make a note of tests start time
self.start = time.time()
# whatever happens, try to save as much logs as possible
if len(self.parallel_tests) > 0:
print("Parallel autotests:")
self.__run_test_group(self.parallel_tests, parallel_cmdlines)
if len(self.non_parallel_tests) > 0:
print("Non-parallel autotests:")
self.__run_test_group(self.non_parallel_tests, [self.cmdline])
# get total run time
cur_time = time.time()
total_time = int(cur_time - self.start)
# print out summary
print("=" * 80)
print("Total run time: %02dm %02ds" % (total_time / 60,
total_time % 60))
if self.fails != 0:
print("Number of failed tests: %s" % str(self.fails))
# write summary to logfile
self.logfile.write("Target: ".ljust(15) + "%s\n" %
self.logfile.write("Tests: ".ljust(15) + "%i\n" % self.n_tests)
self.logfile.write("Failed tests: ".ljust(
15) + "%i\n" % self.fails)
print("Exception occurred")
self.fails = 1
# drop logs from all executions to a logfile
for buf in self.log_buffers:
self.logfile.write(buf.replace("\r", ""))
return self.fails