The passthru module associates a vbdev and the underlying bdev. This association lives throughout the lifetime of the module and because of this, passthru vbdevs are recreated when they shouldn't be. This patch ensures that the association between a vbdev and a bdev is broken when the vbdev is removed, so that if the underlying bdev is ever recreated (after being deleted), the vbdev does not reappear. Note that this change does not affect hot-remove operations. Change-Id: I5cb4cf7efcb5e5eeaeef79849e0aaefec4684a4f Signed-off-by: Wael Halbawi <waelhalbawi@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://review.gerrithub.io/422474 Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <james.r.harris@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Paul Luse <paul.e.luse@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Ben Walker <benjamin.walker@intel.com> Chandler-Test-Pool: SPDK Automated Test System <sys_sgsw@intel.com> Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <sys_sgci@intel.com>