Part of #2256 * available * classes * coalesce * configuration * controller * currently * dependencies * different * displaying * does not * environment * explicitly * hugepages * ignoring * inflight * initialize * parameters * priority * properties * recovery * subsystem * subsystems * template * the same * underlying * usable * values Change-Id: Ibc8567af288c9f4641563835e16bf88949ba6a71 Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://review.spdk.io/gerrit/c/spdk/spdk/+/10408 Community-CI: Broadcom CI <spdk-ci.pdl@broadcom.com> Reviewed-by: Tomasz Zawadzki <tomasz.zawadzki@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Jim Harris <james.r.harris@intel.com> Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <sys_sgci@intel.com>
632 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
632 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, List, TypeVar
import ctypes as ct
import ijson
import magic
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
TSC_MAX = (1 << 64) - 1
UCHAR_MAX = (1 << 8) - 1
TRACE_INVALID_OBJECT = (1 << 64) - 1
class DTraceArgument:
"""Describes a DTrace probe (usdt) argument"""
name: str
pos: int
type: type
class DTraceProbe:
"""Describes a DTrace probe (usdt) point"""
name: str
args: Dict[str, DTraceArgument]
def __init__(self, name, args):
self.name = name
self.args = {a.name: a for a in args}
class DTraceEntry:
"""Describes a single DTrace probe invocation"""
name: str
args: Dict[str, TypeVar('ArgumentType', str, int)]
def __init__(self, probe, args):
valmap = {int: lambda x: int(x, 16),
str: lambda x: x.strip().strip("'")}
self.name = probe.name
self.args = {}
for name, value in args.items():
arg = probe.args.get(name)
if arg is None:
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected argument: {name}')
self.args[name] = valmap[arg.type](value)
class DTrace:
"""Generates bpftrace script based on the supplied probe points, parses its
output and stores is as a list of DTraceEntry sorted by their tsc.
def __init__(self, probes, file=None):
self._avail_probes = self._list_probes()
self._probes = {p.name: p for p in probes}
self.entries = self._parse(file) if file is not None else []
# Sanitize the probe definitions
for probe in probes:
if probe.name not in self._avail_probes:
raise ValueError(f'Couldn\'t find probe: "{probe.name}"')
for arg in probe.args.values():
if arg.pos >= self._avail_probes[probe.name]:
raise ValueError('Invalid probe argument position')
if arg.type not in (int, str):
raise ValueError('Invalid argument type')
def _parse(self, file):
regex = re.compile(r'(\w+): (.*)')
entries = []
for line in file.readlines():
match = regex.match(line)
if match is None:
name, args = match.groups()
probe = self._probes.get(name)
# Skip the line if we don't recognize the probe name
if probe is None:
entries.append(DTraceEntry(probe, args=dict(a.strip().split('=')
for a in args.split(','))))
entries.sort(key=lambda e: e.args['tsc'])
return entries
def _list_probes(self):
files = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'ls-files', '*.[ch]',
files = filter(lambda f: len(f) > 0, str(files, 'ascii').split('\n'))
regex = re.compile(r'SPDK_DTRACE_PROBE([0-9]*)\((\w+)')
probes = {}
for fname in files:
with open(fname, 'r') as file:
for match in regex.finditer(file.read()):
nargs, name = match.group(1), match.group(2)
nargs = int(nargs) if len(nargs) > 0 else 0
# Add one to accommodate for the tsc being the first arg
probes[name] = nargs + 1
return probes
def _gen_usdt(self, probe):
usdt = (f'usdt:__EXE__:{probe.name} {{' +
f'printf("{probe.name}: ')
args = probe.args
if len(args) > 0:
argtype = {int: '0x%lx', str: '\'%s\''}
argcast = {int: lambda x: x, str: lambda x: f'str({x})'}
argstr = [f'{a.name}={argtype[a.type]}' for a in args.values()]
argval = [f'{argcast[a.type](f"arg{a.pos}")}' for a in args.values()]
usdt += ', '.join(argstr) + '\\n", ' + ', '.join(argval)
usdt += '\\n"'
usdt += ');}'
return usdt
def generate(self):
return '\n'.join([self._gen_usdt(p) for p in self._probes.values()])
def record(self, pid):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as script:
f'{pid}', f'{script.name}'])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
class TracepointArgument:
"""Describes an SPDK tracepoint argument"""
name: str
argtype: int
class Tracepoint:
"""Describes an SPDK tracepoint, equivalent to struct spdk_trace_tpoint"""
name: str
id: int
new_object: bool
object_type: int
owner_type: int
args: List[TracepointArgument]
class TraceEntry:
"""Describes an SPDK tracepoint entry, equivalent to struct spdk_trace_entry"""
lcore: int
tpoint: Tracepoint
tsc: int
poller: str
size: int
object_id: str
object_ptr: int
time: int
args: Dict[str, TypeVar('ArgumentType', str, int)]
related: str
class TraceProvider:
"""Defines interface for objects providing traces and tracepoint definitions"""
def tpoints(self):
"""Returns tracepoint definitions as a dict of (tracepoint_name, tracepoint)"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def entries(self):
"""Generator returning subsequent trace entries"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def tsc_rate(self):
"""Returns the TSC rate that was in place when traces were collected"""
raise NotImplementedError()
class JsonProvider(TraceProvider):
"""Trace provider based on JSON-formatted output produced by spdk_trace app"""
def __init__(self, file):
self._parser = ijson.parse(file)
self._tpoints = {}
def _parse_tpoints(self, tpoints):
for tpoint in tpoints:
tpoint_id = tpoint['id']
self._tpoints[tpoint_id] = Tracepoint(
name=tpoint['name'], id=tpoint_id,
new_object=tpoint['new_object'], object_type=OBJECT_NONE,
for a in tpoint.get('args', [])])
def _parse_defs(self):
builder = None
for prefix, event, value in self._parser:
# If we reach entries array, there are no more tracepoint definitions
if prefix == 'entries':
elif prefix == 'tsc_rate':
self._tsc_rate = value
if (prefix, event) == ('tpoints', 'start_array'):
builder = ijson.ObjectBuilder()
if builder is not None:
builder.event(event, value)
if (prefix, event) == ('tpoints', 'end_array'):
builder = None
def _parse_entry(self, entry):
tpoint = self._tpoints[entry['tpoint']]
obj = entry.get('object', {})
return TraceEntry(tpoint=tpoint, lcore=entry['lcore'], tsc=entry['tsc'],
size=entry.get('size'), object_id=obj.get('id'),
object_ptr=obj.get('value'), related=entry.get('related'),
time=obj.get('time'), poller=entry.get('poller'),
args={n.name: v for n, v in zip(tpoint.args, entry.get('args', []))})
def tsc_rate(self):
return self._tsc_rate
def tpoints(self):
return self._tpoints
def entries(self):
builder = None
for prefix, event, value in self._parser:
if (prefix, event) == ('entries.item', 'start_map'):
builder = ijson.ObjectBuilder()
if builder is not None:
builder.event(event, value)
if (prefix, event) == ('entries.item', 'end_map'):
yield self._parse_entry(builder.value)
builder = None
class CParserOpts(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('filename', ct.c_char_p),
('mode', ct.c_int),
('lcore', ct.c_uint16)]
class CTraceOwner(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('type', ct.c_uint8),
('id_prefix', ct.c_char)]
class CTraceObject(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('type', ct.c_uint8),
('id_prefix', ct.c_char)]
class CTpointArgument(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('name', ct.c_char * 14),
('type', ct.c_uint8),
('size', ct.c_uint8)]
class CTpointRelatedObject(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('object_type', ct.c_uint8),
('arg_index', ct.c_uint8)]
class CTracepoint(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('name', ct.c_char * 24),
('tpoint_id', ct.c_uint16),
('owner_type', ct.c_uint8),
('object_type', ct.c_uint8),
('new_object', ct.c_uint8),
('num_args', ct.c_uint8),
('args', CTpointArgument * TRACE_MAX_ARGS_COUNT),
('related_objects', CTpointRelatedObject * TRACE_MAX_RELATIONS)]
class CTraceFlags(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('tsc_rate', ct.c_uint64),
('tpoint_mask', ct.c_uint64 * TRACE_MAX_GROUP_ID),
('owner', CTraceOwner * (UCHAR_MAX + 1)),
('object', CTraceObject * (UCHAR_MAX + 1)),
('tpoint', CTracepoint * TRACE_MAX_TPOINT_ID)]
class CTraceEntry(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('tsc', ct.c_uint64),
('tpoint_id', ct.c_uint16),
('poller_id', ct.c_uint16),
('size', ct.c_uint32),
('object_id', ct.c_uint64)]
class CTraceParserArgument(ct.Union):
_fields_ = [('integer', ct.c_uint64),
('pointer', ct.c_void_p),
('string', ct.c_char * (UCHAR_MAX + 1))]
class CTraceParserEntry(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [('entry', ct.POINTER(CTraceEntry)),
('object_index', ct.c_uint64),
('object_start', ct.c_uint64),
('lcore', ct.c_uint16),
('related_index', ct.c_uint64),
('related_type', ct.c_uint8),
('args', CTraceParserArgument * TRACE_MAX_ARGS_COUNT)]
class NativeProvider(TraceProvider):
"""Trace provider based on SPDK's trace library"""
def __init__(self, file):
def __del__(self):
if hasattr(self, '_parser'):
def _setup_binding(self, filename):
self._lib = ct.CDLL('build/lib/libspdk_trace_parser.so')
self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_init.restype = ct.c_void_p
self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_init.errcheck = lambda r, *_: ct.c_void_p(r)
self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_get_flags.restype = ct.POINTER(CTraceFlags)
opts = CParserOpts(filename=bytes(filename, 'ascii'), mode=0,
self._parser = self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_init(ct.byref(opts))
if not self._parser:
raise ValueError('Failed to construct SPDK trace parser')
def _parse_tpoints(self, tpoints):
self._tpoints = {}
for tpoint in tpoints:
if len(tpoint.name) == 0:
self._tpoints[tpoint.tpoint_id] = Tracepoint(
name=str(tpoint.name, 'ascii'), object_type=tpoint.object_type,
owner_type=tpoint.owner_type, id=tpoint.tpoint_id,
args=[TracepointArgument(name=str(a.name, 'ascii'), argtype=a.type)
for a in tpoint.args[:tpoint.num_args]])
def _parse_defs(self):
flags = self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_get_flags(self._parser)
self._tsc_rate = flags.contents.tsc_rate
def conv_objs(arr):
return {int(o.type): str(o.id_prefix, 'ascii') for o in arr if o.id_prefix != b'\x00'}
self._owners = conv_objs(flags.contents.owner)
self._objects = conv_objs(flags.contents.object)
def tsc_rate(self):
return self._tsc_rate
def tpoints(self):
return self._tpoints
def entries(self):
pe = CTraceParserEntry()
argconv = {TracepointArgument.TYPE_INT: lambda a: a.integer,
TracepointArgument.TYPE_PTR: lambda a: int(a.pointer or 0),
TracepointArgument.TYPE_STR: lambda a: str(a.string, 'ascii')}
while self._lib.spdk_trace_parser_next_entry(self._parser, ct.byref(pe)):
entry = pe.entry.contents
lcore = pe.lcore
tpoint = self._tpoints[entry.tpoint_id]
args = {a.name: argconv[a.argtype](pe.args[i]) for i, a in enumerate(tpoint.args)}
if tpoint.object_type != OBJECT_NONE:
if pe.object_index != TRACE_INVALID_OBJECT:
object_id = '{}{}'.format(self._objects[tpoint.object_type], pe.object_index)
ts = entry.tsc - pe.object_start
object_id, ts = 'n/a', None
elif entry.object_id != 0:
object_id, ts = '{:x}'.format(entry.object_id), None
object_id, ts = None, None
if tpoint.owner_type != OWNER_NONE:
poller_id = '{}{:02}'.format(self._owners[tpoint.owner_type], entry.poller_id)
poller_id = None
if pe.related_type != OBJECT_NONE:
related = '{}{}'.format(self._objects[pe.related_type], pe.related_index)
related = None
yield TraceEntry(tpoint=tpoint, lcore=lcore, tsc=entry.tsc,
size=entry.size, object_id=object_id,
object_ptr=entry.object_id, poller=poller_id, time=ts,
args=args, related=related)
class Trace:
"""Stores, parses, and prints out SPDK traces"""
def __init__(self, file):
if file == sys.stdin or magic.from_file(file.name, mime=True) == 'application/json':
self._provider = JsonProvider(file)
self._provider = NativeProvider(file)
self._objects = []
self._argfmt = {TracepointArgument.TYPE_PTR: lambda a: f'0x{a:x}'}
self.tpoints = self._provider.tpoints()
def _annotate_args(self, entry):
annotations = {}
for obj in self._objects:
current = obj.annotate(entry)
if current is None:
return annotations
def _format_args(self, entry):
annotations = self._annotate_args(entry)
args = []
for arg, (name, value) in zip(entry.tpoint.args, entry.args.items()):
annot = annotations.get(name)
if annot is not None:
args.append('{}({})'.format(name, ', '.join(f'{n}={v}' for n, v in annot.items())))
args.append('{}: {}'.format(name, self._argfmt.get(arg.argtype,
lambda a: a)(value)))
return args
def register_object(self, obj):
def print(self):
def get_us(tsc, off):
return ((tsc - off) * 10 ** 6) / self._provider.tsc_rate()
offset = None
for e in self._provider.entries():
offset = e.tsc if offset is None else offset
timestamp = get_us(e.tsc, offset)
diff = get_us(e.time, 0) if e.time is not None else None
args = ', '.join(self._format_args(e))
related = ' (' + e.related + ')' if e.related is not None else ''
print(('{:3} {:16.3f} {:3} {:24} {:12}'.format(
e.lcore, timestamp, e.poller if e.poller is not None else '',
e.tpoint.name, f'size: {e.size}' if e.size else '') +
(f'id: {e.object_id + related:12} ' if e.object_id is not None else '') +
(f'time: {diff:<8.3f} ' if diff is not None else '') +
class SPDKObject:
"""Describes a specific type of an SPDK objects (e.g. qpair, thread, etc.)"""
class Lifetime:
"""Describes a lifetime and properties of a particular SPDK object."""
begin: int
end: int
ptr: int
properties: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
def __init__(self, trace: Trace, tpoints: List[str]):
self.tpoints = {}
for name in tpoints:
tpoint = next((t for t in trace.tpoints.values() if t.name == name), None)
if tpoint is None:
# Some tpoints might be undefined if configured without specific subsystems
self.tpoints[tpoint.id] = tpoint
def _annotate(self, entry: TraceEntry):
"""Abstract annotation method to be implemented by subclasses."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def annotate(self, entry: TraceEntry):
"""Annotates a tpoint entry and returns a dict indexed by argname with values representing
various object properties. For instance, {"qpair": {"qid": 1, "subnqn": "nqn"}} could be
returned to annotate an argument called "qpair" with two items: "qid" and "subnqn".
if entry.tpoint.id not in self.tpoints:
return None
return self._annotate(entry)
class QPair(SPDKObject):
def __init__(self, trace: Trace, dtrace: DTrace):
super().__init__(trace, tpoints=[
self._objects = []
def _find_objects(self, dprobes):
def probe_match(probe, other):
return probe.args['qpair'] == other.args['qpair']
for i, dprobe in enumerate(dprobes):
if dprobe.name != 'nvmf_poll_group_add_qpair':
# We've found a new qpair, now find the probe indicating its destruction
last_idx, last = next((((i + j + 1), d) for j, d in enumerate(islice(dprobes, i, None))
if d.name == 'nvmf_poll_group_remove_qpair' and
probe_match(d, dprobe)), (None, None))
obj = SPDKObject.Lifetime(begin=dprobe.args['tsc'],
end=last.args['tsc'] if last is not None else TSC_MAX,
properties={'ptr': hex(dprobe.args['qpair']),
'thread': dprobe.args['thread']})
for other in filter(lambda p: probe_match(p, dprobe), dprobes[i:last_idx]):
if other.name == 'nvmf_ctrlr_add_qpair':
for prop in ['qid', 'subnqn', 'hostnqn']:
obj.properties[prop] = other.args[prop]
def _annotate(self, entry):
qpair = entry.args.get('qpair')
if qpair is None:
return None
for obj in self._objects:
if obj.ptr == qpair and obj.begin <= entry.tsc <= obj.end:
return {'qpair': obj.properties}
return None
def build_dtrace(file=None):
return DTrace([
args=[DTraceArgument(name='tsc', pos=0, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='qpair', pos=1, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='thread', pos=2, type=int)]),
args=[DTraceArgument(name='tsc', pos=0, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='qpair', pos=1, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='thread', pos=2, type=int)]),
args=[DTraceArgument(name='tsc', pos=0, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='qpair', pos=1, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='qid', pos=2, type=int),
DTraceArgument(name='subnqn', pos=3, type=str),
DTraceArgument(name='hostnqn', pos=4, type=str)])], file)
def print_trace(trace_file, dtrace_file):
dtrace = build_dtrace(dtrace_file)
trace = Trace(trace_file)
trace.register_object(QPair(trace, dtrace))
def main(argv):
parser = ArgumentParser(description='SPDK trace annotation script')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input',
help='Trace file to annotate (either JSON generated by spdk_trace or ' +
'raw binary produced by the SPDK application itself)')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--generate', help='Generate bpftrace script', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--record', help='Record BPF traces on PID', metavar='PID', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bpftrace', help='BPF trace script to use for annotations')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if args.generate:
elif args.record:
print_trace(open(args.input, 'r') if args.input is not None else sys.stdin,
open(args.bpftrace) if args.bpftrace is not None else None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# In order for the changes to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be visible to the loader,
# they need to be applied before starting a process, so we need to
# re-execute the script after updating it.
if os.environ.get('SPDK_BPF_TRACE_PY') is None:
rootdir = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../..'
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join([os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ''),
os.environ['SPDK_BPF_TRACE_PY'] = '1'
os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, BrokenPipeError):