### Summary Stage 1 loader loads stage 2 loader from the floppy and jumps to it. Stage 2 loader initializes protected mode, detects system memory, loads stage 3 and kernel from the floppy and jumps to stage 3. Stage 3 is supposed perform initialization in protected mode. It should be called stage 2.5 because it's the same thing but 32 bit binary, it reloads GDT to predictable range, initializes IDT, tests #DIV exception and and eventually jumps to kernel. The kernel prints a welcome message and loops infinitely. Yes the ASM code and the makefile could use some refactoring. Yes I know floor can be calculated simply by (x + y - 1) / y. ### Building cd into "src" and Run "make". The boot image "boot.img" is generated under "src/out" directory. Use QEMU or Bochs to emulate.