Daniel Verkamp 347db37f6c rpc: allow listening on a Unix socket
Change-Id: I320d1a560a1c3d13d8751465752284305d8d9c0b
Signed-off-by: Daniel Verkamp <daniel.verkamp@intel.com>
2016-12-15 08:06:33 -07:00

175 lines
5.4 KiB

# iSCSI target configuration file
# Please write all parameters using ASCII.
# The parameter must be quoted if it includes whitespace.
# Configuration syntax:
# Leading whitespace is ignored.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# Lines ending with '\' are concatenated with the next line.
# Bracketed ([]) names define sections
# Instance ID for multi-process support
# Default: 0
#InstanceID 0
# Users can restrict work items to only run on certain cores by
# specifying a ReactorMask. Default is to allow work items to run
# on core 0.
#ReactorMask 0xFFFF
# Tracepoint group mask for spdk trace buffers
# Default: 0x0 (all tracepoint groups disabled)
# Set to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to enable all tracepoint groups.
#TpointGroupMask 0x0
# syslog facility
LogFacility "local7"
# node name (not include optional part)
# Users can optionally change this to fit their environment.
NodeBase "iqn.2016-06.io.spdk"
AuthFile /usr/local/etc/spdk/auth.conf
MinConnectionsPerCore 4
# Power saving related variable, this parameter defines how long an iSCSI
# connection must be idle before moving it to a state where it will consume
# less power. This variable is defined in terms of microseconds. We set default
# value as 5ms.
MinConnectionIdleInterval 5000
# Socket I/O timeout sec. (0 is infinite)
Timeout 30
# authentication information for discovery session
DiscoveryAuthMethod Auto
#MaxSessions 128
#MaxConnectionsPerSession 2
# iSCSI initial parameters negotiate with initiators
# NOTE: incorrect values might crash
DefaultTime2Wait 2
DefaultTime2Retain 60
ImmediateData Yes
ErrorRecoveryLevel 0
# Defines whether to enable configuration via RPC.
# Default is disabled. Note that the RPC interface is not
# authenticated, so users should be careful about enabling
# RPC in non-trusted environments.
Enable No
# Listen address for the RPC service.
# May be an IP address or an absolute path to a Unix socket.
# Users must change the PortalGroup section(s) to match the IP addresses
# for their environment.
# PortalGroup sections define which TCP ports the iSCSI server will use
# to listen for incoming connections. These are also used to determine
# which targets are accessible over each portal group.
Portal DA1
# Users must change the InitiatorGroup section(s) to match the IP
# addresses and initiator configuration in their environment.
# Netmask can be used to specify a single IP address or a range of IP addresses
# Netmask <== single IP address
# Netmask <== IP range 192.168.1.*
InitiatorName ALL
# NVMe configuration options
# NVMe Device Whitelist
# Users may specify which NVMe devices to claim by their PCI
# domain, bus, device, and function. The format is dddd:bb:dd.f, which is
# the same format displayed by lspci or in /sys/bus/pci/devices. The second
# argument is a "name" for the device that can be anything. The name
# is referenced later in the Subsystem section.
# Alternatively, the user can specify ClaimAllDevices. All
# NVMe devices will be claimed and named Nvme0, Nvme1, etc.
BDF 0000:00:00.0 Nvme0
BDF 0000:01:00.0 Nvme1
# The following two arguments allow the user to partition NVMe namespaces
# into multiple LUNs
NvmeLunsPerNs 1
LunSizeInMB 1024
# The number of attempts per I/O when an I/O fails. Do not include
# this key to get the default behavior.
NvmeRetryCount 4
# The maximum number of NVMe controllers to claim. Do not include this key to
# claim all of them.
NumControllers 2
# Registers the application to receive timeout callback and to reset the controller.
ResetControllerOnTimeout Yes
# Timeout value.
NvmeTimeoutValue 30
# Users may change this section to create a different number or size of
# malloc LUNs.
# If the system has hardware DMA engine, it will use an IOAT
# (i.e. Crystal Beach DMA) channel to do the copy instead of memcpy.
# Of course, users can disable offload even it is available.
# Number of Malloc targets
NumberOfLuns 1
# Malloc targets are 128M
LunSizeInMB 128
# Block size. Default is 512 bytes.
BlockSize 4096
# Users may not want to use offload even it is available.
# Users may use the whitelist to initialize specified devices, IDS
# uses BUS:DEVICE.FUNCTION to identify each Ioat channel.
Disable Yes
Whitelist 00:04.0
Whitelist 00:04.1
# Users must change this section to match the /dev/sdX devices to be
# exported as iSCSI LUNs. The devices are accessed using Linux AIO.
AIO /dev/sdb
AIO /dev/sdc
# Users should change the TargetNode section(s) below to match the
# desired iSCSI target node configuration.
# TargetName, Mapping, LUN0 are minimum required
TargetName disk1
TargetAlias "Data Disk1"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
# Enable header and data digest
# UseDigest Header Data
UseDigest Auto
# Use the first malloc target
LUN0 Malloc0
# Using the first AIO target
# Using the second storage target
# Using the third storage target
QueueDepth 128
TargetName disk2
TargetAlias "Data Disk2"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
UseDigest Auto
LUN0 Nvme0
QueueDepth 32