Zero-copy requests are kept on the outstanding queue for the whole
duration of the request - from the initial zcopy_start submission to the
completion of zcopy_end. This means, that there's a period in which a
request doesn't wait for a completion from the bdev layer, but is still
on the oustanding queue (after zcopy_start callback, before zcopy_end
submit). If a qpair gets disconnected while a request is in this state,
we need to manually force its completion, as otherwise it might hang
indefinitely (e.g. waiting for host data).
Signed-off-by: Konrad Sztyber <>
Change-Id: I53731b8e363b725efa564ca3c7d89b46f5fb2a24
Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <>
Reviewed-by: Aleksey Marchuk <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Walker <>
Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <>
Community-CI: Broadcom CI <>