Shuhei Matsumoto 8fd2882fb2 etc/spdk/ How to use cpumask for the connection
User can specify processor affinity for each iSCSI connection
by specifying cpumask in the configuration file.

However the example of does not have any description
about this. Hence it is very difficult for user to use this.

The portal group section of the config dump file has the same
description. Hence it is also changed.

Change-Id: I6e7b3bb67e10e78f4a47165525f023555080f146
Signed-off-by: Shuhei Matsumoto <>
Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Verkamp <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Walker <>
Tested-by: SPDK Automated Test System <>
2017-12-20 11:31:45 -05:00

203 lines
6.9 KiB

# iSCSI target configuration file
# Please write all parameters using ASCII.
# The parameter must be quoted if it includes whitespace.
# Configuration syntax:
# Leading whitespace is ignored.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# Lines ending with '\' are concatenated with the next line.
# Bracketed ([]) names define sections
# Shared Memory Group ID. SPDK applications with the same ID will share memory.
# Default: <the process PID>
#SharedMemoryID 0
# Users can restrict work items to only run on certain cores by
# specifying a ReactorMask. Default is to allow work items to run
# on core 0.
#ReactorMask 0xFFFF
# Disable PCI access. PCI is enabled by default. Setting this
# option will hide any PCI device from all SPDK modules, making
# SPDK act as if they don't exist.
#NoPci Yes
# Tracepoint group mask for spdk trace buffers
# Default: 0x0 (all tracepoint groups disabled)
# Set to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to enable all tracepoint groups.
#TpointGroupMask 0x0
# node name (not include optional part)
# Users can optionally change this to fit their environment.
NodeBase ""
AuthFile /usr/local/etc/spdk/auth.conf
MinConnectionsPerCore 4
# Power saving related variable, this parameter defines how long an iSCSI
# connection must be idle before moving it to a state where it will consume
# less power. This variable is defined in terms of microseconds. We set default
# value as 5ms.
MinConnectionIdleInterval 5000
# Socket I/O timeout sec. (0 is infinite)
Timeout 30
# authentication information for discovery session
# Options:
# None, Auto, CHAP and Mutual. Note that Mutual infers CHAP.
DiscoveryAuthMethod Auto
#MaxSessions 128
#MaxConnectionsPerSession 2
# iSCSI initial parameters negotiate with initiators
# NOTE: incorrect values might crash
DefaultTime2Wait 2
DefaultTime2Retain 60
ImmediateData Yes
ErrorRecoveryLevel 0
# Users must change the PortalGroup section(s) to match the IP addresses
# for their environment.
# PortalGroup sections define which network portals the iSCSI target
# will use to listen for incoming connections. These are also used to
# determine which targets are accessible over each portal group.
# Up to 1024 Portal directives are allowed. These define the network
# portals of the portal group. The user must specify a IP address
# for each network portal, and may optionally specify a port and
# a cpumask. If the port is omitted, 3260 will be used. Cpumask will
# be used to set the processor affinity of the iSCSI connection
# through the portal. If the cpumask is omitted, cpumask will be
# set to all available processors.
# Syntax:
# Portal <Name> <IP address>[:<port>[@<cpumask>]]
Portal DA1
Portal DA2
# Users must change the InitiatorGroup section(s) to match the IP
# addresses and initiator configuration in their environment.
# Netmask can be used to specify a single IP address or a range of IP addresses
# Netmask <== single IP address
# Netmask <== IP range 192.168.1.*
InitiatorName ANY
# NVMe configuration options
# NVMe Device Whitelist
# Users may specify which NVMe devices to claim by their transport id.
# See spdk_nvme_transport_id_parse() in spdk/nvme.h for the correct format.
# The second argument is the assigned name, which can be referenced from
# other sections in the configuration file. For NVMe devices, a namespace
# is automatically appended to each name in the format <YourName>nY, where
# Y is the NSID (starts at 1).
TransportID "trtype:PCIe traddr:0000:00:00.0" Nvme0
TransportID "trtype:PCIe traddr:0000:01:00.0" Nvme1
# The number of attempts per I/O when an I/O fails. Do not include
# this key to get the default behavior.
RetryCount 4
# Timeout for each command, in seconds. If 0, don't track timeouts.
Timeout 0
# Action to take on command time out. Only valid when Timeout is greater
# than 0. This may be 'Reset' to reset the controller, 'Abort' to abort
# the command, or 'None' to just print a message but do nothing.
# Admin command timeouts will always result in a reset.
ActionOnTimeout None
# Set how often the admin queue is polled for asynchronous events.
# Units in microseconds.
AdminPollRate 100000
# Disable handling of hotplug (runtime insert and remove) events,
# users can set to Yes if want to enable it.
# Default: No
HotplugEnable No
# Set how often the hotplug is processed for insert and remove events.
# Units in microseconds.
HotplugPollRate 0
# Users may change this section to create a different number or size of
# malloc LUNs.
# If the system has hardware DMA engine, it will use an IOAT
# (i.e. Crystal Beach DMA) channel to do the copy instead of memcpy.
# Of course, users can disable offload even it is available.
# Number of Malloc targets
NumberOfLuns 3
# Malloc targets are 128M
LunSizeInMB 128
# Block size. Default is 512 bytes.
BlockSize 4096
# Users may not want to use offload even it is available.
# Users may use the whitelist to initialize specified devices, IDS
# uses BUS:DEVICE.FUNCTION to identify each Ioat channel.
Disable Yes
Whitelist 00:04.0
Whitelist 00:04.1
# Users must change this section to match the /dev/sdX devices to be
# exported as iSCSI LUNs. The devices are accessed using Linux AIO.
# The format is:
# AIO <file name> <bdev name> [<block size>]
# The file name is the backing device
# The bdev name can be referenced from elsewhere in the configuration file.
# Block size may be omitted to automatically detect the block size of a disk.
AIO /dev/sdb AIO0
AIO /dev/sdc AIO1
AIO /tmp/myfile AIO2 4096
# The Split virtual block device slices block devices into multiple smaller bdevs.
# Syntax:
# Split <bdev> <count> [<size_in_megabytes>]
# Split Malloc1 into two equally-sized portions, Malloc1p0 and Malloc1p1
Split Malloc1 2
# Split Malloc2 into eight 1-megabyte portions, Malloc2p0 ... Malloc2p7,
# leaving the rest of the device inaccessible
Split Malloc2 8 1
# Users should change the TargetNode section(s) below to match the
# desired iSCSI target node configuration.
# TargetName, Mapping, LUN0 are minimum required
TargetName disk1
TargetAlias "Data Disk1"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
# Enable header and data digest
# UseDigest Header Data
UseDigest Auto
# Use the first malloc target
LUN0 Malloc0
# Using the first AIO target
# Using the second storage target
# Using the third storage target
QueueDepth 128
TargetName disk2
TargetAlias "Data Disk2"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
UseDigest Auto
LUN0 Nvme0n1
QueueDepth 32