Use serial number to identify connected nvme subsystem. /dev/nvmeX might be taken by some other device which is not even a part of the tests. It also might be affected by previous tests and not always show up with the expected name. Fixes #1308 Signed-off-by: Karol Latecki <> Change-Id: I8d0e1b05f22a1263340014abdaf557f0fef5ad82 Signed-off-by: Karol Latecki <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Ziye Yang <> Reviewed-by: Shuhei Matsumoto <> Reviewed-by: Maciej Wawryk <> Reviewed-by: Aleksey Marchuk <>
NVMe-oF test scripts
The test scripts in this directory hierarchy can be run in isolation by passing the --iso flag when running the test script. This will set up the RDMA NIC for testing and then tear it back down again when the test is completed.