/*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright (c) Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "spdk/stdinc.h" #include "spdk/bdev.h" #include "spdk/bit_array.h" #include "spdk/conf.h" #include "spdk/thread.h" #include "spdk/nvmf.h" #include "spdk/trace.h" #include "spdk/endian.h" #include "spdk/string.h" #include "spdk_internal/log.h" #include "nvmf_internal.h" #include "transport.h" SPDK_LOG_REGISTER_COMPONENT("nvmf", SPDK_LOG_NVMF) #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH 128 #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_QPAIRS_PER_CTRLR 64 #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_IN_CAPSULE_DATA_SIZE 4096 #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_IO_SIZE 131072 #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS 1024 #define SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_IO_UNIT_SIZE 131072 typedef void (*nvmf_qpair_disconnect_cpl)(void *ctx, int status); /* supplied to a single call to nvmf_qpair_disconnect */ struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx { struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair; struct spdk_nvmf_ctrlr *ctrlr; nvmf_qpair_disconnect_cb cb_fn; struct spdk_thread *thread; void *ctx; uint16_t qid; }; /* * There are several times when we need to iterate through the list of all qpairs and selectively delete them. * In order to do this sequentially without overlap, we must provide a context to recover the next qpair from * to enable calling nvmf_qpair_disconnect on the next desired qpair. */ struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group; spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cpl_fn; void *cpl_ctx; }; static void spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair, enum spdk_nvmf_qpair_state state) { assert(qpair != NULL); assert(qpair->group->thread == spdk_get_thread()); qpair->state = state; } void spdk_nvmf_tgt_opts_init(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_opts *opts) { opts->max_queue_depth = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH; opts->max_qpairs_per_ctrlr = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_QPAIRS_PER_CTRLR; opts->in_capsule_data_size = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_IN_CAPSULE_DATA_SIZE; opts->max_io_size = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_IO_SIZE; opts->max_subsystems = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS; opts->io_unit_size = SPDK_NVMF_DEFAULT_IO_UNIT_SIZE; } static int spdk_nvmf_poll_group_poll(void *ctx) { struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group = ctx; int rc; int count = 0; struct spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group *tgroup; TAILQ_FOREACH(tgroup, &group->tgroups, link) { rc = spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group_poll(tgroup); if (rc < 0) { return -1; } count += rc; } return count; } static int spdk_nvmf_tgt_create_poll_group(void *io_device, void *ctx_buf) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt = io_device; struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group = ctx_buf; struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport; uint32_t sid; TAILQ_INIT(&group->tgroups); TAILQ_INIT(&group->qpairs); TAILQ_FOREACH(transport, &tgt->transports, link) { spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add_transport(group, transport); } group->num_sgroups = tgt->opts.max_subsystems; group->sgroups = calloc(tgt->opts.max_subsystems, sizeof(struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group)); if (!group->sgroups) { return -1; } for (sid = 0; sid < tgt->opts.max_subsystems; sid++) { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; subsystem = tgt->subsystems[sid]; if (!subsystem) { continue; } spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add_subsystem(group, subsystem, NULL, NULL); } group->poller = spdk_poller_register(spdk_nvmf_poll_group_poll, group, 0); group->thread = spdk_get_thread(); return 0; } static void spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_poll_group(void *io_device, void *ctx_buf) { struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group = ctx_buf; struct spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group *tgroup, *tmp; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; uint32_t sid, nsid; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(tgroup, &group->tgroups, link, tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&group->tgroups, tgroup, link); spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group_destroy(tgroup); } for (sid = 0; sid < group->num_sgroups; sid++) { sgroup = &group->sgroups[sid]; for (nsid = 0; nsid < sgroup->num_channels; nsid++) { if (sgroup->channels[nsid]) { spdk_put_io_channel(sgroup->channels[nsid]); sgroup->channels[nsid] = NULL; } } free(sgroup->channels); } free(group->sgroups); } static void _nvmf_tgt_disconnect_next_qpair(void *ctx) { struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair; struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group = qpair_ctx->group; struct spdk_io_channel *ch; int rc = 0; qpair = TAILQ_FIRST(&group->qpairs); if (qpair) { rc = spdk_nvmf_qpair_disconnect(qpair, _nvmf_tgt_disconnect_next_qpair, ctx); } if (!qpair || rc != 0) { /* When the refcount from the channels reaches 0, spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_poll_group will be called. */ ch = spdk_io_channel_from_ctx(group); spdk_put_io_channel(ch); free(qpair_ctx); } } static void spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_poll_group_qpairs(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx *ctx; ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx)); if (!ctx) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Failed to allocate memory for destroy poll group ctx\n"); return; } spdk_poller_unregister(&group->poller); ctx->group = group; _nvmf_tgt_disconnect_next_qpair(ctx); } struct spdk_nvmf_tgt * spdk_nvmf_tgt_create(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_opts *opts) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt; tgt = calloc(1, sizeof(*tgt)); if (!tgt) { return NULL; } if (!opts) { spdk_nvmf_tgt_opts_init(&tgt->opts); } else { tgt->opts = *opts; } tgt->discovery_genctr = 0; tgt->discovery_log_page = NULL; tgt->discovery_log_page_size = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&tgt->transports); tgt->subsystems = calloc(tgt->opts.max_subsystems, sizeof(struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *)); if (!tgt->subsystems) { free(tgt); return NULL; } spdk_io_device_register(tgt, spdk_nvmf_tgt_create_poll_group, spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_poll_group, sizeof(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group), "nvmf_tgt"); return tgt; } static void spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_cb(void *io_device) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt = io_device; struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport, *transport_tmp; spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_done_fn *destroy_cb_fn; void *destroy_cb_arg; uint32_t i; if (tgt->discovery_log_page) { free(tgt->discovery_log_page); } if (tgt->subsystems) { for (i = 0; i < tgt->opts.max_subsystems; i++) { if (tgt->subsystems[i]) { spdk_nvmf_subsystem_destroy(tgt->subsystems[i]); } } free(tgt->subsystems); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(transport, &tgt->transports, link, transport_tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&tgt->transports, transport, link); spdk_nvmf_transport_destroy(transport); } destroy_cb_fn = tgt->destroy_cb_fn; destroy_cb_arg = tgt->destroy_cb_arg; free(tgt); if (destroy_cb_fn) { destroy_cb_fn(destroy_cb_arg, 0); } } void spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt, spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_done_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { tgt->destroy_cb_fn = cb_fn; tgt->destroy_cb_arg = cb_arg; spdk_io_device_unregister(tgt, spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_cb); } struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_ctx { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt; struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport; struct spdk_nvme_transport_id trid; spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_done_fn cb_fn; void *cb_arg; }; static void spdk_nvmf_write_subsystem_config_json(struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem) { struct spdk_nvmf_host *host; struct spdk_nvmf_listener *listener; const struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid; struct spdk_nvmf_ns *ns; struct spdk_nvmf_ns_opts ns_opts; uint32_t max_namespaces; char uuid_str[SPDK_UUID_STRING_LEN]; const char *trtype; const char *adrfam; if (spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_type(subsystem) != SPDK_NVMF_SUBTYPE_NVME) { return; } /* { */ spdk_json_write_object_begin(w); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "method", "construct_nvmf_subsystem"); /* "params" : { */ spdk_json_write_named_object_begin(w, "params"); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "nqn", spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_nqn(subsystem)); spdk_json_write_named_bool(w, "allow_any_host", spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_allow_any_host(subsystem)); /* "listen_addresses" : [ */ spdk_json_write_named_array_begin(w, "listen_addresses"); for (listener = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_first_listener(subsystem); listener != NULL; listener = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_next_listener(subsystem, listener)) { trid = spdk_nvmf_listener_get_trid(listener); trtype = spdk_nvme_transport_id_trtype_str(trid->trtype); adrfam = spdk_nvme_transport_id_adrfam_str(trid->adrfam); /* { */ spdk_json_write_object_begin(w); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "trtype", trtype); if (adrfam) { spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "adrfam", adrfam); } spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "traddr", trid->traddr); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "trsvcid", trid->trsvcid); spdk_json_write_object_end(w); /* } */ } spdk_json_write_array_end(w); /* ] "listen_addresses" */ /* "hosts" : [ */ spdk_json_write_named_array_begin(w, "hosts"); for (host = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_first_host(subsystem); host != NULL; host = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_next_host(subsystem, host)) { spdk_json_write_string(w, spdk_nvmf_host_get_nqn(host)); } spdk_json_write_array_end(w); /* ] "hosts" */ spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "serial_number", spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_sn(subsystem)); max_namespaces = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_max_namespaces(subsystem); if (max_namespaces != 0) { spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "max_namespaces", max_namespaces); } /* "namespaces" : [ */ spdk_json_write_named_array_begin(w, "namespaces"); for (ns = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_first_ns(subsystem); ns != NULL; ns = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_next_ns(subsystem, ns)) { spdk_nvmf_ns_get_opts(ns, &ns_opts, sizeof(ns_opts)); /* { */ spdk_json_write_object_begin(w); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "nsid", spdk_nvmf_ns_get_id(ns)); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "bdev_name", spdk_bdev_get_name(spdk_nvmf_ns_get_bdev(ns))); if (!spdk_mem_all_zero(ns_opts.nguid, sizeof(ns_opts.nguid))) { SPDK_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ns_opts.nguid) == sizeof(uint64_t) * 2, "size mismatch"); spdk_json_write_named_string_fmt(w, "nguid", "%016"PRIX64"%016"PRIX64, from_be64(&ns_opts.nguid[0]), from_be64(&ns_opts.nguid[8])); } if (!spdk_mem_all_zero(ns_opts.eui64, sizeof(ns_opts.eui64))) { SPDK_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ns_opts.eui64) == sizeof(uint64_t), "size mismatch"); spdk_json_write_named_string_fmt(w, "eui64", "%016"PRIX64, from_be64(&ns_opts.eui64)); } if (!spdk_mem_all_zero(&ns_opts.uuid, sizeof(ns_opts.uuid))) { spdk_uuid_fmt_lower(uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str), &ns_opts.uuid); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "uuid", uuid_str); } /* } */ spdk_json_write_object_end(w); } /* ] "namespaces" */ spdk_json_write_array_end(w); /* } "params" */ spdk_json_write_object_end(w); /* } */ spdk_json_write_object_end(w); } void spdk_nvmf_tgt_write_config_json(struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt) { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; spdk_json_write_object_begin(w); spdk_json_write_named_string(w, "method", "set_nvmf_target_options"); spdk_json_write_named_object_begin(w, "params"); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "max_queue_depth", tgt->opts.max_queue_depth); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "max_qpairs_per_ctrlr", tgt->opts.max_qpairs_per_ctrlr); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "in_capsule_data_size", tgt->opts.in_capsule_data_size); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "max_io_size", tgt->opts.max_io_size); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "max_subsystems", tgt->opts.max_subsystems); spdk_json_write_named_uint32(w, "io_unit_size", tgt->opts.io_unit_size); spdk_json_write_object_end(w); spdk_json_write_object_end(w); subsystem = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_first(tgt); while (subsystem) { spdk_nvmf_write_subsystem_config_json(w, subsystem); subsystem = spdk_nvmf_subsystem_get_next(subsystem); } } static void spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_done(struct spdk_io_channel_iter *i, int status) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_ctx *ctx = spdk_io_channel_iter_get_ctx(i); ctx->cb_fn(ctx->cb_arg, status); free(ctx); } static void spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_add_transport(struct spdk_io_channel_iter *i) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_ctx *ctx = spdk_io_channel_iter_get_ctx(i); struct spdk_io_channel *ch = spdk_io_channel_iter_get_channel(i); struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group = spdk_io_channel_get_ctx(ch); int rc; rc = spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add_transport(group, ctx->transport); spdk_for_each_channel_continue(i, rc); } void spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt, struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid, spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_done_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport; int rc; bool propagate = false; transport = spdk_nvmf_tgt_get_transport(tgt, trid->trtype); if (!transport) { transport = spdk_nvmf_transport_create(tgt, trid->trtype, NULL); if (!transport) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Transport initialization failed\n"); cb_fn(cb_arg, -EINVAL); return; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tgt->transports, transport, link); propagate = true; } rc = spdk_nvmf_transport_listen(transport, trid); if (rc < 0) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Unable to listen on address '%s'\n", trid->traddr); cb_fn(cb_arg, rc); return; } tgt->discovery_genctr++; if (propagate) { struct spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_ctx *ctx; ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx)); if (!ctx) { cb_fn(cb_arg, -ENOMEM); return; } ctx->tgt = tgt; ctx->transport = transport; ctx->trid = *trid; ctx->cb_fn = cb_fn; ctx->cb_arg = cb_arg; spdk_for_each_channel(tgt, spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_add_transport, ctx, spdk_nvmf_tgt_listen_done); } else { cb_fn(cb_arg, 0); } } struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem * spdk_nvmf_tgt_find_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt, const char *subnqn) { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; uint32_t sid; if (!subnqn) { return NULL; } for (sid = 0; sid < tgt->opts.max_subsystems; sid++) { subsystem = tgt->subsystems[sid]; if (subsystem == NULL) { continue; } if (strcmp(subnqn, subsystem->subnqn) == 0) { return subsystem; } } return NULL; } struct spdk_nvmf_transport * spdk_nvmf_tgt_get_transport(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt, enum spdk_nvme_transport_type type) { struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport; TAILQ_FOREACH(transport, &tgt->transports, link) { if (transport->ops->type == type) { return transport; } } return NULL; } void spdk_nvmf_tgt_accept(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt, new_qpair_fn cb_fn) { struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport, *tmp; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(transport, &tgt->transports, link, tmp) { spdk_nvmf_transport_accept(transport, cb_fn); } } struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group * spdk_nvmf_poll_group_create(struct spdk_nvmf_tgt *tgt) { struct spdk_io_channel *ch; ch = spdk_get_io_channel(tgt); if (!ch) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Unable to get I/O channel for target\n"); return NULL; } return spdk_io_channel_get_ctx(ch); } void spdk_nvmf_poll_group_destroy(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group) { /* This function will put the io_channel associated with this poll group */ spdk_nvmf_tgt_destroy_poll_group_qpairs(group); } int spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair) { int rc = -1; struct spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group *tgroup; TAILQ_INIT(&qpair->outstanding); qpair->group = group; spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(qpair, SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_ACTIVATING); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&group->qpairs, qpair, link); TAILQ_FOREACH(tgroup, &group->tgroups, link) { if (tgroup->transport == qpair->transport) { rc = spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group_add(tgroup, qpair); break; } } if (rc == 0) { spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(qpair, SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_ACTIVE); } else { spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(qpair, SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_INACTIVE); } return rc; } static void _nvmf_ctrlr_destruct(void *ctx) { struct spdk_nvmf_ctrlr *ctrlr = ctx; spdk_nvmf_ctrlr_destruct(ctrlr); } static void _spdk_nvmf_ctrlr_free_from_qpair(void *ctx) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_ctrlr *ctrlr = qpair_ctx->ctrlr; uint32_t count; spdk_bit_array_clear(ctrlr->qpair_mask, qpair_ctx->qid); count = spdk_bit_array_count_set(ctrlr->qpair_mask); if (count == 0) { spdk_bit_array_free(&ctrlr->qpair_mask); spdk_thread_send_msg(ctrlr->subsys->thread, _nvmf_ctrlr_destruct, ctrlr); } if (qpair_ctx->cb_fn) { spdk_thread_send_msg(qpair_ctx->thread, qpair_ctx->cb_fn, qpair_ctx->ctx); } free(qpair_ctx); } static void _spdk_nvmf_qpair_destroy(void *ctx, int status) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair = qpair_ctx->qpair; struct spdk_nvmf_ctrlr *ctrlr = qpair->ctrlr; assert(qpair->state == SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_DEACTIVATING); spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(qpair, SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_INACTIVE); qpair_ctx->qid = qpair->qid; TAILQ_REMOVE(&qpair->group->qpairs, qpair, link); qpair->group = NULL; spdk_nvmf_transport_qpair_fini(qpair); if (!ctrlr || !ctrlr->thread) { if (qpair_ctx->cb_fn) { spdk_thread_send_msg(qpair_ctx->thread, qpair_ctx->cb_fn, qpair_ctx->ctx); } free(qpair_ctx); return; } qpair_ctx->ctrlr = ctrlr; spdk_thread_send_msg(ctrlr->thread, _spdk_nvmf_ctrlr_free_from_qpair, qpair_ctx); } static void _spdk_nvmf_qpair_deactivate(void *ctx) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair = qpair_ctx->qpair; if (qpair->state == SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_DEACTIVATING || qpair->state == SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_INACTIVE) { /* This can occur if the connection is killed by the target, * which results in a notification that the connection * died. */ if (qpair_ctx->cb_fn) { spdk_thread_send_msg(qpair_ctx->thread, qpair_ctx->cb_fn, qpair_ctx->ctx); } free(qpair_ctx); return; } assert(qpair->state == SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_ACTIVE); spdk_nvmf_qpair_set_state(qpair, SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_DEACTIVATING); /* Check for outstanding I/O */ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&qpair->outstanding)) { qpair->state_cb = _spdk_nvmf_qpair_destroy; qpair->state_cb_arg = qpair_ctx; spdk_nvmf_qpair_free_aer(qpair); return; } _spdk_nvmf_qpair_destroy(qpair_ctx, 0); } int spdk_nvmf_qpair_disconnect(struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair, nvmf_qpair_disconnect_cb cb_fn, void *ctx) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx *qpair_ctx; /* If we get a qpair in the uninitialized state, we can just destroy it immediately */ if (qpair->state == SPDK_NVMF_QPAIR_UNINITIALIZED) { spdk_nvmf_transport_qpair_fini(qpair); if (cb_fn) { cb_fn(ctx); } return 0; } /* The queue pair must be disconnected from the thread that owns it */ assert(qpair->group->thread == spdk_get_thread()); qpair_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_ctx)); if (!qpair_ctx) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Unable to allocate context for nvmf_qpair_disconnect\n"); return -ENOMEM; } qpair_ctx->qpair = qpair; qpair_ctx->cb_fn = cb_fn; qpair_ctx->thread = qpair->group->thread; qpair_ctx->ctx = ctx; /* Send a message to the thread that owns this qpair */ spdk_thread_send_msg(qpair->group->thread, _spdk_nvmf_qpair_deactivate, qpair_ctx); return 0; } int spdk_nvmf_qpair_get_peer_trid(struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair, struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid) { return spdk_nvmf_transport_qpair_get_peer_trid(qpair, trid); } int spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add_transport(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_transport *transport) { struct spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group *tgroup; TAILQ_FOREACH(tgroup, &group->tgroups, link) { if (tgroup->transport == transport) { /* Transport already in the poll group */ return 0; } } tgroup = spdk_nvmf_transport_poll_group_create(transport); if (!tgroup) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Unable to create poll group for transport\n"); return -1; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&group->tgroups, tgroup, link); return 0; } static int poll_group_update_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem) { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; uint32_t new_num_channels, old_num_channels; uint32_t i; struct spdk_nvmf_ns *ns; /* Make sure our poll group has memory for this subsystem allocated */ if (subsystem->id >= group->num_sgroups) { return -ENOMEM; } sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; /* Make sure the array of channels is the correct size */ new_num_channels = subsystem->max_nsid; old_num_channels = sgroup->num_channels; if (old_num_channels == 0) { if (new_num_channels > 0) { /* First allocation */ sgroup->channels = calloc(new_num_channels, sizeof(sgroup->channels[0])); if (!sgroup->channels) { return -ENOMEM; } } } else if (new_num_channels > old_num_channels) { void *buf; /* Make the array larger */ buf = realloc(sgroup->channels, new_num_channels * sizeof(sgroup->channels[0])); if (!buf) { return -ENOMEM; } sgroup->channels = buf; /* Null out the new channels slots */ for (i = old_num_channels; i < new_num_channels; i++) { sgroup->channels[i] = NULL; } } else if (new_num_channels < old_num_channels) { void *buf; /* Free the extra I/O channels */ for (i = new_num_channels; i < old_num_channels; i++) { if (sgroup->channels[i]) { spdk_put_io_channel(sgroup->channels[i]); sgroup->channels[i] = NULL; } } /* Make the array smaller */ if (new_num_channels > 0) { buf = realloc(sgroup->channels, new_num_channels * sizeof(sgroup->channels[0])); if (!buf) { return -ENOMEM; } sgroup->channels = buf; } else { free(sgroup->channels); sgroup->channels = NULL; } } sgroup->num_channels = new_num_channels; /* Detect bdevs that were added or removed */ for (i = 0; i < sgroup->num_channels; i++) { ns = subsystem->ns[i]; if (ns == NULL && sgroup->channels[i] == NULL) { /* Both NULL. Leave empty */ } else if (ns == NULL && sgroup->channels[i] != NULL) { /* There was a channel here, but the namespace is gone. */ spdk_put_io_channel(sgroup->channels[i]); sgroup->channels[i] = NULL; } else if (ns != NULL && sgroup->channels[i] == NULL) { /* A namespace appeared but there is no channel yet */ sgroup->channels[i] = spdk_bdev_get_io_channel(ns->desc); if (sgroup->channels[i] == NULL) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Could not allocate I/O channel.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } } else { /* A namespace was present before and didn't change. */ } } return 0; } int spdk_nvmf_poll_group_update_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem) { return poll_group_update_subsystem(group, subsystem); } void spdk_nvmf_poll_group_add_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem, spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { int rc = 0; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; TAILQ_INIT(&sgroup->queued); rc = poll_group_update_subsystem(group, subsystem); if (rc) { sgroup->state = SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_INACTIVE; goto fini; } sgroup->state = SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_ACTIVE; fini: if (cb_fn) { cb_fn(cb_arg, rc); } } static void _nvmf_poll_group_remove_subsystem_cb(void *ctx, int status) { struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cpl_fn = NULL; void *cpl_ctx = NULL; uint32_t nsid; group = qpair_ctx->group; subsystem = qpair_ctx->subsystem; cpl_fn = qpair_ctx->cpl_fn; cpl_ctx = qpair_ctx->cpl_ctx; sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; if (status) { goto fini; } for (nsid = 0; nsid < sgroup->num_channels; nsid++) { if (sgroup->channels[nsid]) { spdk_put_io_channel(sgroup->channels[nsid]); sgroup->channels[nsid] = NULL; } } sgroup->num_channels = 0; free(sgroup->channels); sgroup->channels = NULL; fini: free(qpair_ctx); if (cpl_fn) { cpl_fn(cpl_ctx, status); } } static void _nvmf_subsystem_disconnect_next_qpair(void *ctx) { struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair; struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx *qpair_ctx = ctx; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem; struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group; int rc = 0; group = qpair_ctx->group; subsystem = qpair_ctx->subsystem; TAILQ_FOREACH(qpair, &group->qpairs, link) { if (qpair->ctrlr->subsys == subsystem) { break; } } if (qpair) { rc = spdk_nvmf_qpair_disconnect(qpair, _nvmf_subsystem_disconnect_next_qpair, qpair_ctx); } if (!qpair || rc != 0) { _nvmf_poll_group_remove_subsystem_cb(ctx, rc); } return; } void spdk_nvmf_poll_group_remove_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem, spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { struct spdk_nvmf_qpair *qpair; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx *ctx; int rc = 0; ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nvmf_qpair_disconnect_many_ctx)); if (!ctx) { SPDK_ERRLOG("Unable to allocate memory for context to remove poll subsystem\n"); goto fini; } ctx->group = group; ctx->subsystem = subsystem; ctx->cpl_fn = cb_fn; ctx->cpl_ctx = cb_arg; sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; sgroup->state = SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_INACTIVE; TAILQ_FOREACH(qpair, &group->qpairs, link) { if (qpair->ctrlr->subsys == subsystem) { break; } } if (qpair) { rc = spdk_nvmf_qpair_disconnect(qpair, _nvmf_subsystem_disconnect_next_qpair, ctx); } else { /* call the callback immediately. It will handle any channel iteration */ _nvmf_poll_group_remove_subsystem_cb(ctx, 0); } if (rc != 0) { free(ctx); goto fini; } return; fini: if (cb_fn) { cb_fn(cb_arg, rc); } } void spdk_nvmf_poll_group_pause_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem, spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; int rc = 0; if (subsystem->id >= group->num_sgroups) { rc = -1; goto fini; } sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; if (sgroup == NULL) { rc = -1; goto fini; } assert(sgroup->state == SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_ACTIVE); /* TODO: This currently does not quiesce I/O */ sgroup->state = SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_PAUSED; fini: if (cb_fn) { cb_fn(cb_arg, rc); } } void spdk_nvmf_poll_group_resume_subsystem(struct spdk_nvmf_poll_group *group, struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem *subsystem, spdk_nvmf_poll_group_mod_done cb_fn, void *cb_arg) { struct spdk_nvmf_request *req, *tmp; struct spdk_nvmf_subsystem_poll_group *sgroup; int rc = 0; if (subsystem->id >= group->num_sgroups) { rc = -1; goto fini; } sgroup = &group->sgroups[subsystem->id]; assert(sgroup->state == SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_PAUSED); rc = poll_group_update_subsystem(group, subsystem); if (rc) { goto fini; } sgroup->state = SPDK_NVMF_SUBSYSTEM_ACTIVE; /* Release all queued requests */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(req, &sgroup->queued, link, tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&sgroup->queued, req, link); spdk_nvmf_request_exec(req); } fini: if (cb_fn) { cb_fn(cb_arg, rc); } }