#!/usr/bin/env bash rootdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) source "$rootdir/test/common/autotest_common.sh" source "$rootdir/test/nvmf/common.sh" set -xe if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0 must be run as root" exit 1 fi if [ $(uname -s) = Linux ]; then # set core_pattern to a known value to avoid ABRT, systemd-coredump, etc. echo "core" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern fi trap "process_core; $rootdir/scripts/setup.sh reset; exit 1" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT timing_enter autotest create_test_list src=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) out=$PWD cd $src ./scripts/setup.sh status if hash lcov; then # setup output dir for unittest.sh export UT_COVERAGE=$out/ut_coverage export LCOV_OPTS=" --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --rc lcov_function_coverage=1 --rc genhtml_branch_coverage=1 --rc genhtml_function_coverage=1 --rc genhtml_legend=1 --rc geninfo_all_blocks=1 " export LCOV="lcov $LCOV_OPTS --no-external" # Print lcov version to log $LCOV -v # zero out coverage data $LCOV -q -c -i -t "Baseline" -d $src -o cov_base.info fi # Make sure the disks are clean (no leftover partition tables) timing_enter cleanup # Remove old domain socket pathname just in case rm -f /var/tmp/spdk*.sock if [ $(uname -s) = Linux ]; then # Load the kernel driver ./scripts/setup.sh reset # Let the kernel discover any filesystems or partitions sleep 10 # Delete all partitions on NVMe devices devs=`lsblk -l -o NAME | grep nvme | grep -v p` || true for dev in $devs; do parted -s /dev/$dev mklabel msdos done # Load RAM disk driver if available modprobe brd || true fi timing_exit cleanup # set up huge pages timing_enter afterboot ./scripts/setup.sh timing_exit afterboot timing_enter nvmf_setup rdma_device_init timing_exit nvmf_setup if [ $SPDK_TEST_RBD -eq 1 ]; then timing_enter rbd_setup rbd_setup timing_exit rbd_setup fi ##################### # Unit Tests ##################### if [ $SPDK_TEST_UNITTEST -eq 1 ]; then timing_enter unittest run_test ./unittest.sh report_test_completion "unittest" timing_exit unittest fi timing_enter lib if [ $SPDK_TEST_BLOCKDEV -eq 1 ]; then run_test test/lib/bdev/blockdev.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_EVENT -eq 1 ]; then run_test test/lib/event/event.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_NVME -eq 1 ]; then run_test test/lib/nvme/nvme.sh # Only test hotplug without ASAN enabled. Since if it is # enabled, it catches SEGV earlier than our handler which # breaks the hotplug logic if [ $SPDK_RUN_ASAN -eq 0 ]; then run_test test/lib/nvme/hotplug.sh intel fi fi run_test test/lib/env/env.sh if [ $SPDK_TEST_IOAT -eq 1 ]; then run_test test/lib/ioat/ioat.sh fi timing_exit lib if [ $SPDK_TEST_ISCSI -eq 1 ]; then run_test ./test/iscsi_tgt/iscsi_tgt.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_BLOBFS -eq 1 ]; then run_test ./test/blobfs/rocksdb/rocksdb.sh run_test ./test/blobstore/blobstore.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_NVMF -eq 1 ]; then run_test ./test/nvmf/nvmf.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_VHOST -eq 1 ]; then timing_enter vhost timing_enter negative run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --negative timing_exit negative if [ $RUN_NIGHTLY -eq 1 ]; then timing_enter integrity_blk run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity-blk timing_exit integrity_blk timing_enter integrity run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity timing_exit integrity timing_enter readonly run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --readonly timing_exit readonly # timing_enter fs_integrity_scsi # run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --fs-integrity-scsi # timing_exit fs_integrity_scsi # timing_enter fs_integrity_blk # run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --fs-integrity-blk # timing_exit fs_integrity_blk timing_enter integrity_lvol_scsi_nightly run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity-lvol-scsi-nightly timing_exit integrity_lvol_scsi_nightly timing_enter integrity_lvol_blk_nightly run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity-lvol-blk-nightly timing_exit integrity_lvol_blk_nightly fi timing_enter integrity_lvol_scsi run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity-lvol-scsi timing_exit integrity_lvol_scsi timing_enter integrity_lvol_blk run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --integrity-lvol-blk timing_exit integrity_lvol_blk timing_enter vhost_migration run_test ./test/vhost/spdk_vhost.sh --migration timing_exit vhost_migration timing_exit vhost fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_LVOL -eq 1 ]; then timing_enter lvol test_cases="1,50,51,52,53,100,101,102,250,251,252,253,255," test_cases+="300,301,450,451,452,550,600,601,650,651,652,654,655," test_cases+="700,701,10000" run_test ./test/lvol/lvol.sh --test-cases=$test_cases report_test_completion "lvol" timing_exit lvol fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_VHOST_INIT -eq 1 ]; then run_test ./test/vhost/initiator/blockdev.sh fi if [ $SPDK_TEST_NVML -eq 1 ]; then run_test ./test/pmem/pmem.sh fi timing_enter cleanup if [ $SPDK_TEST_RBD -eq 1 ]; then rbd_cleanup fi ./scripts/setup.sh reset if [ $SPDK_BUILD_IOAT_KMOD -eq 1 ]; then ./scripts/build_kmod.sh clean fi timing_exit cleanup timing_exit autotest chmod a+r $output_dir/timing.txt trap - SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT # catch any stray core files process_core if hash lcov; then # generate coverage data and combine with baseline $LCOV -q -c -d $src -t "$(hostname)" -o cov_test.info $LCOV -q -a cov_base.info -a cov_test.info -o $out/cov_total.info $LCOV -q -r $out/cov_total.info '*/dpdk/*' -o $out/cov_total.info $LCOV -q -r $out/cov_total.info '/usr/*' -o $out/cov_total.info git clean -f "*.gcda" rm -f cov_base.info cov_test.info OLD_STDOUT OLD_STDERR fi