if GLOBAL.STRINGS.NAMES.MIGRATION_PORTAL then -- we have caves AddPrefabPostInit("forest", function(inst) if inst.ismastersim then inst:AddComponent("natural_regrowth") inst:AddComponent("event_regrowth") end end) AddPrefabPostInit("cave", function(inst) if inst.ismastersim then inst:AddComponent("natural_regrowth") inst:AddComponent("event_regrowth") end end) else -- only overworld AddPrefabPostInit("world", function(inst) if inst.ismastersim then inst:AddComponent("natural_regrowth") inst:AddComponent("event_regrowth") end end) end local natural = { berrybush = 1451, berrybush2 = 1429, berrybush_juicy = 1429, carrot_planted = 240, evergreen = 251, deciduoustree = 251, marsh_tree = 480, twiggytree = 491, flower = 229, grass = 229, blue_mushroom = 251, red_mushroom = 240, green_mushroom = 240, reeds = 480, sapling = 240, marsh_bush = 480, cactus = 479, rock1 = 229, rock2 = 240, rock_flintless = 251, rock_moon = 480, stalagmite = 489, stalagmite_tall = 240, } local event = { flower_evil = 480, marbletree= 960, livingtree = 969, mandrake = 969, beehive = 489, wasphive = 969, houndmound = 1449, pighouse = 960, mermhouse = 960, spiderden = 1431, catcoonden = 951, tentacle = 489, rabbithole = 471, fireflies = 471, knight = 1431, bishop = 1431, rook = 1449, knight_nightmare = 1449, bishop_nightmare = 1440, rook_nightmare = 1440, monkeypods = 951, ruins_statue_mage = 969, ruins_statue_mage_nogem = 969, ruins_statue_head = 960, ruins_statue_head_nogem = 951, rabbithouse = 951, slurtlehole = 951, tallbirdnest = 960 } AddComponentPostInit("natural_regrowth", function(component) for prefab, time in pairs(natural) do if GetModConfigData(prefab) then component:RegisterRegrowth(prefab, prefab, time) end end component:FinishModConfig() end) AddComponentPostInit("event_regrowth", function(component) for prefab, time in pairs(event) do if GetModConfigData(prefab) then component:RegisterRegrowth(prefab, prefab, time) end end component:FinishModConfig() end) --"forest" for the overworld --"cave" for the caves. --No more "world" prefab.