Stephen Hemminger cb056611a8 eal: rename lcore master and slave
Replace master lcore with main lcore and
replace slave lcore with worker lcore.

Keep the old functions and macros but mark them as deprecated
for this release.

The "--master-lcore" command line option is also deprecated
and any usage will print a warning and use "--main-lcore"
as replacement.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <>
Acked-by: Anatoly Burakov <>
2020-10-20 13:17:08 +02:00

459 lines
12 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <rte_log.h>
#include <rte_eal.h>
#include <rte_lcore.h>
#include <rte_string_fns.h>
#include "main.h"
#define APP_NAME "qos_sched"
#define MAX_OPT_VALUES 8
#define SYS_CPU_DIR "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/topology/"
static uint32_t app_main_core = 1;
static uint32_t app_numa_mask;
static uint64_t app_used_core_mask = 0;
static uint64_t app_used_port_mask = 0;
static uint64_t app_used_rx_port_mask = 0;
static uint64_t app_used_tx_port_mask = 0;
static const char usage[] =
" \n"
" %s <APP PARAMS> \n"
" \n"
"Application mandatory parameters: \n"
" --pfc \"RX PORT, TX PORT, RX LCORE, WT LCORE\" : Packet flow configuration \n"
" multiple pfc can be configured in command line \n"
" \n"
"Application optional parameters: \n"
" --i : run in interactive mode (default value is %u) \n"
" --mnc I : main core index (default value is %u) \n"
" --rsz \"A, B, C\" : Ring sizes \n"
" A = Size (in number of buffer descriptors) of each of the NIC RX \n"
" rings read by the I/O RX lcores (default value is %u) \n"
" B = Size (in number of elements) of each of the SW rings used by the\n"
" I/O RX lcores to send packets to worker lcores (default value is\n"
" %u) \n"
" C = Size (in number of buffer descriptors) of each of the NIC TX \n"
" rings written by worker lcores (default value is %u) \n"
" --bsz \"A, B, C, D\": Burst sizes \n"
" A = I/O RX lcore read burst size from NIC RX (default value is %u) \n"
" B = I/O RX lcore write burst size to output SW rings, \n"
" Worker lcore read burst size from input SW rings, \n"
" QoS enqueue size (default value is %u) \n"
" C = QoS dequeue size (default value is %u) \n"
" D = Worker lcore write burst size to NIC TX (default value is %u) \n"
" --msz M : Mempool size (in number of mbufs) for each pfc (default %u) \n"
" --rth \"A, B, C\" : RX queue threshold parameters \n"
" A = RX prefetch threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" B = RX host threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" C = RX write-back threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" --tth \"A, B, C\" : TX queue threshold parameters \n"
" A = TX prefetch threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" B = TX host threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" C = TX write-back threshold (default value is %u) \n"
" --cfg FILE : profile configuration to load \n"
/* display usage */
static void
app_usage(const char *prgname)
printf(usage, prgname, APP_INTERACTIVE_DEFAULT, app_main_core,
static inline int str_is(const char *str, const char *is)
return strcmp(str, is) == 0;
/* returns core mask used by DPDK */
static uint64_t
uint64_t cm = 0;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < APP_MAX_LCORE; i++) {
if (rte_lcore_has_role(i, ROLE_RTE))
cm |= (1ULL << i);
cm |= (1ULL << rte_get_main_lcore());
return cm;
/* returns total number of cores presented in a system */
static uint32_t
int i, len;
char path[PATH_MAX];
uint32_t ncores = 0;
for (i = 0; i < APP_MAX_LCORE; i++) {
len = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), SYS_CPU_DIR, i);
if (len <= 0 || (unsigned)len >= sizeof(path))
if (access(path, F_OK) == 0)
return ncores;
/* returns:
number of values parsed
-1 in case of error
static int
app_parse_opt_vals(const char *conf_str, char separator, uint32_t n_vals, uint32_t *opt_vals)
char *string;
int i, n_tokens;
char *tokens[MAX_OPT_VALUES];
if (conf_str == NULL || opt_vals == NULL || n_vals == 0 || n_vals > MAX_OPT_VALUES)
return -1;
/* duplicate configuration string before splitting it to tokens */
string = strdup(conf_str);
if (string == NULL)
return -1;
n_tokens = rte_strsplit(string, strnlen(string, 32), tokens, n_vals, separator);
if (n_tokens > MAX_OPT_VALUES)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < n_tokens; i++)
opt_vals[i] = (uint32_t)atol(tokens[i]);
return n_tokens;
static int
app_parse_ring_conf(const char *conf_str)
int ret;
uint32_t vals[3];
ret = app_parse_opt_vals(conf_str, ',', 3, vals);
if (ret != 3)
return ret;
ring_conf.rx_size = vals[0];
ring_conf.ring_size = vals[1];
ring_conf.tx_size = vals[2];
return 0;
static int
app_parse_rth_conf(const char *conf_str)
int ret;
uint32_t vals[3];
ret = app_parse_opt_vals(conf_str, ',', 3, vals);
if (ret != 3)
return ret;
rx_thresh.pthresh = (uint8_t)vals[0];
rx_thresh.hthresh = (uint8_t)vals[1];
rx_thresh.wthresh = (uint8_t)vals[2];
return 0;
static int
app_parse_tth_conf(const char *conf_str)
int ret;
uint32_t vals[3];
ret = app_parse_opt_vals(conf_str, ',', 3, vals);
if (ret != 3)
return ret;
tx_thresh.pthresh = (uint8_t)vals[0];
tx_thresh.hthresh = (uint8_t)vals[1];
tx_thresh.wthresh = (uint8_t)vals[2];
return 0;
static int
app_parse_flow_conf(const char *conf_str)
int ret;
uint32_t vals[5];
struct flow_conf *pconf;
uint64_t mask;
memset(vals, 0, sizeof(vals));
ret = app_parse_opt_vals(conf_str, ',', 6, vals);
if (ret < 4 || ret > 5)
return ret;
pconf = &qos_conf[nb_pfc];
pconf->rx_port = vals[0];
pconf->tx_port = vals[1];
pconf->rx_core = (uint8_t)vals[2];
pconf->wt_core = (uint8_t)vals[3];
if (ret == 5)
pconf->tx_core = (uint8_t)vals[4];
pconf->tx_core = pconf->wt_core;
if (pconf->rx_core == pconf->wt_core) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: rx thread and worker thread cannot share same core\n", nb_pfc);
return -1;
if (pconf->rx_port >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: invalid rx port %"PRIu16" index\n",
nb_pfc, pconf->rx_port);
return -1;
if (pconf->tx_port >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: invalid tx port %"PRIu16" index\n",
nb_pfc, pconf->tx_port);
return -1;
mask = 1lu << pconf->rx_port;
if (app_used_rx_port_mask & mask) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: rx port %"PRIu16" is used already\n",
nb_pfc, pconf->rx_port);
return -1;
app_used_rx_port_mask |= mask;
app_used_port_mask |= mask;
mask = 1lu << pconf->tx_port;
if (app_used_tx_port_mask & mask) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: port %"PRIu16" is used already\n",
nb_pfc, pconf->tx_port);
return -1;
app_used_tx_port_mask |= mask;
app_used_port_mask |= mask;
mask = 1lu << pconf->rx_core;
app_used_core_mask |= mask;
mask = 1lu << pconf->wt_core;
app_used_core_mask |= mask;
mask = 1lu << pconf->tx_core;
app_used_core_mask |= mask;
return 0;
static int
app_parse_burst_conf(const char *conf_str)
int ret;
uint32_t vals[4];
ret = app_parse_opt_vals(conf_str, ',', 4, vals);
if (ret != 4)
return ret;
burst_conf.rx_burst = (uint16_t)vals[0];
burst_conf.ring_burst = (uint16_t)vals[1];
burst_conf.qos_dequeue = (uint16_t)vals[2];
burst_conf.tx_burst = (uint16_t)vals[3];
return 0;
* Parses the argument given in the command line of the application,
* calculates mask for used cores and initializes EAL with calculated core mask
app_parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
int opt, ret;
int option_index;
const char *optname;
char *prgname = argv[0];
uint32_t i, nb_lcores;
static struct option lgopts[] = {
{ "pfc", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "mnc", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "rsz", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "bsz", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "msz", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "rth", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "tth", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "cfg", 1, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
/* initialize EAL first */
ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
if (ret < 0)
return -1;
argc -= ret;
argv += ret;
/* set en_US locale to print big numbers with ',' */
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "en_US.utf-8");
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i",
lgopts, &option_index)) != EOF) {
switch (opt) {
case 'i':
printf("Interactive-mode selected\n");
interactive = 1;
/* long options */
case 0:
optname = lgopts[option_index].name;
if (str_is(optname, "pfc")) {
ret = app_parse_flow_conf(optarg);
if (ret) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid pipe configuration %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "mnc")) {
app_main_core = (uint32_t)atoi(optarg);
if (str_is(optname, "rsz")) {
ret = app_parse_ring_conf(optarg);
if (ret) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid ring configuration %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "bsz")) {
ret = app_parse_burst_conf(optarg);
if (ret) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid burst configuration %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "msz")) {
mp_size = atoi(optarg);
if (mp_size <= 0) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid mempool size %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "rth")) {
ret = app_parse_rth_conf(optarg);
if (ret) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid RX threshold configuration %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "tth")) {
ret = app_parse_tth_conf(optarg);
if (ret) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Invalid TX threshold configuration %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
if (str_is(optname, "cfg")) {
cfg_profile = optarg;
return -1;
/* check main core index validity */
for (i = 0; i <= app_main_core; i++) {
if (app_used_core_mask & (1u << app_main_core)) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Main core index is not configured properly\n");
return -1;
app_used_core_mask |= 1u << app_main_core;
if ((app_used_core_mask != app_eal_core_mask()) ||
(app_main_core != rte_get_main_lcore())) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "EAL core mask not configured properly, must be %" PRIx64
" instead of %" PRIx64 "\n" , app_used_core_mask, app_eal_core_mask());
return -1;
if (nb_pfc == 0) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "Packet flow not configured!\n");
return -1;
/* sanity check for cores assignment */
nb_lcores = app_cpu_core_count();
for(i = 0; i < nb_pfc; i++) {
if (qos_conf[i].rx_core >= nb_lcores) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: invalid RX lcore index %u\n", i + 1,
return -1;
if (qos_conf[i].wt_core >= nb_lcores) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: invalid WT lcore index %u\n", i + 1,
return -1;
uint32_t rx_sock = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(qos_conf[i].rx_core);
uint32_t wt_sock = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(qos_conf[i].wt_core);
if (rx_sock != wt_sock) {
RTE_LOG(ERR, APP, "pfc %u: RX and WT must be on the same socket\n", i + 1);
return -1;
app_numa_mask |= 1 << rte_lcore_to_socket_id(qos_conf[i].rx_core);
return 0;