#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e rootdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/.. source "$rootdir/scripts/common.sh" function usage() { if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then options="[config|reset|status|cleanup|help]" else options="[config|reset|help]" fi [[ ! -z $2 ]] && ( echo "$2"; echo ""; ) echo "Helper script for allocating hugepages and binding NVMe, I/OAT and Virtio devices to" echo "a generic VFIO kernel driver. If VFIO is not available on the system, this script will" echo "fall back to UIO. NVMe and Virtio devices with active mountpoints will be ignored." echo "All hugepage operations use default hugepage size on the system (hugepagesz)." echo "Usage: $(basename $1) $options" echo echo "$options - as following:" echo "config Default mode. Allocate hugepages and bind PCI devices." if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then echo "cleanup Remove any orphaned files that can be left in the system after SPDK application exit" fi echo "reset Rebind PCI devices back to their original drivers." echo " Also cleanup any leftover spdk files/resources." echo " Hugepage memory size will remain unchanged." if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then echo "status Print status of all SPDK-compatible devices on the system." fi echo "help Print this help message." echo echo "The following environment variables can be specified." echo "HUGEMEM Size of hugepage memory to allocate (in MB). 2048 by default." echo " For NUMA systems, the hugepages will be evenly distributed" echo " between CPU nodes" echo "NRHUGE Number of hugepages to allocate. This variable overwrites HUGEMEM." echo "HUGENODE Specific NUMA node to allocate hugepages on. To allocate" echo " hugepages on multiple nodes run this script multiple times -" echo " once for each node." echo "PCI_WHITELIST Whitespace separated list of PCI devices (NVMe, I/OAT, Virtio) to bind." echo " Each device must be specified as a full PCI address." echo " E.g. PCI_WHITELIST=\"0000:01:00.0 0000:02:00.0\"" echo " To blacklist all PCI devices use a non-valid address." echo " E.g. PCI_WHITELIST=\"none\"" echo " If empty or unset, all PCI devices will be bound." echo "TARGET_USER User that will own hugepage mountpoint directory and vfio groups." echo " By default the current user will be used." exit 0 } # In monolithic kernels the lsmod won't work. So # back that with a /sys/modules check. Return a different code for # built-in vs module just in case we want that down the road. function check_for_driver { $(lsmod | grep $1 > /dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 1 else if [[ -d /sys/module/$1 ]]; then return 2 else return 0 fi fi return 0 } function pci_can_bind() { if [[ ${#PCI_WHITELIST[@]} == 0 ]]; then #no whitelist specified, bind all devices return 1 fi for i in ${PCI_WHITELIST[@]} do if [ "$i" == "$1" ] ; then return 1 fi done return 0 } function linux_bind_driver() { bdf="$1" driver_name="$2" old_driver_name="no driver" ven_dev_id=$(lspci -n -s $bdf | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/:/ /') if [ -e "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver" ]; then old_driver_name=$(basename $(readlink /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver)) if [ "$driver_name" = "$old_driver_name" ]; then return 0 fi echo "$ven_dev_id" > "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver/remove_id" 2> /dev/null || true echo "$bdf" > "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver/unbind" fi echo "$bdf ($ven_dev_id): $old_driver_name -> $driver_name" echo "$ven_dev_id" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/$driver_name/new_id" 2> /dev/null || true echo "$bdf" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/$driver_name/bind" 2> /dev/null || true iommu_group=$(basename $(readlink -f /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/iommu_group)) if [ -e "/dev/vfio/$iommu_group" ]; then if [ -n "$TARGET_USER" ]; then chown "$TARGET_USER" "/dev/vfio/$iommu_group" fi fi } function linux_unbind_driver() { bdf="$1" ven_dev_id=$(lspci -n -s $bdf | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/:/ /') if ! [ -e "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver" ]; then return 0 fi old_driver_name=$(basename $(readlink /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver)) echo "$ven_dev_id" > "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver/remove_id" 2> /dev/null || true echo "$bdf" > "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/driver/unbind" echo "$bdf ($ven_dev_id): $old_driver_name -> no driver" } function linux_hugetlbfs_mounts() { mount | grep ' type hugetlbfs ' | awk '{ print $3 }' } function get_nvme_name_from_bdf { set +e nvme_devs=`lsblk -d --output NAME | grep "^nvme"` set -e for dev in $nvme_devs; do link_name=$(readlink /sys/block/$dev/device/device) || true if [ -z "$link_name" ]; then link_name=$(readlink /sys/block/$dev/device) fi link_bdf=$(basename "$link_name") if [ "$link_bdf" = "$1" ]; then eval "$2=$dev" return fi done } function get_virtio_names_from_bdf { blk_devs=`lsblk --nodeps --output NAME` virtio_names='' for dev in $blk_devs; do if readlink "/sys/block/$dev" | grep -q "$1"; then virtio_names="$virtio_names $dev" fi done eval "$2='$virtio_names'" } function configure_linux_pci { driver_name=vfio-pci if [ -z "$(ls /sys/kernel/iommu_groups)" ]; then # No IOMMU. Use uio. driver_name=uio_pci_generic fi # NVMe modprobe $driver_name || true for bdf in $(iter_pci_class_code 01 08 02); do blkname='' get_nvme_name_from_bdf "$bdf" blkname if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted NVMe controller $blkname ($bdf)" continue fi if [ "$blkname" != "" ]; then mountpoints=$(lsblk /dev/$blkname --output MOUNTPOINT -n | wc -w) else mountpoints="0" fi if [ "$mountpoints" = "0" ]; then linux_bind_driver "$bdf" "$driver_name" else echo Active mountpoints on /dev/$blkname, so not binding PCI dev $bdf fi done # IOAT TMP=`mktemp` #collect all the device_id info of ioat devices. grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_IOAT" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}' > $TMP for dev_id in `cat $TMP`; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 8086 $dev_id); do if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted I/OAT device at $bdf" continue fi linux_bind_driver "$bdf" "$driver_name" done done rm $TMP # virtio TMP=`mktemp` #collect all the device_id info of virtio devices. grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIRTIO" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}' > $TMP for dev_id in `cat $TMP`; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 1af4 $dev_id); do if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted Virtio device at $bdf" continue fi blknames='' get_virtio_names_from_bdf "$bdf" blknames for blkname in $blknames; do if mount | grep -q "/dev/$blkname"; then echo Active mountpoints on /dev/$blkname, so not binding PCI dev $bdf continue 2 fi done linux_bind_driver "$bdf" "$driver_name" done done rm $TMP echo "1" > "/sys/bus/pci/rescan" } function cleanup_linux { shopt -s extglob nullglob dirs_to_clean="" dirs_to_clean="$(echo {/var/run,/tmp}/dpdk/spdk{,_pid}+([0-9])) " if [[ -d $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR && $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR != *" "* ]]; then dirs_to_clean+="$(readlink -e assert_not_empty $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dpdk/spdk{,_pid}+([0-9]) || true) " fi files_to_clean="" for dir in $dirs_to_clean; do files_to_clean+="$(echo $dir/*) " done shopt -u extglob nullglob files_to_clean+="$(echo /dev/shm/* | egrep '(spdk_tgt|iscsi|vhost|nvmf|rocksdb|bdevtest)_trace|spdk_iscsi_conns' || true) " files_to_clean="$(readlink -e assert_not_empty $files_to_clean || true)" if [[ -z "$files_to_clean" ]]; then echo "Clean" return 0; fi shopt -s extglob for fd_dir in $(echo /proc/+([0-9])); do opened_files+="$(readlink -e assert_not_empty $fd_dir/fd/* || true)" done shopt -u extglob if [[ -z "$opened_files" ]]; then echo "Can't get list of opened files!" exit 1 fi echo 'Cleaning' for f in $files_to_clean; do if ! echo "$opened_files" | egrep -q "^$f\$"; then echo "Removing: $f" rm $f else echo "Still open: $f" fi done for dir in $dirs_to_clean; do if ! echo "$opened_files" | egrep -q "^$dir\$"; then echo "Removing: $dir" rmdir $dir else echo "Still open: $dir" fi done echo "Clean" unset dirs_to_clean files_to_clean opened_files } function configure_linux { configure_linux_pci hugetlbfs_mounts=$(linux_hugetlbfs_mounts) if [ -z "$hugetlbfs_mounts" ]; then hugetlbfs_mounts=/mnt/huge echo "Mounting hugetlbfs at $hugetlbfs_mounts" mkdir -p "$hugetlbfs_mounts" mount -t hugetlbfs nodev "$hugetlbfs_mounts" fi if [ -z "$HUGENODE" ]; then hugepages_target="/proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages" else hugepages_target="/sys/devices/system/node/node${HUGENODE}/hugepages/hugepages-${HUGEPGSZ}kB/nr_hugepages" fi echo "$NRHUGE" > "$hugepages_target" allocated_hugepages=`cat $hugepages_target` if [ "$allocated_hugepages" -lt "$NRHUGE" ]; then echo "" echo "## ERROR: requested $NRHUGE hugepages but only $allocated_hugepages could be allocated." echo "## Memory might be heavily fragmented. Please try flushing the system cache, or reboot the machine." exit 1 fi if [ "$driver_name" = "vfio-pci" ]; then if [ -n "$TARGET_USER" ]; then for mount in $hugetlbfs_mounts; do chown "$TARGET_USER" "$mount" chmod g+w "$mount" done fi MEMLOCK_AMNT=`ulimit -l` if [ "$MEMLOCK_AMNT" != "unlimited" ] ; then MEMLOCK_MB=$(( $MEMLOCK_AMNT / 1024 )) echo "" echo "Current user memlock limit: ${MEMLOCK_MB} MB" echo "" echo "This is the maximum amount of memory you will be" echo "able to use with DPDK and VFIO if run as current user." echo -n "To change this, please adjust limits.conf memlock " echo "limit for current user." if [ $MEMLOCK_AMNT -lt 65536 ] ; then echo "" echo "## WARNING: memlock limit is less than 64MB" echo -n "## DPDK with VFIO may not be able to initialize " echo "if run as current user." fi fi fi } function reset_linux_pci { # NVMe set +e check_for_driver nvme driver_loaded=$? set -e for bdf in $(iter_pci_class_code 01 08 02); do if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted NVMe controller $blkname ($bdf)" continue fi if [ $driver_loaded -ne 0 ]; then linux_bind_driver "$bdf" nvme else linux_unbind_driver "$bdf" fi done # IOAT TMP=`mktemp` #collect all the device_id info of ioat devices. grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_IOAT" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}' > $TMP set +e check_for_driver ioatdma driver_loaded=$? set -e for dev_id in `cat $TMP`; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 8086 $dev_id); do if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted I/OAT device at $bdf" continue fi if [ $driver_loaded -ne 0 ]; then linux_bind_driver "$bdf" ioatdma else linux_unbind_driver "$bdf" fi done done rm $TMP # virtio TMP=`mktemp` #collect all the device_id info of virtio devices. grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIRTIO" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}' > $TMP # TODO: check if virtio-pci is loaded first and just unbind if it is not loaded # Requires some more investigation - for example, some kernels do not seem to have # virtio-pci but just virtio_scsi instead. Also need to make sure we get the # underscore vs. dash right in the virtio_scsi name. modprobe virtio-pci || true for dev_id in `cat $TMP`; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 1af4 $dev_id); do if pci_can_bind $bdf == "0" ; then echo "Skipping un-whitelisted Virtio device at $bdf" continue fi linux_bind_driver "$bdf" virtio-pci done done rm $TMP echo "1" > "/sys/bus/pci/rescan" } function reset_linux { reset_linux_pci for mount in $(linux_hugetlbfs_mounts); do rm -f "$mount"/spdk*map_* done rm -f /run/.spdk* } function status_linux { echo "Hugepages" printf "%-6s %10s %8s / %6s\n" "node" "hugesize" "free" "total" numa_nodes=0 shopt -s nullglob for path in /sys/devices/system/node/node?/hugepages/hugepages-*/; do numa_nodes=$((numa_nodes + 1)) free_pages=`cat $path/free_hugepages` all_pages=`cat $path/nr_hugepages` [[ $path =~ (node[0-9]+)/hugepages/hugepages-([0-9]+kB) ]] node=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} huge_size=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} printf "%-6s %10s %8s / %6s\n" $node $huge_size $free_pages $all_pages done shopt -u nullglob # fall back to system-wide hugepages if [ "$numa_nodes" = "0" ]; then free_pages=`grep HugePages_Free /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }'` all_pages=`grep HugePages_Total /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }'` node="-" huge_size="$HUGEPGSZ" printf "%-6s %10s %8s / %6s\n" $node $huge_size $free_pages $all_pages fi echo "NVMe devices" echo -e "BDF\t\tNuma Node\tDriver name\t\tDevice name" for bdf in $(iter_pci_class_code 01 08 02); do driver=`grep DRIVER /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/uevent |awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` node=`cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/numa_node`; if [ "$driver" = "nvme" -a -d /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/nvme ]; then name="\t"`ls /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/nvme`; else name="-"; fi echo -e "$bdf\t$node\t\t$driver\t\t$name"; done echo "I/OAT DMA" #collect all the device_id info of ioat devices. TMP=`grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_IOAT" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}'` echo -e "BDF\t\tNuma Node\tDriver Name" for dev_id in $TMP; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 8086 $dev_id); do driver=`grep DRIVER /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/uevent |awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` node=`cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/numa_node`; echo -e "$bdf\t$node\t\t$driver" done done echo "virtio" #collect all the device_id info of virtio devices. TMP=`grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIRTIO" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}'` echo -e "BDF\t\tNuma Node\tDriver Name\t\tDevice Name" for dev_id in $TMP; do for bdf in $(iter_pci_dev_id 1af4 $dev_id); do driver=`grep DRIVER /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/uevent |awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` node=`cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/$bdf/numa_node`; blknames='' get_virtio_names_from_bdf "$bdf" blknames echo -e "$bdf\t$node\t\t$driver\t\t$blknames" done done } function configure_freebsd_pci { TMP=`mktemp` # NVMe GREP_STR="class=0x010802" # IOAT grep "PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_IOAT" $rootdir/include/spdk/pci_ids.h \ | awk -F"x" '{print $2}' > $TMP for dev_id in `cat $TMP`; do GREP_STR="${GREP_STR}\|chip=0x${dev_id}8086" done AWK_PROG="{if (count > 0) printf \",\"; printf \"%s:%s:%s\",\$2,\$3,\$4; count++}" echo $AWK_PROG > $TMP BDFS=`pciconf -l | grep "${GREP_STR}" | awk -F: -f $TMP` kldunload nic_uio.ko || true kenv hw.nic_uio.bdfs=$BDFS kldload nic_uio.ko rm $TMP } function configure_freebsd { configure_freebsd_pci # If contigmem is already loaded but the HUGEMEM specified doesn't match the # previous value, unload contigmem so that we can reload with the new value. if kldstat -q -m contigmem; then if [ `kenv hw.contigmem.num_buffers` -ne "$((HUGEMEM / 256))" ]; then kldunload contigmem.ko fi fi if ! kldstat -q -m contigmem; then kenv hw.contigmem.num_buffers=$((HUGEMEM / 256)) kenv hw.contigmem.buffer_size=$((256 * 1024 * 1024)) kldload contigmem.ko fi } function reset_freebsd { kldunload contigmem.ko || true kldunload nic_uio.ko || true } mode=$1 if [ -z "$mode" ]; then mode="config" fi : ${HUGEMEM:=2048} : ${PCI_WHITELIST:=""} if [ -n "$NVME_WHITELIST" ]; then PCI_WHITELIST="$PCI_WHITELIST $NVME_WHITELIST" fi if [ -n "$SKIP_PCI" ]; then PCI_WHITELIST="none" fi declare -a PCI_WHITELIST=(${PCI_WHITELIST}) if [ -z "$TARGET_USER" ]; then TARGET_USER="$SUDO_USER" if [ -z "$TARGET_USER" ]; then TARGET_USER=`logname 2>/dev/null` || true fi fi if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then HUGEPGSZ=$(( `grep Hugepagesize /proc/meminfo | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -dc '0-9'` )) HUGEPGSZ_MB=$(( $HUGEPGSZ / 1024 )) : ${NRHUGE=$(( (HUGEMEM + HUGEPGSZ_MB - 1) / HUGEPGSZ_MB ))} if [ "$mode" == "config" ]; then configure_linux elif [ "$mode" == "cleanup" ]; then cleanup_linux elif [ "$mode" == "reset" ]; then reset_linux elif [ "$mode" == "status" ]; then status_linux elif [ "$mode" == "help" ]; then usage $0 else usage $0 "Invalid argument '$mode'" fi else if [ "$mode" == "config" ]; then configure_freebsd elif [ "$mode" == "reset" ]; then reset_freebsd elif [ "$mode" == "help" ]; then usage $0 else usage $0 "Invalid argument '$mode'" fi fi