The soname for each stable ABI version should be just the ABI version major number without the minor number. Unfortunately both major and minor were used causing version 20.1 to be incompatible with 20.0. This patch fixes the issue by switching from 2-part to 3-part ABI version numbers so that we can keep 20.0 as soname and using the final digits to identify the 20.x releases which are ABI compatible. This requires changes to both make and meson builds to handle the three-digit version and shrink it to 2-digit for soname. The final fix needed in this patch is to adjust the library version number for the ethtool example library, which needs to be upped to 2-digits, as external libraries using the DPDK build system also use the logic in this file. Fixes: cba806e07d6f ("build: change ABI versioning to global") Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <> Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <> Acked-by: Neil Horman <> Tested-by: Ray Kinsella <> Tested-by: Ferruh Yigit <> Tested-by: Kevin Laatz <> Tested-by: David Marchand <>
193 lines
5.7 KiB
193 lines
5.7 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
# process all libraries equally, as far as possible
# "core" libs first, then others alphebetically as far as possible
# NOTE: for speed of meson runs, the dependencies in the subdirectories
# sometimes skip deps that would be implied by others, e.g. if mempool is
# given as a dep, no need to mention ring. This is especially true for the
# core libs which are widely reused, so their deps are kept to a minimum.
libraries = [
'kvargs', # eal depends on kvargs
'eal', # everything depends on eal
'ring', 'mempool', 'mbuf', 'net', 'meter', 'ethdev', 'pci', # core
'metrics', # bitrate/latency stats depends on this
'hash', # efd depends on this
'timer', # eventdev depends on this
'acl', 'bbdev', 'bitratestats', 'cfgfile',
'compressdev', 'cryptodev',
'distributor', 'efd', 'eventdev',
'gro', 'gso', 'ip_frag', 'jobstats',
'kni', 'latencystats', 'lpm', 'member',
'power', 'pdump', 'rawdev',
'rcu', 'rib', 'reorder', 'sched', 'security', 'stack', 'vhost',
# ipsec lib depends on net, crypto and security
#fib lib depends on rib
# add pkt framework libs which use other libs from above
'port', 'table', 'pipeline',
# flow_classify lib depends on pkt framework table lib
'flow_classify', 'bpf', 'telemetry']
if is_windows
libraries = ['kvargs','eal'] # only supported libraries for windows
default_cflags = machine_args
if cc.has_argument('-Wno-format-truncation')
default_cflags += '-Wno-format-truncation'
enabled_libs = [] # used to print summary at the end
foreach l:libraries
build = true
reason = '<unknown reason>' # set if build == false to explain why
name = l
allow_experimental_apis = false
use_function_versioning = false
sources = []
headers = []
includes = []
cflags = default_cflags
objs = [] # other object files to link against, used e.g. for
# instruction-set optimized versions of code
# use "deps" for internal DPDK dependencies, and "ext_deps" for
# external package/library requirements
ext_deps = []
deps = []
# eal is standard dependency once built
if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIBRTE_EAL')
deps += ['eal']
dir_name = 'librte_' + l
if build
shared_deps = ext_deps
static_deps = ext_deps
foreach d:deps
if not is_variable('shared_rte_' + d)
error('Missing internal dependency "@0@" for @1@ [@2@]'
.format(d, name, 'lib/' + dir_name))
shared_deps += [get_variable('shared_rte_' + d)]
static_deps += [get_variable('static_rte_' + d)]
if not build
dpdk_libs_disabled += name
set_variable(name.underscorify() + '_disable_reason', reason)
enabled_libs += name
dpdk_conf.set('RTE_LIBRTE_' + name.to_upper(), 1)
libname = 'rte_' + name
includes += include_directories(dir_name)
if sources.length() == 0
# if no C files, just set a dependency on header path
shared_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: includes)
static_dep = shared_dep
if allow_experimental_apis
if use_function_versioning
version_map = '@0@/@1@/'.format(
meson.current_source_dir(), dir_name, name)
is_experimental = run_command(is_experimental_cmd,
if is_experimental != 0
lib_version = experimental_abi_version
so_version = experimental_so_version
lib_version = abi_version
so_version = stable_so_version
# first build static lib
static_lib = static_library(libname,
objects: objs,
c_args: cflags,
dependencies: static_deps,
include_directories: includes,
install: true)
static_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: static_lib,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: static_deps)
if not use_function_versioning
# use pre-build objects to build shared lib
sources = []
objs += static_lib.extract_all_objects(recursive: false)
# for compat we need to rebuild with
version_map = '@0@/@1@/'.format(
meson.current_source_dir(), dir_name, name)
implib = dir_name + '.dll.a'
def_file = custom_target(name + '_def',
command: [map_to_def_cmd, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
input: version_map,
output: 'rte_@0@_exports.def'.format(name))
lk_deps = [version_map, def_file]
if is_windows
lk_args = ['-Wl,/def:' + def_file.full_path(),
'-Wl,/implib:lib\\' + implib]
lk_args = ['-Wl,--version-script=' + version_map]
# on unix systems check the output of the
# experimental syms script, using it as a
# dependency of the .so build
lk_deps += custom_target(name + '.exp_chk',
command: [check_experimental_syms,
version_map, '@INPUT@'],
capture: true,
input: static_lib,
output: name + '.exp_chk')
shared_lib = shared_library(libname,
objects: objs,
c_args: cflags,
dependencies: shared_deps,
include_directories: includes,
link_args: lk_args,
link_depends: lk_deps,
version: lib_version,
soversion: so_version,
install: true)
shared_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: shared_lib,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: shared_deps)
dpdk_libraries = [shared_lib] + dpdk_libraries
dpdk_static_libraries = [static_lib] + dpdk_static_libraries
endif # sources.length() > 0
set_variable('shared_rte_' + name, shared_dep)
set_variable('static_rte_' + name, static_dep)
message('lib/@0@: Defining dependency "@1@"'.format(
dir_name, name))
endif # if build