diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 2490bf03c6..b0a151e2e3 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ if [[ "${CONFIG[CRYPTO]}" = "y" ]]; then
 		echo or upgrade then re-run this script.
 		exit 1
-		if [[ "$(find /usr -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]]; then
+		if [[ "$(find /usr -xdev -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)" == "" ]]; then
 			echo "To enable crypto you must first go to the intel-ipsec-mb directory and "
 			echo "run 'make' then 'sudo make install' then re-run this script."
 			exit 1
diff --git a/scripts/pkgdep.sh b/scripts/pkgdep.sh
index 2ab610b07b..c99e76f917 100755
--- a/scripts/pkgdep.sh
+++ b/scripts/pkgdep.sh
@@ -2,6 +2,39 @@
 # Please run this script as root.
 set -e
+function usage()
+	echo ""
+	echo "This script is intended to automate the installation of package dependencies to build SPDK."
+	echo "Please run this script as root user."
+	echo ""
+	echo "$0"
+	echo "  -h --help"
+	echo "  -i --install-crypto Install ipsec dependencies"
+	echo ""
+	exit 0
+while getopts 'hi-:' optchar; do
+	case "$optchar" in
+		-)
+		case "$OPTARG" in
+			help) usage;;
+			install-crypto) INSTALL_CRYPTO=true;;
+			*) echo "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'"
+			usage;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	h) usage;;
+	i) INSTALL_CRYPTO=true;;
+	*) echo "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'"
+	usage;;
+	esac
 trap 'set +e; trap - ERR; echo "Error!"; exit 1;' ERR
 scriptsdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
@@ -81,21 +114,25 @@ else
 # Only crypto needs nasm and this lib but because the lib requires root to
-# install we do it here.
-nasm_ver=$(nasm -v | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 5)}')
-if [ $nasm_ver -lt "21202" ]; then
-		echo Crypto requires NASM version 2.12.02 or newer.  Please install
-		echo or upgrade and re-run this script if you are going to use Crypto.
-	ipsec="$(find /usr -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)"
-	if [ "$ipsec" == "" ]; then
-		ipsec_submodule_cloned="$(find $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)"
-		if [ "$ipsec_submodule_cloned" != "" ]; then
-			su - $SUDO_USER -c "make -C $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb"
-			make -C $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb install
-		else
-			echo "The intel-ipsec-mb submodule has not been cloned and will not be installed."
-			echo "To enable crypto, run 'git submodule update --init' and then run this script again."
+# install we do it here - when asked.
+	nasm_ver=$(nasm -v | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 5)}')
+	if [ $nasm_ver -lt "21202" ]; then
+			echo Crypto requires NASM version 2.12.02 or newer.  Please install
+			echo or upgrade and re-run this script if you are going to use Crypto.
+	else
+		ipsec="$(find /usr -xdev -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)"
+		if [ "$ipsec" == "" ]; then
+			ipsec_submodule_cloned="$(find $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb -name intel-ipsec-mb.h 2>/dev/null)"
+			if [ "$ipsec_submodule_cloned" != "" ]; then
+				su - $SUDO_USER -c "make -C $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb"
+				make -C $rootdir/intel-ipsec-mb install
+			else
+				echo "The intel-ipsec-mb submodule has not been cloned and will not be installed."
+				echo "To enable crypto, run 'git submodule update --init' and then run this script again."
+			fi
diff --git a/test/common/config/vm_setup.sh b/test/common/config/vm_setup.sh
index 0e70e1d895..ce92232a27 100755
--- a/test/common/config/vm_setup.sh
+++ b/test/common/config/vm_setup.sh
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ cd ~
 : ${GIT_REPO_VPP=https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp}; export GIT_REPO_VPP
 : ${GIT_REPO_LIBISCSI=https://github.com/sahlberg/libiscsi}; export GIT_REPO_LIBISCSI
 : ${GIT_REPO_SPDK_NVME_CLI=https://github.com/spdk/nvme-cli}; export GIT_REPO_SPDK_NVME_CLI
+: ${GIT_REPO_INTEL_IPSEC_MB=https://github.com/spdk/intel-ipsec-mb.git}; export GIT_REPO_INTEL_IPSEC_MB
@@ -329,10 +330,11 @@ else
     git -C spdk_repo clone "${GIT_REPO_SPDK}"
 git -C spdk_repo/spdk config submodule.dpdk.url "${GIT_REPO_DPDK}"
+git -C spdk_repo/spdk config submodule.intel-ipsec-mb.url "${GIT_REPO_INTEL_IPSEC_MB}"
 git -C spdk_repo/spdk submodule update --init --recursive
 if $INSTALL; then
-    sudo spdk_repo/spdk/scripts/pkgdep.sh
+    sudo spdk_repo/spdk/scripts/pkgdep.sh -i
     if echo $CONF | grep -q tsocks; then
         sudo dnf install -y tsocks