Bloated log files appear during some tests (nvmf_phy_autotest, during nvmf_abort test fot example), what makes parsing them inconvenient. This change aims to disable logs that cause this issue by adding a new flag for SPDK target and disabling notice level logging completely (using --silence-noticelog proved insufficient). Fixes: #2149 Change-Id: Ibbad92d87d90fe73c23d6027e0ff8ec49b0393c2 Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Karas <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <> Reviewed-by: Tomasz Zawadzki <> Reviewed-by: Konrad Sztyber <> Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <>
NVMe-oF test scripts
The test scripts in this directory hierarchy can be run in isolation by passing the --iso flag when running the test script. This will set up the RDMA NIC for testing and then tear it back down again when the test is completed.