Thomas Monjalon 0a91cdd486 doc: add flow API features tables
The NICs overview table lists all supported features per driver.
There was a single row for "Flow API",
although rte_flow is composed of many items and actions.

The row "Flow API" is replaced with two new tables for items and actions.

Also, since rte_flow is not implemented in all drivers,
it would be ugly to add empty sections in some files.
That's why the error message for missing INI section is removed.

The lists are sorted alphabetically.
The extra files for some VF and vectorized data paths are not filled.

Signed-off-by: Asaf Penso <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <>
Acked-by: Kiran Kumar K <>
v6 changes:
	- rebase/update
	- remove deprecated shared action
2021-05-18 19:06:56 +02:00

406 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation
from docutils import nodes
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from sphinx import __version__ as sphinx_version
from os import listdir
from os import environ
from os.path import basename
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import join as path_join
from sys import argv, stderr
import configparser
import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
print('Install the sphinx ReadTheDocs theme for improved html documentation '
stop_on_error = ('-W' in argv)
project = 'Data Plane Development Kit'
html_logo = '../logo/DPDK_logo_vertical_rev_small.png'
if LooseVersion(sphinx_version) >= LooseVersion('3.5'):
html_permalinks = False
html_add_permalinks = ""
html_show_copyright = False
highlight_language = 'none'
release = environ.setdefault('DPDK_VERSION', "None")
version = release
master_doc = 'index'
# Maximum feature description string length
feature_str_len = 30
# Figures, tables and code-blocks automatically numbered if they have caption
numfig = True
# Configuration for man pages
man_pages = [("testpmd_app_ug/run_app", "testpmd",
"tests for dpdk pmds", "", 1),
("tools/pdump", "dpdk-pdump",
"enable packet capture on dpdk ports", "", 1),
("tools/proc_info", "dpdk-procinfo",
"access dpdk port stats and memory info", "", 1),
("tools/pmdinfo", "dpdk-pmdinfo",
"dump a PMDs hardware support info", "", 1),
("tools/devbind", "dpdk-devbind",
"check device status and bind/unbind them from drivers", "", 8)]
# ####### :numref: fallback ########
# The following hook functions add some simple handling for the :numref:
# directive for Sphinx versions prior to 1.3.1. The functions replace the
# :numref: reference with a link to the target (for all Sphinx doc types).
# It doesn't try to label figures/tables.
def numref_role(reftype, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner):
Add a Sphinx role to handle numref references. Note, we can't convert
the link here because the doctree isn't build and the target information
isn't available.
# Add an identifier to distinguish numref from other references.
newnode = nodes.reference('',
refuri='_local_numref_#%s' % text,
return [newnode], []
def process_numref(app, doctree, from_docname):
Process the numref nodes once the doctree has been built and prior to
writing the files. The processing involves replacing the numref with a
link plus text to indicate if it is a Figure or Table link.
# Iterate over the reference nodes in the doctree.
for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.reference):
target = node.get('refuri', '')
# Look for numref nodes.
if target.startswith('_local_numref_#'):
target = target.replace('_local_numref_#', '')
# Get the target label and link information from the Sphinx env.
data =['std'].data
docname, label, _ = data['labels'].get(target, ('', '', ''))
relative_url = app.builder.get_relative_uri(from_docname, docname)
# Add a text label to the link.
if target.startswith('figure'):
caption = 'Figure'
elif target.startswith('table'):
caption = 'Table'
caption = 'Link'
# New reference node with the updated link information.
newnode = nodes.reference('',
refuri='%s#%s' % (relative_url, label),
def generate_overview_table(output_filename, table_id, section, table_name, title):
Function to generate the Overview Table from the ini files that define
the features for each driver.
The default features for the table and their order is defined by the
'default.ini' file.
# Default warning string.
warning = 'Warning generate_overview_table()'
# Get the default features and order from the 'default.ini' file.
ini_path = path_join(dirname(output_filename), 'features')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str, 'default.ini'))
default_features = config.items(section)
# Create a dict of the valid features to validate the other ini files.
valid_features = {}
max_feature_length = 0
for feature in default_features:
key = feature[0]
valid_features[key] = ' '
max_feature_length = max(max_feature_length, len(key))
# Get a list of driver ini files, excluding 'default.ini'.
ini_files = [basename(file) for file in listdir(ini_path)
if file.endswith('.ini') and file != 'default.ini']
# Build up a list of the table header names from the ini filenames.
pmd_names = []
for ini_filename in ini_files:
name = ini_filename[:-4]
name = name.replace('_vf', 'vf')
# Pad the table header names.
max_header_len = len(max(pmd_names, key=len))
header_names = []
for name in pmd_names:
if '_vec' in name:
pmd, vec = name.split('_')
name = '{0:{fill}{align}{width}}vec'.format(pmd,
fill='.', align='<', width=max_header_len-3)
name = '{0:{fill}{align}{width}}'.format(name,
fill=' ', align='<', width=max_header_len)
# Create a dict of the defined features for each driver from the ini files.
ini_data = {}
for ini_filename in ini_files:
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str, ini_filename))
# Initialize the dict with the default.ini value.
ini_data[ini_filename] = valid_features.copy()
# Check for a section.
if not config.has_section(section):
# Check for valid features names.
for name, value in config.items(section):
if name not in valid_features:
print("{}: Unknown feature '{}' in '{}'".format(warning,
if stop_on_error:
raise Exception('Warning is treated as a failure')
if value:
# Get the first letter only.
ini_data[ini_filename][name] = value[0]
# Print out the RST Driver Overview table from the ini file data.
outfile = open(output_filename, 'w')
num_cols = len(header_names)
print_table_css(outfile, table_id)
print('.. table:: ' + table_name + '\n', file=outfile)
print_table_header(outfile, num_cols, header_names, title)
print_table_body(outfile, num_cols, ini_files, ini_data, default_features)
def print_table_header(outfile, num_cols, header_names, title):
""" Print the RST table header. The header names are vertical. """
print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
line = ''
for name in header_names:
line += ' ' + name[0]
print_table_row(outfile, title, line)
for i in range(1, len(header_names[0])):
line = ''
for name in header_names:
line += ' ' + name[i]
print_table_row(outfile, '', line)
print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
def print_table_body(outfile, num_cols, ini_files, ini_data, default_features):
""" Print out the body of the table. Each row is a NIC feature. """
for feature, _ in default_features:
line = ''
for ini_filename in ini_files:
line += ' ' + ini_data[ini_filename][feature]
print_table_row(outfile, feature, line)
print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
def print_table_row(outfile, feature, line):
""" Print a single row of the table with fixed formatting. """
line = line.rstrip()
print(' {:<{}}{}'.format(feature, feature_str_len, line), file=outfile)
def print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols):
""" Print the table divider line. """
line = ' '
column_dividers = ['='] * num_cols
line += ' '.join(column_dividers)
feature = '=' * feature_str_len
print_table_row(outfile, feature, line)
def print_table_css(outfile, table_id):
template = """
.. raw:: html
.wy-nav-content {
opacity: .99;
table#idx {
cursor: default;
overflow: hidden;
table#idx p {
margin: 0;
line-height: inherit;
table#idx th, table#idx td {
text-align: center;
border: solid 1px #ddd;
table#idx th {
padding: 0.5em 0;
table#idx th, table#idx th p {
font-size: 11px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
vertical-align: top;
min-width: 0.9em;
table#idx col:first-child {
width: 0;
table#idx th:first-child {
vertical-align: bottom;
table#idx td {
padding: 1px;
table#idx td, table#idx td p {
font-size: 11px;
table#idx td:first-child {
padding-left: 1em;
text-align: left;
table#idx tr:nth-child(2n-1) td {
background-color: rgba(210, 210, 210, 0.2);
table#idx th:not(:first-child):hover,
table#idx td:not(:first-child):hover {
position: relative;
table#idx th:not(:first-child):hover::after,
table#idx td:not(:first-child):hover::after {
content: '';
height: 6000px;
top: -3000px;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
background-color: #ffb;
table#idx tr:hover td {
background-color: #ffb;
print(template.replace("idx", "id%d" % (table_id)), file=outfile)
def setup(app):
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/nics/overview_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in networking drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/nics/rte_flow_items_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 2,
'rte_flow items',
'rte_flow items availability in networking drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/nics/rte_flow_actions_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 3,
'rte_flow actions',
'rte_flow actions availability in networking drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in crypto drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_cipher_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 2,
'Cipher algorithms in crypto drivers',
'Cipher algorithm')
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_auth_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 3,
'Authentication algorithms in crypto drivers',
'Authentication algorithm')
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_aead_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 4,
'AEAD algorithms in crypto drivers',
'AEAD algorithm')
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_asym_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 5,
'Asymmetric algorithms in crypto drivers',
'Asymmetric algorithm')
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/compressdevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in compression drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/regexdevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in regex drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/vdpadevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in vDPA drivers',
table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/bbdevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
'Features availability in bbdev drivers',
if LooseVersion(sphinx_version) < LooseVersion('1.3.1'):
print('Upgrade sphinx to version >= 1.3.1 for '
'improved Figure/Table number handling.',
# Add a role to handle :numref: references.
app.add_role('numref', numref_role)
# Process the numref references once the doctree has been created.
app.connect('doctree-resolved', process_numref)
# New function in sphinx 1.8