Even when a PMD was disabled with meson's disable_drivers option its config file was still being parsed. Some of the PMD configs attempt to find a library they depend on and parse its header files with certain assumptions. If the library is found, but it's simply too old to contain the necessary header files, the meson build fails and it can only be fixed by either updating that library, or expanding the meson script for the faulty PMD. While the latter should be still done for the sake of DPDK quality, an intermediate solution would be to skip building the faulty PMD - there's a chance we don't need it. That's what this patch allows. Signed-off-by: Darek Stojaczyk <dariusz.stojaczyk@intel.com> Acked-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson@intel.com>
212 lines
6.4 KiB
212 lines
6.4 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
if is_windows
# Defines the order in which the drivers are buit.
dpdk_driver_classes = ['common',
'mempool', # depends on common and bus.
'net', # depends on common, bus, mempool
'raw', # depends on common, bus and net.
'crypto', # depends on common, bus and mempool (net in future).
'compress', # depends on common, bus, mempool.
'vdpa', # depends on common, bus and mempool.
'event', # depends on common, bus, mempool and net.
'baseband'] # depends on common and bus.
disabled_drivers = run_command(list_dir_globs, get_option('disable_drivers'),
default_cflags = machine_args
default_cflags += ['-DALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_API']
default_cflags += ['-DALLOW_INTERNAL_API']
if cc.has_argument('-Wno-format-truncation')
default_cflags += '-Wno-format-truncation'
foreach class:dpdk_driver_classes
drivers = []
std_deps = []
config_flag_fmt = '' # format string used to set the value in dpdk_conf
driver_name_fmt = '' # format string for driver name, used to name
# the library, the dependency and to find the
# version file for linking
class_drivers = []
foreach drv:drivers
drv_path = join_paths(class, drv)
# set up empty variables used for build
build = true # set to false to disable, e.g. missing deps
reason = '<unknown reason>' # set if build == false to explain
name = drv
fmt_name = ''
sources = []
objs = []
cflags = default_cflags
includes = [include_directories(drv_path)]
# set up internal deps. Drivers can append/override as necessary
deps = std_deps
# ext_deps: Stores external library dependency got
# using dependency() (preferred) or find_library().
# For the find_library() case (but not with dependency()) we also
# need to specify the "-l" flags in pkgconfig_extra_libs variable
# too, so that it can be reflected in the pkgconfig output for
# static builds.
ext_deps = []
pkgconfig_extra_libs = []
if disabled_drivers.contains(drv_path)
build = false
reason = 'Explicitly disabled via build config'
# pull in driver directory which should update all the local variables
if build
# get dependency objs from strings
shared_deps = ext_deps
static_deps = ext_deps
foreach d:deps
if not is_variable('shared_rte_' + d)
build = false
reason = 'Missing internal dependency, "@0@"'.format(d)
message('Disabling @1@ [@2@]: missing internal dependency "@0@"'
.format(d, name, 'drivers/' + drv_path))
shared_deps += [get_variable('shared_rte_' + d)]
static_deps += [get_variable('static_rte_' + d)]
if not build
# some driver directories are placeholders which
# are never built, so we allow suppression of the
# component disable printout in those cases
if reason != ''
dpdk_drvs_disabled += drv_path
set_variable(drv_path.underscorify() +
'_disable_reason', reason)
class_drivers += name
if fmt_name == ''
fmt_name = name
lib_name = driver_name_fmt.format(fmt_name)
dpdk_extra_ldflags += pkgconfig_extra_libs
# generate pmdinfo sources by building a temporary
# lib and then running pmdinfogen on the contents of
# that lib. The final lib reuses the object files and
# adds in the new source file.
out_filename = lib_name + '.pmd.c'
tmp_lib = static_library('tmp_' + lib_name,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: static_deps,
c_args: cflags)
objs += tmp_lib.extract_all_objects()
sources = custom_target(out_filename,
command: [pmdinfo, tmp_lib.full_path(),
'@OUTPUT@', pmdinfogen],
output: out_filename,
depends: [pmdinfogen, tmp_lib])
version_map = '@0@/@1@/@2@_version.map'.format(
drv_path, lib_name)
is_stable = run_command(is_stable_cmd,
files(version_map)).returncode() == 0
if is_stable
lib_version = abi_version
so_version = stable_so_version
lib_version = experimental_abi_version
so_version = experimental_so_version
# now build the static driver
static_lib = static_library(lib_name,
objects: objs,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: static_deps,
c_args: cflags,
install: true)
# now build the shared driver
version_map = '@0@/@1@/@2@_version.map'.format(
drv_path, lib_name)
implib = dir_name + '.dll.a'
def_file = custom_target(lib_name + '_def',
command: [map_to_def_cmd, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
input: version_map,
output: '@0@_exports.def'.format(lib_name))
lk_deps = [version_map, def_file]
if is_windows
lk_args = ['-Wl,/def:' + def_file.full_path(),
'-Wl,/implib:lib\\' + implib]
lk_args = ['-Wl,--version-script=' + version_map]
# on unix systems check the output of the
# check-symbols.sh script, using it as a
# dependency of the .so build
lk_deps += custom_target(lib_name + '.sym_chk',
command: [check_symbols,
version_map, '@INPUT@'],
capture: true,
input: static_lib,
output: lib_name + '.sym_chk')
shared_lib = shared_library(lib_name,
objects: objs,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: shared_deps,
c_args: cflags,
link_args: lk_args,
link_depends: lk_deps,
version: lib_version,
soversion: so_version,
install: true,
install_dir: driver_install_path)
# create a dependency object and add it to the global dictionary so
# testpmd or other built-in apps can find it if necessary
shared_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: shared_lib,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: shared_deps)
static_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: static_lib,
include_directories: includes,
dependencies: static_deps)
dpdk_drivers += static_lib
set_variable('shared_@0@'.format(lib_name), shared_dep)
set_variable('static_@0@'.format(lib_name), static_dep)
dependency_name = ''.join(lib_name.split('rte_'))
message('drivers/@0@: Defining dependency "@1@"'.format(
drv_path, dependency_name))
endif # build
set_variable(class + '_drivers', class_drivers)