For "processed_pkts" and "total_latency" functions, no operations should keep the order that being executed before loading "worker[i].processed_pkts". Thus rmb is unnecessary before loading. For "perf_launch_lcores" function, wmb after that the main lcore updates the variable "t->done", which represents the end of the test signal, is unnecessary. Because after the main lcore updates this siginal variable, it will jump out of the launch function loop, and wait other lcores stop or return error in the main function(evt_main.c). During this time, there is no important storing operation and thus no need for wmb. Signed-off-by: Feifei Wang <feifei.wang2@arm.com> Reviewed-by: Ruifeng Wang <ruifeng.wang@arm.com> Acked-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <pbhagavatula@marvell.com>