If there aren't any devices of a particular category on user's system, we still display them, which is bad for usability. Fix devbind to not print out a category unless there are devices in it. Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov@intel.com> Reviewed-by: David Hunt <david.hunt@intel.com>
690 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
690 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation
import sys
import os
import getopt
import subprocess
from os.path import exists, abspath, dirname, basename
# The PCI base class for all devices
network_class = {'Class': '02', 'Vendor': None, 'Device': None,
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
encryption_class = {'Class': '10', 'Vendor': None, 'Device': None,
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
intel_processor_class = {'Class': '0b', 'Vendor': '8086', 'Device': None,
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
cavium_sso = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a04b,a04d',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
cavium_fpa = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a053',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
cavium_pkx = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a0dd,a049',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
cavium_tim = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a051',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
cavium_zip = {'Class': '12', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a037',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
avp_vnic = {'Class': '05', 'Vendor': '1af4', 'Device': '1110',
'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
network_devices = [network_class, cavium_pkx, avp_vnic]
crypto_devices = [encryption_class, intel_processor_class]
eventdev_devices = [cavium_sso, cavium_tim]
mempool_devices = [cavium_fpa]
compress_devices = [cavium_zip]
# global dict ethernet devices present. Dictionary indexed by PCI address.
# Each device within this is itself a dictionary of device properties
devices = {}
# list of supported DPDK drivers
dpdk_drivers = ["igb_uio", "vfio-pci", "uio_pci_generic"]
# command-line arg flags
b_flag = None
status_flag = False
force_flag = False
args = []
def usage():
'''Print usage information for the program'''
argv0 = basename(sys.argv[0])
%(argv0)s [options] DEVICE1 DEVICE2 ....
where DEVICE1, DEVICE2 etc, are specified via PCI "domain:bus:slot.func" syntax
or "bus:slot.func" syntax. For devices bound to Linux kernel drivers, they may
also be referred to by Linux interface name e.g. eth0, eth1, em0, em1, etc.
--help, --usage:
Display usage information and quit
-s, --status:
Print the current status of all known network, crypto, event
and mempool devices.
For each device, it displays the PCI domain, bus, slot and function,
along with a text description of the device. Depending upon whether the
device is being used by a kernel driver, the igb_uio driver, or no
driver, other relevant information will be displayed:
* the Linux interface name e.g. if=eth0
* the driver being used e.g. drv=igb_uio
* any suitable drivers not currently using that device
e.g. unused=igb_uio
NOTE: if this flag is passed along with a bind/unbind option, the
status display will always occur after the other operations have taken
Print the status of given device group. Supported device groups are:
"net", "crypto", "event", "mempool" and "compress"
-b driver, --bind=driver:
Select the driver to use or \"none\" to unbind the device
-u, --unbind:
Unbind a device (Equivalent to \"-b none\")
By default, network devices which are used by Linux - as indicated by
having routes in the routing table - cannot be modified. Using the
--force flag overrides this behavior, allowing active links to be
forcibly unbound.
WARNING: This can lead to loss of network connection and should be used
with caution.
To display current device status:
%(argv0)s --status
To display current network device status:
%(argv0)s --status-dev net
To bind eth1 from the current driver and move to use igb_uio
%(argv0)s --bind=igb_uio eth1
To unbind 0000:01:00.0 from using any driver
%(argv0)s -u 0000:01:00.0
To bind 0000:02:00.0 and 0000:02:00.1 to the ixgbe kernel driver
%(argv0)s -b ixgbe 02:00.0 02:00.1
""" % locals()) # replace items from local variables
# This is roughly compatible with check_output function in subprocess module
# which is only available in python 2.7.
def check_output(args, stderr=None):
'''Run a command and capture its output'''
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
def check_modules():
'''Checks that igb_uio is loaded'''
global dpdk_drivers
# list of supported modules
mods = [{"Name": driver, "Found": False} for driver in dpdk_drivers]
# first check if module is loaded
# Get list of sysfs modules (both built-in and dynamically loaded)
sysfs_path = '/sys/module/'
# Get the list of directories in sysfs_path
sysfs_mods = [os.path.join(sysfs_path, o) for o
in os.listdir(sysfs_path)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sysfs_path, o))]
# Extract the last element of '/sys/module/abc' in the array
sysfs_mods = [a.split('/')[-1] for a in sysfs_mods]
# special case for vfio_pci (module is named vfio-pci,
# but its .ko is named vfio_pci)
sysfs_mods = [a if a != 'vfio_pci' else 'vfio-pci' for a in sysfs_mods]
for mod in mods:
if mod["Name"] in sysfs_mods:
mod["Found"] = True
# check if we have at least one loaded module
if True not in [mod["Found"] for mod in mods] and b_flag is not None:
if b_flag in dpdk_drivers:
print("Error - no supported modules(DPDK driver) are loaded")
print("Warning - no supported modules(DPDK driver) are loaded")
# change DPDK driver list to only contain drivers that are loaded
dpdk_drivers = [mod["Name"] for mod in mods if mod["Found"]]
def has_driver(dev_id):
'''return true if a device is assigned to a driver. False otherwise'''
return "Driver_str" in devices[dev_id]
def get_pci_device_details(dev_id, probe_lspci):
'''This function gets additional details for a PCI device'''
device = {}
if probe_lspci:
extra_info = check_output(["lspci", "-vmmks", dev_id]).splitlines()
# parse lspci details
for line in extra_info:
if len(line) == 0:
name, value = line.decode().split("\t", 1)
name = name.strip(":") + "_str"
device[name] = value
# check for a unix interface name
device["Interface"] = ""
for base, dirs, _ in os.walk("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/" % dev_id):
if "net" in dirs:
device["Interface"] = \
",".join(os.listdir(os.path.join(base, "net")))
# check if a port is used for ssh connection
device["Ssh_if"] = False
device["Active"] = ""
return device
def clear_data():
'''This function clears any old data'''
devices = {}
def get_device_details(devices_type):
'''This function populates the "devices" dictionary. The keys used are
the pci addresses (domain:bus:slot.func). The values are themselves
dictionaries - one for each NIC.'''
global devices
global dpdk_drivers
# first loop through and read details for all devices
# request machine readable format, with numeric IDs and String
dev = {}
dev_lines = check_output(["lspci", "-Dvmmnnk"]).splitlines()
for dev_line in dev_lines:
if len(dev_line) == 0:
if device_type_match(dev, devices_type):
# Replace "Driver" with "Driver_str" to have consistency of
# of dictionary key names
if "Driver" in dev.keys():
dev["Driver_str"] = dev.pop("Driver")
if "Module" in dev.keys():
dev["Module_str"] = dev.pop("Module")
# use dict to make copy of dev
devices[dev["Slot"]] = dict(dev)
# Clear previous device's data
dev = {}
name, value = dev_line.decode().split("\t", 1)
value_list = value.rsplit(' ', 1)
if len(value_list) > 1:
# String stored in <name>_str
dev[name.rstrip(":") + '_str'] = value_list[0]
# Numeric IDs
dev[name.rstrip(":")] = value_list[len(value_list) - 1] \
if devices_type == network_devices:
# check what is the interface if any for an ssh connection if
# any to this host, so we can mark it later.
ssh_if = []
route = check_output(["ip", "-o", "route"])
# filter out all lines for 169.254 routes
route = "\n".join(filter(lambda ln: not ln.startswith("169.254"),
rt_info = route.split()
for i in range(len(rt_info) - 1):
if rt_info[i] == "dev":
# based on the basic info, get extended text details
for d in devices.keys():
if not device_type_match(devices[d], devices_type):
# get additional info and add it to existing data
devices[d] = devices[d].copy()
# No need to probe lspci
devices[d].update(get_pci_device_details(d, False).items())
if devices_type == network_devices:
for _if in ssh_if:
if _if in devices[d]["Interface"].split(","):
devices[d]["Ssh_if"] = True
devices[d]["Active"] = "*Active*"
# add igb_uio to list of supporting modules if needed
if "Module_str" in devices[d]:
for driver in dpdk_drivers:
if driver not in devices[d]["Module_str"]:
devices[d]["Module_str"] = \
devices[d]["Module_str"] + ",%s" % driver
devices[d]["Module_str"] = ",".join(dpdk_drivers)
# make sure the driver and module strings do not have any duplicates
if has_driver(d):
modules = devices[d]["Module_str"].split(",")
if devices[d]["Driver_str"] in modules:
devices[d]["Module_str"] = ",".join(modules)
def device_type_match(dev, devices_type):
for i in range(len(devices_type)):
param_count = len(
[x for x in devices_type[i].values() if x is not None])
match_count = 0
if dev["Class"][0:2] == devices_type[i]["Class"]:
match_count = match_count + 1
for key in devices_type[i].keys():
if key != 'Class' and devices_type[i][key]:
value_list = devices_type[i][key].split(',')
for value in value_list:
if value.strip(' ') == dev[key]:
match_count = match_count + 1
# count must be the number of non None parameters to match
if match_count == param_count:
return True
return False
def dev_id_from_dev_name(dev_name):
'''Take a device "name" - a string passed in by user to identify a NIC
device, and determine the device id - i.e. the domain:bus:slot.func - for
it, which can then be used to index into the devices array'''
# check if it's already a suitable index
if dev_name in devices:
return dev_name
# check if it's an index just missing the domain part
elif "0000:" + dev_name in devices:
return "0000:" + dev_name
# check if it's an interface name, e.g. eth1
for d in devices.keys():
if dev_name in devices[d]["Interface"].split(","):
return devices[d]["Slot"]
# if nothing else matches - error
print("Unknown device: %s. "
"Please specify device in \"bus:slot.func\" format" % dev_name)
def unbind_one(dev_id, force):
'''Unbind the device identified by "dev_id" from its current driver'''
dev = devices[dev_id]
if not has_driver(dev_id):
print("%s %s %s is not currently managed by any driver\n" %
(dev["Slot"], dev["Device_str"], dev["Interface"]))
# prevent us disconnecting ourselves
if dev["Ssh_if"] and not force:
print("Routing table indicates that interface %s is active. "
"Skipping unbind" % (dev_id))
# write to /sys to unbind
filename = "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/unbind" % dev["Driver_str"]
f = open(filename, "a")
print("Error: unbind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
def bind_one(dev_id, driver, force):
'''Bind the device given by "dev_id" to the driver "driver". If the device
is already bound to a different driver, it will be unbound first'''
dev = devices[dev_id]
saved_driver = None # used to rollback any unbind in case of failure
# prevent disconnection of our ssh session
if dev["Ssh_if"] and not force:
print("Routing table indicates that interface %s is active. "
"Not modifying" % (dev_id))
# unbind any existing drivers we don't want
if has_driver(dev_id):
if dev["Driver_str"] == driver:
print("%s already bound to driver %s, skipping\n"
% (dev_id, driver))
saved_driver = dev["Driver_str"]
unbind_one(dev_id, force)
dev["Driver_str"] = "" # clear driver string
# For kernels >= 3.15 driver_override can be used to specify the driver
# for a device rather than relying on the driver to provide a positive
# match of the device. The existing process of looking up
# the vendor and device ID, adding them to the driver new_id,
# will erroneously bind other devices too which has the additional burden
# of unbinding those devices
if driver in dpdk_drivers:
filename = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/driver_override" % dev_id
if os.path.exists(filename):
f = open(filename, "w")
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
f.write("%s" % driver)
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot write driver %s to "
"PCI ID " % (dev_id, driver))
# For kernels < 3.15 use new_id to add PCI id's to the driver
filename = "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/new_id" % driver
f = open(filename, "w")
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
# Convert Device and Vendor Id to int to write to new_id
f.write("%04x %04x" % (int(dev["Vendor"],16),
int(dev["Device"], 16)))
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot write new PCI ID to "
"driver %s" % (dev_id, driver))
# do the bind by writing to /sys
filename = "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/bind" % driver
f = open(filename, "a")
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
if saved_driver is not None: # restore any previous driver
bind_one(dev_id, saved_driver, force)
# for some reason, closing dev_id after adding a new PCI ID to new_id
# results in IOError. however, if the device was successfully bound,
# we don't care for any errors and can safely ignore IOError
tmp = get_pci_device_details(dev_id, True)
if "Driver_str" in tmp and tmp["Driver_str"] == driver:
print("Error: bind failed for %s - Cannot bind to driver %s"
% (dev_id, driver))
if saved_driver is not None: # restore any previous driver
bind_one(dev_id, saved_driver, force)
# For kernels > 3.15 driver_override is used to bind a device to a driver.
# Before unbinding it, overwrite driver_override with empty string so that
# the device can be bound to any other driver
filename = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/driver_override" % dev_id
if os.path.exists(filename):
f = open(filename, "w")
print("Error: unbind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
print("Error: unbind failed for %s - Cannot open %s"
% (dev_id, filename))
def unbind_all(dev_list, force=False):
"""Unbind method, takes a list of device locations"""
if dev_list[0] == "dpdk":
for d in devices.keys():
if "Driver_str" in devices[d]:
if devices[d]["Driver_str"] in dpdk_drivers:
unbind_one(devices[d]["Slot"], force)
dev_list = map(dev_id_from_dev_name, dev_list)
for d in dev_list:
unbind_one(d, force)
def bind_all(dev_list, driver, force=False):
"""Bind method, takes a list of device locations"""
global devices
dev_list = map(dev_id_from_dev_name, dev_list)
for d in dev_list:
bind_one(d, driver, force)
# For kernels < 3.15 when binding devices to a generic driver
# (i.e. one that doesn't have a PCI ID table) using new_id, some devices
# that are not bound to any other driver could be bound even if no one has
# asked them to. hence, we check the list of drivers again, and see if
# some of the previously-unbound devices were erroneously bound.
if not os.path.exists("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/driver_override" % d):
for d in devices.keys():
# skip devices that were already bound or that we know should be bound
if "Driver_str" in devices[d] or d in dev_list:
# update information about this device
devices[d] = dict(devices[d].items() +
get_pci_device_details(d, True).items())
# check if updated information indicates that the device was bound
if "Driver_str" in devices[d]:
unbind_one(d, force)
def display_devices(title, dev_list, extra_params=None):
'''Displays to the user the details of a list of devices given in
"dev_list". The "extra_params" parameter, if given, should contain a string
with %()s fields in it for replacement by the named fields in each
device's dictionary.'''
strings = [] # this holds the strings to print. We sort before printing
print("\n%s" % title)
if len(dev_list) == 0:
for dev in dev_list:
if extra_params is not None:
strings.append("%s '%s %s' %s" % (dev["Slot"],
extra_params % dev))
strings.append("%s '%s'" % (dev["Slot"], dev["Device_str"]))
# sort before printing, so that the entries appear in PCI order
print("\n".join(strings)) # print one per line
def show_device_status(devices_type, device_name):
global dpdk_drivers
kernel_drv = []
dpdk_drv = []
no_drv = []
# split our list of network devices into the three categories above
for d in devices.keys():
if device_type_match(devices[d], devices_type):
if not has_driver(d):
if devices[d]["Driver_str"] in dpdk_drivers:
n_devs = len(dpdk_drv) + len(kernel_drv) + len(no_drv)
# don't bother displaying anything if there are no devices
if n_devs == 0:
msg = "No '%s' devices detected" % device_name
print("".join('=' * len(msg)))
# print each category separately, so we can clearly see what's used by DPDK
if len(dpdk_drv) != 0:
display_devices("%s devices using DPDK-compatible driver" % device_name,
dpdk_drv, "drv=%(Driver_str)s unused=%(Module_str)s")
if len(kernel_drv) != 0:
display_devices("%s devices using kernel driver" % device_name, kernel_drv,
"if=%(Interface)s drv=%(Driver_str)s "
"unused=%(Module_str)s %(Active)s")
if len(no_drv) != 0:
display_devices("Other %s devices" % device_name, no_drv,
def show_status():
'''Function called when the script is passed the "--status" option.
Displays to the user what devices are bound to the igb_uio driver, the
kernel driver or to no driver'''
if status_dev == "net" or status_dev == "all":
show_device_status(network_devices, "Network")
if status_dev == "crypto" or status_dev == "all":
show_device_status(crypto_devices, "Crypto")
if status_dev == "event" or status_dev == "all":
show_device_status(eventdev_devices, "Eventdev")
if status_dev == "mempool" or status_dev == "all":
show_device_status(mempool_devices, "Mempool")
if status_dev == "compress" or status_dev == "all":
show_device_status(compress_devices , "Compress")
def parse_args():
'''Parses the command-line arguments given by the user and takes the
appropriate action for each'''
global b_flag
global status_flag
global status_dev
global force_flag
global args
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "b:us",
["help", "usage", "status", "status-dev=",
"force", "bind=", "unbind", ])
except getopt.GetoptError as error:
print("Run '%s --usage' for further information" % sys.argv[0])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--help" or opt == "--usage":
if opt == "--status-dev":
status_flag = True
status_dev = arg
if opt == "--status" or opt == "-s":
status_flag = True
status_dev = "all"
if opt == "--force":
force_flag = True
if opt == "-b" or opt == "-u" or opt == "--bind" or opt == "--unbind":
if b_flag is not None:
print("Error - Only one bind or unbind may be specified\n")
if opt == "-u" or opt == "--unbind":
b_flag = "none"
b_flag = arg
def do_arg_actions():
'''do the actual action requested by the user'''
global b_flag
global status_flag
global force_flag
global args
if b_flag is None and not status_flag:
print("Error: No action specified for devices."
"Please give a -b or -u option")
print("Run '%s --usage' for further information" % sys.argv[0])
if b_flag is not None and len(args) == 0:
print("Error: No devices specified.")
print("Run '%s --usage' for further information" % sys.argv[0])
if b_flag == "none" or b_flag == "None":
unbind_all(args, force_flag)
elif b_flag is not None:
bind_all(args, b_flag, force_flag)
if status_flag:
if b_flag is not None:
# refresh if we have changed anything
def main():
'''program main function'''
# check if lspci is installed, suppress any output
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
ret = subprocess.call(['which', 'lspci'],
stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
if ret != 0:
print("'lspci' not found - please install 'pciutils'")
if __name__ == "__main__":