Change-Id: Ia1a458a0ac1c5a17d2955a3f31c6dfe77538eb17 Signed-off-by: Gregory Shapiro <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <> Reviewed-by: Ziye Yang <> Reviewed-by: Shuhei Matsumoto <> Reviewed-by: Ben Walker <> Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <>
731 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
731 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import configparser
import re
import sys
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
bdev_dict = OrderedDict()
bdev_dict["set_bdev_options"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_split_vbdev"] = []
bdev_dict["set_bdev_nvme_options"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_nvme_bdev"] = []
bdev_dict["set_bdev_nvme_hotplug"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_malloc_bdev"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_aio_bdev"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_pmem_bdev"] = []
bdev_dict["construct_virtio_dev"] = []
vhost_dict = OrderedDict()
vhost_dict["construct_vhost_scsi_controller"] = []
vhost_dict["construct_vhost_blk_controller"] = []
vhost_dict["construct_vhost_nvme_controller"] = []
iscsi_dict = OrderedDict()
iscsi_dict["set_iscsi_options"] = []
iscsi_dict["add_portal_group"] = []
iscsi_dict["add_initiator_group"] = []
iscsi_dict["construct_target_node"] = []
nvmf_dict = OrderedDict()
nvmf_dict["set_nvmf_target_config"] = []
nvmf_dict["set_nvmf_target_max_subsystems"] = []
nvmf_dict["subsystems"] = []
# dictionary with new config that will be written to new json config file
subsystem = {
"copy": None,
"interface": None,
"net_framework": None,
"bdev": bdev_dict,
"scsi": [],
"nvmf": nvmf_dict,
"nbd": [],
"vhost": vhost_dict,
"iscsi": iscsi_dict
class OptionOrderedDict(OrderedDict):
def __setitem__(self, option, value):
if option in self and isinstance(value, list):
super(OptionOrderedDict, self).__setitem__(option, value)
no_yes_map = {"no": False, "No": False, "Yes": True, "yes": True}
def generate_new_json_config():
json_subsystem = [
{'subsystem': "copy", 'config': None},
{"subsystem": "interface", "config": None},
{"subsystem": "net_framework", "config": None},
{"subsystem": "bdev", "config": []},
{"subsystem": "scsi", "config": None},
{"subsystem": "nvmf", "config": []},
{"subsystem": "nbd", "config": []},
{"subsystem": "vhost", "config": []},
{"subsystem": "iscsi", "config": []}
for method in subsystem['bdev']:
for item in subsystem['bdev'][method]:
for item in subsystem['scsi']:
if json_subsystem[4]['config'] is None:
json_subsystem[4]['config'] = []
for method in subsystem['nvmf']:
for item in subsystem['nvmf'][method]:
for method in subsystem['vhost']:
for item in subsystem['vhost'][method]:
for method in subsystem['iscsi']:
for item in subsystem['iscsi'][method]:
return {"subsystems": json_subsystem}
section_to_subsystem = {
"Bdev": subsystem['bdev'],
"AIO": subsystem['bdev'],
"Malloc": subsystem['bdev'],
"Nvme": subsystem['bdev'],
"Pmem": subsystem['bdev'],
"Split": subsystem['bdev'],
"Nvmf": subsystem['nvmf'],
"Subsystem": subsystem['nvmf'],
"VhostScsi": subsystem['vhost'],
"VhostBlk": subsystem['vhost'],
"VhostNvme": subsystem['vhost'],
"VirtioUser": subsystem['bdev'],
"iSCSI": subsystem['iscsi'],
"PortalGroup": subsystem['iscsi'],
"InitiatorGroup": subsystem['iscsi'],
"TargetNode": subsystem['iscsi']
def set_param(params, cfg_name, value):
for param in params:
if param[0] != cfg_name:
if param[1] == "disable_chap":
param[3] = True if value == "None" else False
elif param[1] == "require_chap":
param[3] = True if value in ["CHAP", "Mutual"] else False
elif param[1] == "mutual_chap":
param[3] = True if value == "Mutual" else False
elif param[1] == "chap_group":
param[3] = int(value.replace("AuthGroup", ""))
elif param[2] == bool:
param[3] = True if value in ("yes", "true", "Yes") else False
elif param[2] == "hex":
param[3] = str(int(value, 16))
elif param[2] == int:
param[3] = int(value)
elif param[2] == list:
elif param[2] == "dev_type":
if value.lower() == "blk":
param[3] = "blk"
param[3] = param[2](value.replace("\"", ""))
def to_json_params(params):
out = {}
for param in params:
if param[3] is not None:
out[param[1]] = param[3]
return out
def get_bdev_options_json(config, section):
params = [
["BdevIoPoolSize", "bdev_io_pool_size", int, 65536],
["BdevIoCacheSize", "bdev_io_cache_size", int, 256]
for option in config.options("Bdev"):
set_param(params, option, config.get("Bdev", option))
return [{"params": to_json_params(params), "method": "set_bdev_options"}]
def get_aio_bdev_json(config, section):
aio_json = []
value = None
for option in config.options("AIO"):
if option == "AIO":
value = config.get("AIO", option).split("\n")
if value is None:
return aio_json
for item in value:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", item)
params = {}
params['filename'] = items[0]
params['name'] = items[1]
if len(items) == 3:
params['block_size'] = int(items[2])
"params": params,
"method": "construct_aio_bdev"
return aio_json
def get_malloc_bdev_json(config, section):
malloc_json = []
params = [
['NumberOfLuns', '', int, -1],
['LunSizeInMB', '', int, 20],
['BlockSize', '', int, 512]
for option in config.options("Malloc"):
set_param(params, option, config.get("Malloc", option))
for lun in range(0, params[0][3]):
"params": {
"block_size": params[2][3],
"num_blocks": params[1][3] * 1024 * 1024 / params[2][3],
"name": "Malloc%s" % lun
"method": "construct_malloc_bdev"
return malloc_json
def get_nvme_bdev_json(config, section):
params = [
["RetryCount", "retry_count", int, 4],
["TimeoutuSec", "timeout_us", int, 0],
["AdminPollRate", "nvme_adminq_poll_period_us", int, 1000000],
["ActionOnTimeout", "action_on_timeout", str, "none"],
["IOPollRate", "nvme_ioq_poll_period_us", int, 0],
["HotplugEnable", "enable", bool, False],
["AdminPollRate", "period_us", int, 1000]
nvme_json = []
for option in config.options("Nvme"):
value = config.get("Nvme", option)
if "TransportID" == option:
entry = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
nvme_name = entry[-1]
trtype = re.findall(r"trtype:\S+", value)
if trtype:
trtype = trtype[0].replace("trtype:", "").replace("\"", "")
traddr = re.findall(r"traddr:\S+", value)
if traddr:
traddr = traddr[0].replace("traddr:", "").replace("\"", "")
"params": {
"trtype": trtype,
"name": nvme_name,
"traddr": traddr
"method": "construct_nvme_bdev"
set_param(params, option, value)
params[3][3] = params[3][3].lower()
params[6][3] = params[6][3] * 100
"params": to_json_params(params[5:7]),
"method": "set_bdev_nvme_hotplug"
"params": to_json_params(params[0:5]),
"method": "set_bdev_nvme_options"
return nvme_json
def get_pmem_bdev_json(config, section):
pmem_json = []
for option in config.options(section):
if "Blk" == option:
for value in config.get(section, option).split("\n"):
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
"params": {
"name": items[1],
"pmem_file": items[0]
"method": "construct_pmem_bdev"
return pmem_json
def get_split_bdev_json(config, section):
split_json = []
value = []
for option in config.options("Split"):
if "Split" == option:
value = config.get("Split", option)
if value and not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
for split in value:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", split)
split_size_mb = 0
base_bdev = items[0]
split_count = int(items[1])
if len(items) == 3:
split_size_mb = items[2]
"params": {
"base_bdev": base_bdev,
"split_size_mb": split_size_mb,
"split_count": split_count
"method": "construct_split_vbdev"
return split_json
def get_nvmf_options_json(config, section):
params = [
["AcceptorPollRate", "acceptor_poll_rate", int, 10000],
["MaxSubsystems", "max_subsystems", int, 1024]
for option in config.options("Nvmf"):
set_param(params, option, config.get("Nvmf", option))
nvmf_json = []
"params": to_json_params([params[0]]),
"method": "set_nvmf_target_config"
"params": to_json_params(params[1:7]),
"method": "set_nvmf_target_max_subsystems"
return nvmf_json
def get_nvmf_subsystem_json(config, section):
nvmf_subsystem_methods = []
params = [
# Last items are default values if given entry is not set
["Host", "hosts", list, []],
["NQN", "nqn", str, ""],
["AllowAnyHost", "allow_any_host", bool, False],
["SN", "serial_number", str, "00000000000000000000"],
["MN", "model_number", str, "SPDK bdev Controller"],
["MaxNamespaces", "max_namespaces", str, ""],
listen_address = []
namespaces = []
nsid = 0
searched_items = [param[0] for param in params]
for option in config.options(section):
value = config.get(section, option)
if option in searched_items:
set_param(params, option, value)
if "Listen" == option:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
adrfam = "IPv4"
if len(items[1].split(":")) > 2:
adrfam = "IPv6"
"trtype": items[0],
"adrfam": adrfam,
"trsvcid": items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[-1],
"traddr": items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[0].replace(
"]", "").replace("[", "")
if "Namespace" == option:
for item in value.split("\n"):
items = re.findall(r"\S+", item)
if len(items) == 2:
nsid = items[1]
nsid += 1
"nsid": int(nsid),
"bdev_name": items[0],
# Get parameters: nqn, allow_any_host, serial_number
# for nvmf_subsystem_create rpc method
parameters = to_json_params(params[1:5])
"params": parameters,
"method": "nvmf_subsystem_create"
for listen in listen_address:
"params": {
"listen_address": listen,
"nqn": parameters['nqn']
"method": "nvmf_subsystem_add_listener"
for host in to_json_params([params[0]])['hosts']:
"params": {
"host": host,
"nqn": parameters['nqn']
"method": "nvmf_subsystem_add_host"
for namespace in namespaces:
"params": {
"namespace": namespace,
"nqn": parameters['nqn']
"method": "nvmf_subsystem_add_ns"
# Define max_namespaces if it is set in old config
if params[5][3]:
nvmf_subsystem_methods[0]['params']['max_namespaces'] = int(params[5][3])
return nvmf_subsystem_methods
def get_vhost_scsi_json(config, section):
params = [
["Name", "ctrlr", str, None],
["Cpumask", "cpumask", "hex", "1"],
targets = []
vhost_scsi_json = []
for option in config.options(section):
value = config.get(section, option)
if option in ["Name", "Cpumask"]:
set_param(params, option, value)
if "Target" == option:
for item in value.split("\n"):
items = re.findall(r"\S+", item)
"scsi_target_num": int(items[0]),
"ctrlr": params[0][3],
"bdev_name": items[1]
"params": to_json_params(params),
"method": "construct_vhost_scsi_controller"
for target in targets:
"params": target,
"method": "add_vhost_scsi_lun"
return vhost_scsi_json
def get_vhost_blk_json(config, section):
params = [
["ReadOnly", "readonly", bool, False],
["Dev", "dev_name", str, ""],
["Name", "ctrlr", str, ""],
["Cpumask", "cpumask", "hex", ""]
for option in config.options(section):
set_param(params, option, config.get(section, option))
return [{"method": "construct_vhost_blk_controller",
"params": to_json_params(params)}]
def get_vhost_nvme_json(config, section):
params = [
["Name", "ctrlr", str, ""],
["NumberOfQueues", "io_queues", int, -1],
["Cpumask", "cpumask", "hex", 0x1],
["Namespace", "bdev_name", list, []]
for option in config.options(section):
values = config.get(section, option).split("\n")
for value in values:
set_param(params, option, value)
vhost_nvme_json = []
"params": to_json_params(params[:3]),
"method": "construct_vhost_nvme_controller"
for namespace in params[3][3]:
"params": {
"ctrlr": params[0][3],
"bdev_name": namespace,
"method": "add_vhost_nvme_ns"
return vhost_nvme_json
def get_virtio_user_json(config, section):
params = [
["Path", "traddr", str, ""],
["Queues", "vq_count", int, 1],
["Type", "dev_type", "dev_type", "scsi"],
["Name", "name", str, section],
# Define parameters with default values.
# These params are set by rpc commands and
# do not occur in ini config file.
# But they are visible in json config file
# with default values even if not set by rpc.
[None, "trtype", str, "user"],
[None, "vq_size", int, 512]
for option in config.options(section):
set_param(params, option, config.get(section, option))
dev_name = "Scsi"
if params[2][3] == "blk":
dev_name = "Blk"
params[3][3] = params[3][3].replace("User", dev_name)
return [{
"params": to_json_params(params),
"method": "construct_virtio_dev"
def get_iscsi_options_json(config, section):
params = [
['AllowDuplicateIsid', 'allow_duplicated_isid', bool, False],
['DefaultTime2Retain', 'default_time2retain', int, 20],
['DiscoveryAuthMethod', 'mutual_chap', bool, False],
['MaxConnectionsPerSession', 'max_connections_per_session', int, 2],
['Timeout', 'nop_timeout', int, 60],
['DiscoveryAuthMethod', 'disable_chap', bool, False],
['DiscoveryAuthMethod', 'require_chap', bool, False],
['NodeBase', 'node_base', str, ""],
['AuthFile', 'auth_file', str, None],
['DiscoveryAuthGroup', 'chap_group', int, 0],
['MaxSessions', 'max_sessions', int, 128],
['ImmediateData', 'immediate_data', bool, True],
['ErrorRecoveryLevel', 'error_recovery_level', int, 0],
['NopInInterval', 'nop_in_interval', int, 30],
['MinConnectionsPerCore', 'min_connections_per_core', int, 4],
['DefaultTime2Wait', 'default_time2wait', int, 2],
['QueueDepth', 'max_queue_depth', int, 64],
['', 'first_burst_length', int, 8192]
for option in config.options(section):
set_param(params, option, config.get(section, option))
return [{"method": "set_iscsi_options", "params": to_json_params(params)}]
def get_iscsi_portal_group_json(config, name):
portal_group_json = []
portals = []
for option in config.options(name):
if "Portal" == option:
for value in config.get(name, option).split("\n"):
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
portal = {'host': items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[0]}
if "@" in items[1]:
portal['port'] =\
items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[1].split("@")[0]
portal['cpumask'] =\
items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[1].split("@")[1]
portal['port'] = items[1].rsplit(":", 1)[1]
"params": {
"portals": portals,
"tag": int(re.findall(r'\d+', name)[0])
"method": "add_portal_group"
return portal_group_json
def get_iscsi_initiator_group_json(config, name):
initiators = []
netmasks = []
for option in config.options(name):
if "InitiatorName" == option:
initiators.append(config.get(name, option))
if "Netmask" == option:
netmasks.append(config.get(name, option))
initiator_group_json = {
"params": {
"initiators": initiators,
"tag": int(re.findall(r'\d+', name)[0]),
"netmasks": netmasks
"method": "add_initiator_group"
return [initiator_group_json]
def get_iscsi_target_node_json(config, section):
luns = []
mutual_chap = False
name = ""
alias_name = ""
require_chap = False
chap_group = 1
pg_ig_maps = []
data_digest = False
disable_chap = False
header_digest = False
queue_depth = 64
for option in config.options(section):
value = config.get(section, option)
if "TargetName" == option:
name = value
if "TargetAlias" == option:
alias_name = value.replace("\"", "")
if "Mapping" == option:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
"ig_tag": int(re.findall(r'\d+', items[1])[0]),
"pg_tag": int(re.findall(r'\d+', items[0])[0])
if "AuthMethod" == option:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
for item in items:
if "CHAP" == item:
require_chap = True
elif "Mutual" == item:
mutual_chap = True
elif "Auto" == item:
disable_chap = False
require_chap = False
mutual_chap = False
elif "None" == item:
disable_chap = True
require_chap = False
mutual_chap = False
if "AuthGroup" == option: # AuthGroup1
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
chap_group = int(re.findall(r'\d+', items[0])[0])
if "UseDigest" == option:
items = re.findall(r"\S+", value)
for item in items:
if "Header" == item:
header_digest = True
elif "Data" == item:
data_digest = True
elif "Auto" == item:
header_digest = False
data_digest = False
if re.match(r"LUN\d+", option):
luns.append({"lun_id": len(luns),
"bdev_name": value})
if "QueueDepth" == option:
queue_depth = int(value)
params = {"alias_name": alias_name}
params["name"] = "" % name
params["luns"] = luns
params["pg_ig_maps"] = pg_ig_maps
params["queue_depth"] = queue_depth
params["chap_group"] = chap_group
params["header_digest"] = header_digest
params["mutual_chap"] = mutual_chap
params["require_chap"] = require_chap
params["data_digest"] = data_digest
params["disable_chap"] = disable_chap
target_json = {
"params": params,
"method": "construct_target_node"
return [target_json]
if __name__ == "__main__":
config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False, delimiters=(' '),
# Do not parse options and values. Capital letters are relevant.
config.optionxform = str
except Exception as e:
print("Exception while parsing config: %s" % e)
# Add missing sections to generate default configuration
for section in ['Nvme', 'Nvmf', 'Bdev', 'iSCSI']:
if section not in config.sections():
for section in config.sections():
match = re.match(r'(Bdev|Nvme|Malloc|VirtioUser\d+|Split|Pmem|AIO|'
r'VhostBlk\d+|VhostNvme\d+)', section)
if match:
match_section = ''.join(letter for letter in
if not letter.isdigit())
if match_section == "Bdev":
items = get_bdev_options_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "AIO":
items = get_aio_bdev_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Malloc":
items = get_malloc_bdev_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Nvme":
items = get_nvme_bdev_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Pmem":
items = get_pmem_bdev_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Split":
items = get_split_bdev_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Nvmf":
items = get_nvmf_options_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "Subsystem":
items = get_nvmf_subsystem_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "VhostScsi":
items = get_vhost_scsi_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "VhostBlk":
items = get_vhost_blk_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "VhostNvme":
items = get_vhost_nvme_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "VirtioUser":
items = get_virtio_user_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "iSCSI":
items = get_iscsi_options_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "PortalGroup":
items = get_iscsi_portal_group_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "InitiatorGroup":
items = get_iscsi_initiator_group_json(config, section)
elif match_section == "TargetNode":
items = get_iscsi_target_node_json(config, section)
for item in items:
if match_section == "VhostScsi":
elif match_section == "VhostNvme":
elif match_section == "Subsystem":
elif section == "Global":
elif section == "Ioat":
# Ioat doesn't support JSON config yet.
elif section == "VirtioPci":
print("Please use spdk target flags.")
print("An invalid section detected: %s.\n"
"Please revise your config file." % section)
json.dump(generate_new_json_config(), sys.stdout, indent=2)