Stefan Eßer 44d4804d19 usr.bin/ghä-bc, contrib/bc: update to version 5.0.0
Merge commit 2f57ecae4b

This is a new major release with a number of changes and extensions:

- Limited the number of temporary numbers and made the space for them
  static so that allocating more space for them cannot fail.
- Allowed integers with non-zero scale to be used with power, places,
  and shift operators.
- Added greatest common divisor and least common multiple to lib2.bc.
- Made bc and dc UTF-8 capable.
- Added the ability for users to have bc and dc quit on SIGINT.
- Added the ability for users to disable prompt and TTY mode by
  environment variables.
- Added the ability for users to redefine keywords.
- Added dc's modular exponentiation and divmod to bc.
- Added the ability to assign strings to variables and array elements
  and pass them to functions in bc.
- Added dc's asciify command and stream printing to bc.
- Added bitwise and, or, xor, left shift, right shift, reverse,
  left rotate, right rotate, and mod functions to lib2.bc.
- Added the functions s2u(x) and s2un(x,n), to lib2.bc.

MFC after:	1 week
2021-08-13 11:28:06 +02:00

174 KiB


Updated: 25 July 2021

This document is meant for the day when I (Gavin D. Howard) get hit by a bus. In other words, it's meant to make the bus factor a non-issue.

This document is supposed to contain all of the knowledge necessary to develop bc and dc.

In addition, this document is meant to add to the oral tradition of software engineering, as described by Bryan Cantrill.

This document will reference other parts of the repository. That is so a lot of the documentation can be closest to the part of the repo where it is actually necessary.

What Is It?

This repository contains an implementation of both POSIX bc and Unix dc.

POSIX bc is a standard utility required for POSIX systems. dc is a historical utility that was included in early Unix and even predates both Unix and C. They both are arbitrary-precision command-line calculators with their own programming languages. bc's language looks similar to C, with infix notation and including functions, while dc uses Reverse Polish Notation and allows the user to execute strings as though they were functions.

In addition, it is also possible to build the arbitrary-precision math as a library, named bcl.

Note: for ease, I will refer to both programs as bc in this document. However, if I say "just bc," I am referring to just bc, and if I say dc, I am referring to just dc.


This project started in January 2018 when a certain individual on IRC, hearing that I knew how to write parsers, asked me to write a bc parser for his math library. I did so. I thought about writing my own math library, but he disparaged my programming skills and made me think that I couldn't do it.

However, he took so long to do it that I eventually decided to give it a try and had a working math portion in two weeks. It taught me that I should not listen to such people.

From that point, I decided to make it an extreme learning experience about how to write quality software.

That individual's main goal had been to get his bc into toybox, and I managed to get my own bc in. I also got it in busybox.

Eventually, in late 2018, I also decided to try my hand at implementing Karatsuba multiplication, an algorithm that that unnamed individual claimed I could never implement. It took me a bit, but I did it.

This project became a passion project for me, and I continued. In mid-2019, Stefan Eßer suggested I improve performance by putting more than 1 digit in each section of the numbers. After I showed immaturity because of some burnout, I implemented his suggestion, and the results were incredible.

Since that time, I have gradually been improving the bc as I have learned more about things like fuzzing, scan-build, valgrind, AddressSanitizer (and the other sanitizers), and many other things.

One of my happiest moments was when my bc was made the default in FreeBSD.

But since I believe in finishing the software I write, I have done less work on bc over time, though there are still times when I put a lot of effort in, such as now (17 June 2021), when I am attempting to convince OpenBSD to use my bc.

And that is why I am writing this document: someday, someone else is going to want to change my code, and this document is my attempt to make it as simple as possible.


According to Bryan Cantrill, all software has values. I think he's correct, though I added one value for programming languages in particular.

However, for bc, his original list will do:

  • Approachability
  • Availability
  • Compatibility
  • Composability
  • Debuggability
  • Expressiveness
  • Extensibility
  • Interoperability
  • Integrity
  • Maintainability
  • Measurability
  • Operability
  • Performance
  • Portability
  • Resiliency
  • Rigor
  • Robustness
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Simplicity
  • Stability
  • Thoroughness
  • Transparency
  • Velocity

There are several values that don't apply. The reason they don't apply is because bc and dc are existing utilities; this is just another reimplementation. The designs of bc and dc are set in stone; there is nothing we can do to change them, so let's get rid of those values that would apply to their design:

  • Compatibility
  • Integrity
  • Maintainability
  • Measurability
  • Performance
  • Portability
  • Resiliency
  • Rigor
  • Robustness
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Simplicity
  • Stability
  • Thoroughness
  • Transparency

Furthermore, some of the remaining ones don't matter to me, so let me get rid of those and order the rest according to my actual values for this project:

  • Robustness
  • Stability
  • Portability
  • Compatibility
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Simplicity

First is robustness. This bc and dc should be robust, accepting any input, never crashing, and instead, returning an error.

Closely related to that is stability. The execution of bc and dc should be deterministic and never change for the same inputs, including the pseudo-random number generator (for the same seed).

Third is portability. These programs should run everywhere that POSIX exists, as well as Windows. This means that just about every person on the planet will have access to these programs.

Next is compatibility. These programs should, as much as possible, be compatible with other existing implementations and standards.

Then we come to performance. A calculator is only usable if it's fast, so these programs should run as fast as possible.

After that is security. These programs should never be the reason a user's computer is compromised.

And finally, simplicity. Where possible, the code should be simple, while deferring to the above values.

Keep these values in mind for the rest of this document, and for exploring any other part of this repo.


But before I go on, I want to talk about portability in particular.

Most of these principles just require good attention and care, but portability is different. Sometimes, it requires pulling in code from other places and adapting it. In other words, sometimes I need to duplicate and adapt code.

This happened in a few cases:

This was done because I decided to ensure that bc's dependencies were basically zero. In particular, either users have a normal install of Windows or they have a POSIX system.

A POSIX system limited me to C99, sh, and zero external dependencies. That last item is why I pull code into bc: if I pull it in, it's not an external dependency.

That's why bc has duplicated code. Remove it, and you risk bc not being portable to some platforms.

Suggested Course

I do have a suggested course for programmers to follow when trying to understand this codebase. The order is this:

  1. bc Spec.
  2. Manpages.
  3. Test suite.
  4. Understand the build.
  5. Algorithms manual.
  6. Code concepts.
  7. Repo structure.
  8. Headers.
  9. Source code.

This order roughly follows this order:

  1. High-level requirements
  2. Low-level requirements
  3. High-level implementation
  4. Low-level implementation

In other words, first understand what the code is supposed to do, then understand the code itself.

Useful External Tools

I have a few tools external to bc that are useful:

My bash aliases are these:

alias makej='make -j16'
alias mcmake='make clean && make'
alias mcmakej='make clean && make -j16'
alias bcdebug='CPPFLAGS="-DBC_DEBUG_CODE=1" CFLAGS="-Weverything -Wno-padded \
    -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-cast-align \
    -Wno-unreachable-code-return -Wno-missing-noreturn \
    -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-unreachable-code -Wall -Wextra \
    -pedantic -std=c99" ./'
alias bcconfig='CFLAGS="-Weverything -Wno-padded -Wno-switch-enum \
    -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-cast-align -Wno-unreachable-code-return \
    -Wno-missing-noreturn -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-unreachable-code \
    -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99" ./'
alias bcnoassert='CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG" CFLAGS="-Weverything -Wno-padded \
    -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-cast-align \
    -Wno-unreachable-code-return -Wno-missing-noreturn \
    -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-unreachable-code -Wall -Wextra \
    -pedantic -std=c99" ./'
alias bcdebugnoassert='CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -DBC_DEBUG_CODE=1" \
    CFLAGS="-Weverything -Wno-padded -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-format-nonliteral \
    -Wno-cast-align -Wno-unreachable-code-return -Wno-missing-noreturn \
    -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion -Wno-unreachable-code -Wall -Wextra \
    -pedantic -std=c99" ./'
alias bcunset='unset BC_LINE_LENGTH && unset BC_ENV_ARGS'

makej runs make with all of my cores.

mcmake runs make clean before running make. It will take a target on the command-line.

mcmakej is a combination of makej and mcmake.

bcdebug configures bc for a full debug build, including BC_DEBUG_CODE (see Debugging below).

bcconfig configures bc with Clang (Clang is my personal default compiler) using full warnings, with a few really loud and useless warnings turned off.

bcnoassert configures bc to not have asserts built in.

bcdebugnoassert is like bcnoassert, except it also configures bc for debug mode.

bcunset unsets my personal bc environment variables, which are set to:

export BC_ENV_ARGS="-l $HOME/.bcrc"
export BC_LINE_LENGTH="74"

Unsetting these environment variables are necessary for running scripts/ because otherwise, it will error when attempting to run bc -s on my $HOME/.bcrc.

Speaking of which, the contents of that file are:

define void print_time_unit(t){
	if(t<10)print "0"
	if(t<1&&t)print "0"
	print t,":"
define void sec2time(t){
	auto s,m,h,d,r
	if(s<10)print "0"
	if(s<1&&s)print "0"
define minutes(secs){
	return secs/60;
define hours(secs){
	return secs/3600;
define days(secs){
	return secs/3600/24;
define years(secs){
	return secs/3600/24/365.25;
define fbrand(b,p){
	auto l,s,t
	return t
define ifbrand(i,b,p){return irand(abs(i)$)+fbrand(b,p)}

This allows me to use bc as part of my bash prompt.

Code Style

The code style for bc is...weird, and that comes from historical accident.

In History, I mentioned how I got my bc in toybox. Well, in order to do that, my bc originally had toybox style. Eventually, I changed to using tabs, and assuming they were 4 spaces wide, but other than that, I basically kept the same style, with some exceptions that are more or less dependent on my taste.

The code style is as follows:

  • Tabs are 4 spaces.
  • Tabs are used at the beginning of lines for indent.
  • Spaces are used for alignment.
  • Lines are limited to 80 characters, period.
  • Pointer asterisk (*) goes with the variable (on the right), not the type, unless it is for a pointer type returned from a function.
  • The opening brace is put on the same line as the header for the function, loop, or if statement.
  • Unless the header is more than one line, in which case the opening brace is put on its own line.
  • If the opening brace is put on its own line, there is no blank line after it.
  • If the opening brace is not put on its own line, there is a blank line after it, unless the block is only one or two lines long.
  • Code lines are grouped into what I call "paragraphs." Basically, lines that seem like they should go together are grouped together. This one comes down to judgment.
  • Bodies of if statements, else statements, and loops that are one line long are put on the same line as the statement, unless the header is more than one line long, and/or, the header and body cannot fit into 80 characters with a space inbetween them.
  • If single-line bodies are on a separate line from their headers, and the headers are only a single line, then no braces are used.
  • However, braces are always used if they contain another if statement or loop.
  • Loops with empty bodies are ended with a semicolon.
  • Expressions that return a boolean value are surrounded by paretheses.
  • Macro backslashes are aligned as far to the left as possible.
  • Binary operators have spaces on both sides.
  • If a line with binary operators overflows 80 characters, a newline is inserted after binary operators.
  • Function modifiers and return types are on the same line as the function name.
  • With one exception, goto's are only used to jump to the end of a function for cleanup.
  • All structs, enums, and unions are typedef'ed.
  • All constant data is in one file: src/data.c, but the corresponding extern declarations are in the appropriate header file.
  • All local variables are declared at the beginning of the scope where they appear. They may be initialized at that point, if it does not invoke UB or otherwise cause bugs.
  • All precondition assert()'s (see Asserts) come after local variable declarations.
  • Besides short if statements and loops, there should never be more than one statement per line.


I attempted three times to use ClangFormat to impose a standard, machine-useful style on bc. All three failed. Otherwise, the style in this repo would be more consistent.

Repo Structure

Functions are documented with Doxygen-style doc comments. Functions that appear in headers are documented in the headers, while static functions are documented where they are defined.


A Visual Studio solution file for bcl. This, along with bcl.vcxproj and bcl.vcxproj.filters is what makes it possible to build bcl on Windows.


A Visual Studio project file for bcl. This, along with bcl.sln and bcl.vcxproj.filters is what makes it possible to build bcl on Windows.


A Visual Studio filters file for bcl. This, along with bcl.sln and bcl.vcxproj is what makes it possible to build bcl on Windows.


A Visual Studio solution file for bc. This, along with bc.vcxproj and bc.vcxproj.filters is what makes it possible to build bc on Windows.


A Visual Studio project file for bc. This, along with bc.sln and bc.vcxproj.filters is what makes it possible to build bc on Windows.


A Visual Studio filters file for bc. This, along with bc.sln and bc.vcxproj is what makes it possible to build bc on Windows.


A symlink to

This is the script to configure bc and bcl for building.

This bc has a custom build system. The reason for this is because of portability.

If bc used an outside build system, that build system would be an external dependency. Thus, I had to write a build system for bc that used nothing but C99 and POSIX utilities.

One of those utilities is POSIX sh, which technically implements a Turing-complete programming language. It's a terrible one, but it works.

A user that wants to build bc on a POSIX system (not Windows) first runs with the options he wants. uses those options and the Makefile template ( to generate an actual valid Makefile. Then make can do the rest.

For more information about the build process, see the Build System section and the build manual.

For more information about shell scripts, see POSIX Shell Scripts. does the following:

  1. It processes command-line arguments and figure out what the user wants to build.
  2. It reads in
  3. One-by-one, it replaces placeholders (in of the form %%<placeholder_name>%% based on the build type.
  4. It appends a list of file targets based on the build type.
  5. It appends the correct test targets.
  6. It copies the correct manpage and markdown manual for bc and dc into a location from which they can be copied for install.
  7. It does a make clean to reset the build state.


A .gitattributes file. This is needed to preserve the crlf line endings in the Visual Studio files.


The .gitignore

This is the LICENSE file, including the licenses of various software that I have borrowed.

This is the Makefile template for to use for generating a Makefile.

For more information, see, the Build System section, and the build manual.

Because of portability, the generated should be a pure POSIX make-compatible Makefile (minus the placeholders). Here are a few snares for the unwary programmer in this file:

  1. No extensions allowed, including and especially GNU extensions.
  2. If new headers are added, they must also be added to
  3. Don't delete the .POSIX: empty target at the top; that's what tells make implementations that pure POSIX make is needed.

In particular, there is no way to set up variables other than the = operator. There are no conditionals, so all of the conditional stuff must be in This is, in fact, why exists in the first place: POSIX make is barebones and only does a build with no configuration.

A running changelog with an entry for each version. This should be updated at the same time that include/version.h is.

The NOTICE file with proper attributions.

The README. Read it.


The folder containing files to generate benchmarks.

Each of these files was made, at one time or another, to benchmark some experimental feature, so if it seems there is no rhyme or reason to these benchmarks, it is because there is none, besides historical accident.


The folder containing bc scripts to generate bc benchmarks.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark addition in bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of array names and constants.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of array names.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of constants.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark division in bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of functions.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of calls to irand() with large bounds.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of calls to irand() with small bounds.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of calls to heavy functions in lib.bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark multiplication in bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using postfix increment and decrement operators.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark power (exponentiation) in bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark subtraction in bc.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark bc using lots of strings.


The folder containing dc scripts to generate dc benchmarks.


The file to generate the benchmark to benchmark modular exponentiation in dc.


A folder containing the files necessary to generate C strings that will be embedded in the executable.

All of the files in this folder have license headers, but the program and script that can generate strings from them include code to strip the license header out before strings are generated.


A text file containing the text displayed for bc -h or bc --help.

This text just contains the command-line options and a short summary of the differences from GNU and BSD bc's. It also directs users to the manpage.

The reason for this is because otherwise, the help would be far too long to be useful.

Warning: The text has some printf() format specifiers. You need to make sure the format specifiers match the arguments given to bc_file_printf().


A text file containing the text displayed for dc -h or dc --help.

This text just contains the command-line options and a short summary of the differences from GNU and BSD dc's. It also directs users to the manpage.

The reason for this is because otherwise, the help would be far too long to be useful.

Warning: The text has some printf() format specifiers. You need to make sure the format specifiers match the arguments given to bc_file_printf().


A bc script containing the standard math library required by POSIX. See the POSIX standard for what is required.

This file does not have any extraneous whitespace, except for tabs at the beginning of lines. That is because this data goes directly into the binary, and whitespace is extra bytes in the binary. Thus, not having any extra whitespace shrinks the resulting binary.

However, tabs at the beginning of lines are kept for two reasons:

  1. Readability. (This file is still code.)
  2. The program and script that generate strings from this file can remove tabs at the beginning of lines.

For more details about the algorithms used, see the algorithms manual.

However, there are a few snares for unwary programmers.

First, all constants must be one digit. This is because otherwise, multi-digit constants could be interpreted wrongly if the user uses a different ibase. This does not happen with single-digit numbers because they are guaranteed to be interpreted what number they would be if the ibase was as high as possible.

This is why A is used in the library instead of 10, and things like 2*9*A for 180 in lib2.bc.

As an alternative, you can set ibase in the function, but if you do, make sure to set it with a single-digit number and beware the snare below...

Second, scale, ibase, and obase must be safely restored before returning from any function in the library. This is because without the -g option, functions are allowed to change any of the globals.

Third, all local variables in a function must be declared in an auto statement before doing anything else. This includes arrays. However, function parameters are considered predeclared.

Fourth, and this is only a snare for lib.bc, not lib2.bc, the code must not use any extensions. It has to work when users use the -s or -w flags.


A bc script containing the extended math library.

Like lib.bc, and for the same reasons, this file should have no extraneous whitespace, except for tabs at the beginning of lines.

For more details about the algorithms used, see the algorithms manual.

Also, be sure to check lib.bc for the snares that can trip up unwary programmers when writing code for lib2.bc.


Code for the program to generate C strings from text files. This is the original program, although was added later.

The reason I used C here is because even though I knew sh would be available (it must be available to run, I didn't know how to do what I needed to do with POSIX utilities and sh.

Later, was contributed by Stefan Eßer of FreeBSD, showing that it could be done with sh and POSIX utilities.

However, strgen.c exists still exists because the versions generated by may technically hit an environmental limit. (See the draft C99 standard, page 21.) This is because generates string literals, and in C99, string literals can be limited to 4095 characters, and gen/lib2.bc is above that.

Fortunately, the limit for "objects," which include char arrays, is much bigger: 65535 bytes, so that's what strgen.c generates.

However, the existence of strgen.c does come with a cost: the build needs C99 compiler that targets the host machine. For more information, see the "Cross Compiling" section of the build manual.

Read the comments in strgen.c for more detail about it, the arguments it takes, and how it works.

An sh script that will generate C strings that uses only POSIX utilities. This exists for those situations where a host C99 compiler is not available, and the environment limits mentioned above in strgen.c don't matter. takes the same arguments as strgen.c, and the arguments mean the exact same things, so see the comments in strgen.c for more detail about that, and see the comments in for more details about it and how it works.

For more information about shell scripts, see POSIX Shell Scripts.


A folder containing the headers.

The headers are not included among the source code because I like it better that way. Also there were folders within src/ at one point, and I did not want to see #include "../some_header.h" or things like that.

So all headers are here, even though only one (bcl.h) is meant for end users (to be installed in INCLUDEDIR).


This file is the API for processing command-line arguments.


This header is the API for bc-only items. This includes the bc_main() function and the bc-specific lexing and parsing items.

The bc parser is perhaps the most sensitive part of the entire codebase. See the documentation in bc.h for more information.

The code associated with this header is in src/bc.c, src/bc_lex.c, and src/bc_parse.c.


This header is the API for the bcl library.

This header is meant for distribution to end users and contains the API that end users of bcl can use in their own software.

This header, because it's the public header, is also the root header. That means that it has platform-specific fixes for Windows. (If the fixes were not in this header, the build would fail on Windows.)

The code associated with this header is in src/library.c.


This header is the API for dc-only items. This includes the dc_main() function and the dc-specific lexing and parsing items.

The code associated with this header is in src/dc.c, src/dc_lex.c, and src/dc_parse.c.


This header is for bc's internal buffered I/O API.

For more information about bc's error handling and custom buffered I/O, see Error Handling and Custom I/O, along with status.h and the notes about version 3.0.0 in the NEWS.

The code associated with this header is in src/file.c.


This header is for bc's implementation of command-line editing/history, which is based on a UTF-8-aware fork of linenoise.

For more information, see the Command-Line History section.

The code associated with this header is in src/history.c.


This header defines the data structures and bytecode used for actual execution of bc and dc code.

Yes, it's misnamed; that's an accident of history where the first things I put into it all seemed related to the bc language.

The code associated with this header is in src/lang.c.


This header defines the common items that both programs need for lexing.

The code associated with this header is in src/lex.c, src/bc_lex.c, and src/dc_lex.c.


This header defines the things needed for bcl that users should not have access to. In other words, bcl.h is the public header for the library, and this header is the private header for the library.

The code associated with this header is in src/library.c.


This header is the API for numbers and math.

The code associated with this header is in src/num.c.


This header is the API for parsing command-line arguments.

It's different from args.h in that args.h is for the main code to process the command-line arguments into global data after they have already been parsed by opt.h into proper tokens. In other words, opt.h actually parses the command-line arguments, and args.h turns that parsed data into flags (bits), strings, and expressions that will be used later.

Why are they separate? Because originally, bc used getopt_long() for parsing, so args.h was the only one that existed. After it was discovered that getopt_long() has different behavior on different platforms, I adapted a public-domain option parsing library to do the job instead. And in doing so, I gave it its own header.

They could probably be combined, but I don't really care enough at this point.

The code associated with this header is in src/opt.c.


This header defines the common items that both programs need for parsing.

Note that the parsers don't produce abstract syntax trees (AST's) or any intermediate representations. They produce bytecode directly. In other words, they don't have special data structures except what they need to do their job.

The code associated with this header is in src/parse.c, src/bc_lex.c, and src/dc_lex.c.


This header defines the items needed to manage the data structures in lang.h as well as any helper functions needed to generate bytecode or execute it.

The code associated with this header is in src/program.c.


This header defines the API for the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

The PRNG only generates fixed-size integers. The magic of generating random numbers of arbitrary size is actually given to the code that does math (src/num.c).

The code associated with this header is in src/rand.c.


This header defines the API for reading from files and stdin.

Thus, file.h is really for buffered output, while this file is for input. There is no buffering needed for bc's inputs.

The code associated with this header is in src/read.c.


This header has several things:

  • A list of possible errors that internal bc code can use.
  • Compiler-specific fixes.
  • Platform-specific fixes.
  • Macros for bc's error handling.

There is no code associated with this header.


This header defines the API for the vectors (resizable arrays) that are used for data structures.

Vectors are what do the heavy lifting in almost all of bc's data structures. Even the maps of identifiers and arrays use vectors.


This header defines the version of bc.

There is no code associated with this header.


This header defines the API for setting up and running bc and dc.

It is so named because I think of it as the "virtual machine" of bc, though that is probably not true as program.h is probably the "virtual machine" API. Thus, the name is more historical accident.

The code associated with this header is in src/vm.c.


This folder contains a bunch of .msg files and soft links to the real .msg files. This is how locale support is implemented in bc.

The files are in the format required by the gencat POSIX utility. They all have the same messages, in the same order, with the same numbering, under the same groups. This is because the locale system expects those messages in that order.

The softlinks exist because for many locales, they would contain the exact same information. To prevent duplication, they are simply linked to a master copy.

The naming format for all files is:


This naming format must be followed for all locale files.


This folder contains the documentation for bc, dc, and bcl, along with a few other manuals.

This file explains the mathematical algorithms that are used.

The hope is that this file will guide people in understanding how the math code works.

This file is a template for the markdown version of the bc manual and manpages.

For more information about how the manpages and markdown manuals are generated, and for why, see scripts/ and Manuals.


This is the manpage for the bcl library. It is generated from using scripts/

For the reason why I check generated data into the repo, see scripts/ and Manuals.

This is the markdown manual for the bcl library. It is the source for the generated bcl.3 file.

This is a document that compares this bc to GNU bc in various benchmarks. It was last updated when version 3.0.0 was released.

It has very little documentation value, other than showing what compiler options are useful for performance.

This is the build manual.

This bc has a custom build system. The reason for this is because of portability.

If bc used an outside build system, that build system would be an external dependency. Thus, I had to write a build system for bc that used nothing but C99 and POSIX utilities, including barebones POSIX make.

for more information about the build system, see the build system section, the build manual,, and

This file is a template for the markdown version of the dc manual and manpages.

For more information about how the manpages and markdown manuals are generated, and for why, see scripts/ and Manuals.

The file you are reading right now.


Used by scripts/ to give the bcl.3 manpage a proper header.

For more information about generating manuals, see scripts/ and Manuals.


Used by scripts/ to give the generated bc manpages a proper header.

For more information about generating manuals, see scripts/ and Manuals.


Used by scripts/ to give the generated dc manpages a proper header.

For more information about generating manuals, see scripts/ and Manuals.


Used by scripts/ to give all generated manpages a license header.

For more information about generating manuals, see scripts/ and Manuals.

A checklist that I try to somewhat follow when making a release.


A folder containing the bc manuals.

Each bc manual corresponds to a build type. See that link for more details.

For each manual, there are two copies: the markdown version generated from the template, and the manpage generated from the markdown version.


A folder containing the dc manuals.

Each dc manual corresponds to a build type. See that link for more details.

For each manual, there are two copies: the markdown version generated from the template, and the manpage generated from the markdown version.


This folder contains helper scripts. Most of them are written in pure POSIX sh, but one ( is written in Python 3.

For more information about the shell scripts, see POSIX Shell Scripts.

This script is meant to be used as part of the fuzzing workflow.

It does one of two things: checks for valid crashes, or runs bc and or dc under all of the paths found by AFL++.

See Fuzzing for more information about fuzzing, including this script.

This script is a quick and dirty script to test whether or not the garbage collection mechanism of the BcNum caching works. It has been little-used because it tests something that is not important to correctness.

A script making it easy to run benchmarks and to run the executable produced by ministat.c on them.

For more information, see the Benchmarks section.


A source file for an executable to generate tests for bc's bitwise functions in gen/lib2.bc. The executable is scripts/bitgen, and it is built with make bitgen. It produces the test on stdout and the expected results on stderr. This means that to generat tests, use the following invokation:

scripts/bitgen > tests/bc/bitfuncs.txt 2> tests/bc/bitfuncs_results.txt

It calls abort() if it runs into an error.

This script is the magic behind making sure dc is installed properly if it's a symlink to bc. It checks to see if it is a link, and if so, it just creates a new symlink in the install directory. Of course, it also installs bc itself, or dc when it's alone.

This file is a bunch of common functions for most of the POSIX shell scripts. It is not supposed to be run; instead, it is sourced by other POSIX shell scripts, like so:

. "$scriptdir/"

or the equivalent, depending on where the sourcing script is.

For more information about the shell scripts, see POSIX Shell Scripts.

Fuzzing is a regular activity when I am preparing for a release.

This script handles all the options and such for building a fuzzable binary. Instead of having to remember a bunch of options, I just put them in this script and run the script when I want to fuzz.

For more information about fuzzing, see Fuzzing.

This script has at least one of two major differences from most of the other scripts:

  • It's written in Python 3.
  • It's meant for software packagers.

For example, scripts/ and scripts/ are both in Python 3, but they are not meant for the end user or software packagers and are not included in source distributions. But this script is.

This script breaks my rule of only POSIX utilities necessary for package maintainers, but there's a very good reason for that: it's only meant to be run once when the package is created for the first time, and maybe not even then.

You see, this script does two things: it tests the Karatsuba implementation at various settings for KARATSUBA_LEN, and it figures out what the optimal KARATSUBA_LEN is for the machine that it is running on.

Package maintainers can use this script, when creating a package for this bc, to figure out what is optimal for their users. Then they don't have to run it ever again. So this script only has to run on the packagers machine.

I tried to write the script in sh, by the way, and I finally accepted the tradeoff of using Python 3 when it became too hard.

However, I also mentioned that it's for testing Karatsuba with various settings of KARATSUBA_LEN. Package maintainers will want to run the test suite, right?

Yes, but this script is not part of the test suite; it's used for testing in the scripts/ script, which is maintainer use only.

However, there is one snare with I didn't want the user to have to install any Python libraries to run it. Keep that in mind if you change it.

This script is the magic behind making dc a symlink of bc when both calculators are built.

This script does what its name says: it installs locales.

It turns out that this is complicated.

There is a magic environment variable, $NLSPATH, that tells you how and where you are supposed to install locales.

Yes, how. And where.

But now is not the place to rant about $NLSPATH. For more information on locales and $NLSPATH, see Locales.

This script does what its name says: it uninstalls locales.

This is far less complicated than installing locales. I basically generate a wildcard path and then list all paths that fit that wildcard. Then I delete each one of those paths. Easy.

For more information on locales, see Locales.

This script is the one that generates markdown manuals from a template and a manpage from a markdown manual.

For more information about generating manuals, see Manuals.


This is a file copied from FreeBSD that calculates the standard statistical numbers, such as mean, average, and median, based on numbers obtained from a file.

For more information, see the FreeBSD ministat(1) manpage.

This file allows bc to build the scripts/ministat executable using the command make ministat, and this executable helps programmers evaluate the results of benchmarks more accurately.

This script is what helps bc maintainers cut a release. It does the following:

  1. Creates the appropriate git tag.
  2. Pushes the git tag.
  3. Copies the repo to a temp directory.
  4. Removes files that should not be included in source distributions.
  5. Creates the tarballs.
  6. Signs the tarballs.
  7. Zips and signs the Windows executables if they exist.
  8. Calculates and outputs SHA512 and SHA256 sums for all of the files, including the signatures.

This script is for bc maintainers to use when cutting a release. It is not meant for outside use. This means that some non-POSIX utilities can be used, such as git and gpg.

In addition, before using this script, it expects that the folders that Windows generated when building bc, dc, and bcl, are in the parent directory of the repo, exactly as Windows generated them. If they are not there, then it will not zip and sign, nor calculate sums of, the Windows executables.

Because this script creates a tag and pushes it, it should only be run ONCE per release.

A script to test bc's command-line expression parsing code, which, while simple, strives to handle as much as possible.

What this script does is it uses the test cases in radamsa.txt an input to the Radamsa fuzzer.

For more information, see the Radamsa section.


Initial test cases for the script.

This script generates random math problems and checks that bc's and dc's output matches the GNU bc and dc. (For this reason, it is necessary to have GNU bc and dc installed before using this script.)

One snare: be sure that this script is using the GNU bc and dc, not a previously-installed version of this bc and dc.

If you want to check for memory issues or failing asserts, you can build the bc using ./scripts/ -a, and then run it under this script. Any errors or crashes should be caught by the script and given to the user as part of the "checklist" (see below).

The basic idea behind this script is that it generates as many math problems as it can, biasing towards situations that may be likely to have bugs, and testing each math problem against GNU bc or dc.

If GNU bc or dc fails, it just continues. If this bc or dc fails, it stores that problem. If the output mismatches, it also stores the problem.

Then, when the user sends a SIGINT, the script stops testing and goes into report mode. One-by-one, it will go through the "checklist," the list of failed problems, and present each problem to the user, as well as whether this bc or dc crashed, and its output versus GNU. Then the user can decide to add them as test cases, which it does automatically to the appropriate test file.


A text file of settings combinations that uses to ensure that bc and dc build and work with various default settings. simply reads it line by line and uses each line for one build.

This script is for bc maintainers only. It runs bc, dc, and bcl through a gauntlet that is mostly meant to be used in preparation for a release.

It does the following:

  1. Builds every build type, with every setting combo in release_settings.txt with both calculators, bc alone, and dc alone.
  2. Builds every build type, with every setting combo in release_settings.txt with both calculators, bc alone, and dc alone for 32-bit.
  3. Does #1 and #2 for Debug, Release, Release with Debug Info, and Min Size Release builds.
  4. Runs the test suite on every build, if desired.
  5. Runs the test suite under ASan, UBSan, and MSan for every build type/setting combo.
  6. Runs scripts/ in test mode.
  7. Runs the test suite for both calculators, bc alone, and dc alone under valgrind and errors if there are any memory bugs or memory leaks.

A script copied from musl to atomically install files.

A quick and dirty script to help automate rebuilding while manually testing the various default settings.

This script uses test_settings.txt to generate the various settings combos.

For more information about settings, see Settings in the build manual.


A list of the various settings combos to be used by


This folder is, obviously, where the actual heart and soul of bc, the source code, is.

All of the source files are in one folder; this simplifies the build system immensely.

There are separate files for bc and dc specific code (bc.c, bc_lex.c, bc_parse.c, dc.c, dc_lex.c, and dc_parse.c) where possible because it is cleaner to exclude an entire source file from a build than to have #if/#endif preprocessor guards.

That said, it was easier in many cases to use preprocessor macros where both calculators used much of the same code and data structures, so there is a liberal sprinkling of them through the code.


Code for processing command-line arguments.

The header for this file is include/args.h.


The code for the bc main function bc_main().

The header for this file is include/bc.h.


The code for lexing that only bc needs.

The headers for this file are include/lex.h and include/bc.h.


The code for parsing that only bc needs. This code is the most complex and subtle in the entire codebase.

The headers for this file are include/parse.h and include/bc.h.


Due to historical accident because of a desire to get my bc into toybox, all of the constant data that bc needs is all in one file. This is that file.

There is no code in this file, but a lot of the const data has a heavy influence on code, including the order of data in arrays because that order has to correspond to the order of other things elsewhere in the codebase. If you change the order of something in this file, run make test, and get errors, you changed something that depends on the order that you messed up.

Almost all headers have extern references to items in this file.


The code for the dc main function dc_main().

The header for this file is include/dc.h.


The code for lexing that only dc needs.

The headers for this file are include/lex.h and include/dc.h.


The code for parsing that only dc needs.

The headers for this file are include/parse.h and include/bc.h.


The code for bc's implementation of buffered I/O. For more information about why I implemented my own buffered I/O, see include/file.h, Error Handling, and Custom I/O, along with status.h and the notes about version 3.0.0 in the NEWS.

The header for this file is include/file.h.


The code for bc's implementation of command-line editing/history, which is based on a UTF-8-aware fork of linenoise.

For more information, see the Command-Line History section.

The header for this file is include/history.h.


The data structures used for actual execution of bc and dc code.

While execution is done in src/program.c, this file defines functions for initializing, copying, and freeing the data structures, which is somewhat orthogonal to actual execution.

Yes, it's misnamed; that's an accident of history where the first things I put into it all seemed related to the bc language.

The header for this file is include/lang.h.


The code for the common things that both programs need for lexing.

The header for this file is include/lex.h.


The code to implement the public API of the bcl library.

The code in this file does a lot to ensure that clients do not have to worry about internal bc details, especially error handling with setjmp() and longjmp(). That and encapsulating the handling of numbers are the bulk of what the code in this file actually does because most of the library is still implemented in src/num.c.

The headers for this file are include/bcl.h and include/library.h.


The entry point for both programs; this is the main() function.

This file has no headers associated with it.


The code for all of the arbitrary-precision numbers and math in bc.

The header for this file is include/num.h.


The code for parsing command-line options.

The header for this file is include/opt.h.


The code for the common items that both programs need for parsing.

The header for this file is include/parse.h.


The code for the actual execution engine for bc and dc code.

The header for this file is include/program.h.


The code for the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) and the special stack handling it needs.

The PRNG only generates fixed-size integers. The magic of generating random numbers of arbitrary size is actually given to the code that does math (src/num.c).

The header for this file is include/rand.h.


The code for reading from files and stdin.

The header for this file is include/read.h.


The code for vectors, maps, and slab vectors, along with slabs.

The header for this file is include/vector.h.


The code for setting up and running bc and dc.

It is so named because I think of it as the "virtual machine" of bc, though that is probably not true as program.h is probably the "virtual machine" code. Thus, the name is more historical accident.

The header for this file is include/vm.h.


This directory contains the entire test suite and its infrastructure.

A convenience script for the make run_all_tests target (see the Group Tests section for more information).


The file with the names of the calculators. This is to make it easier for the test scripts to know where the standard and other test directories are.


The test for the bcl API. For more information, see the bcl Test section.

The script to run the error tests for each calculator. For more information, see the Error Tests section.


The file with the list of tests which both calculators have that need the Extra Math build option. This exists to make it easy for test scripts to skip those tests when the Extra Math build option is disabled.

The file with all of the history tests. For more information, see the History Tests section.

The script to integrate into the build system in a portable way, and to skip it if necessary.

This script also re-runs the test three times if it fails. This is because pexpect can be flaky at times.

The script to run the "other" (miscellaneous) tests for each calculator. For more information, see the Other Tests section.

The script to run the read tests for each calculator. For more information, see the read() Tests section.


The sed script to edit the output of GNU bc when generating script tests. For more information, see the Script Tests section.

The script for running one script test. For more information, see the Script Tests section.

The script to help the make run_all_tests (see the Group Tests section) run all of the script tests.

The script to run the stdin tests for each calculator. For more information, see the stdin Tests section.

The script to run one standard test. For more information, see the Standard Tests section.


The standard tests directory for bc. For more information, see the Standard Tests section.


The file to tell the build system and make run_all_tests (see the Group Tests section) what standard tests to run for bc, as well as in what order.

This file just lists the test names, one per line.


The initial error test file for bc. This file has one test per line. See the Error Tests section for more information.


The file of tests for POSIX compatibility for bc. This file has one test per line. For more information, see the Error Tests section.

The script to run the bc tests that use the Linux timeconst.bc script. For more information, see the Linux timeconst.bc Scriptsection.


The directory with error tests for bc, most discovered by AFL++ (see the Fuzzing section). There is one test per file. For more information, see the Error Tests section.


The script tests directory for bc. For more information, see the Script Tests section.


A file to tell the build system and make run_all_tests (see the Group Tests section) what script tests to run for bc, as well as in what order.

This file just lists the test names, one per line.


The standard tests directory for dc. For more information, see the Standard Tests section.


The file to tell the build system and make run_all_tests (see the Group Tests section) what standard tests to run for dc, as well as in what order.

This file just lists the test names, one per line.


The initial error test file for dc. This file has one test per line. See the Error Tests section for more information.


The file of tests errors with the ? command (read() in bc). This file has one test per line. See the Error Tests section for more information.


The directory with error tests for dc, most discovered by AFL++ (see the Fuzzing section). There is one test per file. For more information, see the Error Tests section.


The script tests directory for dc. For more information, see the Script Tests section.


The file to tell the build system and make run_all_tests (see the Group Tests section) what script tests to run for dc, as well as in what order.

This file just lists the test names, one per line.


The directory containing the fuzzing infrastructure. For more information, see the Fuzzing section.


The tmuxp config (for use with tmux) for easily restarting a fuzz run. For more information, see the Convenience subsection of the Fuzzing section.


The tmuxp config (for use with tmux) for easily starting a fuzz run. For more information, see the Convenience subsection of the Fuzzing section.

Be aware that this will delete all previous unsaved fuzzing tests in the output directories.


The fuzzing input directory for the first third of inputs for bc. For more information, see the Corpuses subsection of the Fuzzing section.


The fuzzing input directory for the second third of inputs for bc. For more information, see the Corpuses subsection of the Fuzzing section.


The fuzzing input directory for the third third of inputs for bc. For more information, see the Corpuses subsection of the Fuzzing section.


The fuzzing input directory for the inputs for dc. For more information, see the Corpuses subsection of the Fuzzing section.

Build System

The build system is described in detail in the build manual, so maintainers should start there. This section, however, describes some parts of the build system that only maintainers will care about.

Clean Targets

bc has a default make clean target that cleans up the build files. However, because bc's build system can generate many different types of files, there are other clean targets that may be useful:

  • make clean_gen cleans the gen/strgen executable generated from gen/strgen.c. It has no prerequisites.
  • make clean cleans object files, *.cat files (see the Locales section), executables, and files generated from text files in gen/, including gen/strgen if it was built. So this has a prerequisite on make clean_gen in normal use.
  • make clean_benchmarks cleans benchmarks, including the ministat executable. It has no prerequisites.
  • make clean_config cleans the generated Makefile and the manuals that copied in preparation for install. It also depends on make clean and make clean_benchmarks, so it cleans those items too. This is the target that uses before it does its work.
  • make clean_coverage cleans the generated coverage files for the test suite's code coverage capabilities. It has no prerequisites. This is useful if the code coverage tools are giving errors.
  • make clean_tests cleans everything. It has prerequisites on all previous clean targets, but it also cleans all of the generated tests.

When adding more generated files, you may need to add them to one of these targets and/or add a target for them especially.

Preprocessor Macros

bc and dc use a lot of preprocessor macros to ensure that each build type:

  • builds,
  • works under the test suite, and
  • excludes as much code as possible from all builds.

This section will explain the preprocessor style of bc and dc, as well as provide an explanation of the macros used.


The style of macro use in bc is pretty straightforward: I avoid depending on macro definitions and instead, I set defaults if the macro is not defined and then test the value if the macro with a plain #if.

(Some examples of setting defaults are in include/status.h, just above the definition of the BcStatus enum.)

In other words, I use #if instead of #ifndef or #ifdef, where possible.

There are a couple of cases where I went with standard stuff instead. For example, to test whether I am in debug mode or not, I still use the standard #ifndef NDEBUG.

Standard Macros


This macro expands to 1 if bc is enabled, 0 if disabled.


This macro expands to 1 if dc is enabled, 0 if disabled.


The macro expands to the build type, which is one of: A, E, H, N, EH, EN, HN, EHN. This build type is used in the help text to direct the user to the correct markdown manual in the website.


Thist macro expands to the prefix on the executable name. This is used to allow bc and dc to skip the prefix when finding out which calculator is executing.


This macro expands to an integer, which is the length of numbers below which the Karatsuba multiplication algorithm switches to brute-force multiplication.


This macro expands to 1 if the Extra Math build option is enabled, 0 if disabled.


This macro expands to 1 if the History build option is enabled, 0 if disabled.


This macro expands to 1 if the NLS build option (for locales) is enabled, 0 if disabled.


This macro expands to 1 if the bcl library is enabled, 0 if disabled. If this is enabled, building the calculators themselves is disabled, but both BC_ENABLED and DC_ENABLED must be non-zero.


This macro expands to 1 if bc has been built for use with Valgrind's Memcheck, 0 otherwise. This ensures that fatal errors still free all of their memory when exiting. bc does not do that normally because what's the point?


This macro expands to 1 if bc has been built for fuzzing with AFL++, 0 otherwise.. See the Fuzzing section for more information.


This macro expands to the default value for displaying the bc banner.


The macro expands to the default value for whether or not bc should reset on SIGINT or quit.


The macro expands to the default value for whether or not bc should use TTY mode when it available.


This macro expands to the default value for whether or not bc should use a prompt when TTY mode is available.


The macro expands to the default value for whether or not dc should reset on SIGINT or quit.


The macro expands to the default value for whether or not dc should use TTY mode when it available.


This macro expands to the default value for whether or not dc should use a prompt when TTY mode is available.


If this macro expands to a non-zero integer, then bc is built with a lot of extra debugging code. This is never set by the build system and must be set by the programmer manually. This should never be set in builds given to end users. For more information, see the Debugging section.

Test Suite

While the source code may be the heart and soul of bc, the test suite is the arms and legs: it gives bc the power to do anything it needs to do.

The test suite is what allowed bc to climb to such high heights of quality. This even goes for fuzzing because fuzzing depends on the test suite for its input corpuses. (See the Fuzzing section.)

Understanding how the test suite works should be, I think, the first thing that maintainers learn after learning what bc and dc should do. This is because the test suite, properly used, gives confidence that changes have not caused bugs or regressions.

That is why I spent the time to make the test suite as easy to use and as fast as possible.

To use the test suite (assuming bc and/or dc are already built), run the following command:

make test

That's it. That's all.

It will return an error code if the test suite failed. It will also print out information about the failure.

If you want the test suite to go fast, then run the following command:

make -j<cores> test

Where <cores> is the number of cores that your computer has. Of course, this requires a make implementation that supports that option, but most do. (And I will use this convention throughout the rest of this section.)

I have even tried as much as possible, to put longer-running tests near the beginning of the run so that the entire suite runs as fast as possible.

However, if you want to be sure which test is failing, then running a bare make test is a great way to do that.

But enough about how you have no excuses to use the test suite as much as possible; let's talk about how it works and what you can do with it.

Standard Tests

The heavy lifting of testing the math in bc, as well as basic scripting, is done by the "standard tests" for each calculator.

These tests use the files in the tests/bc/ and tests/dc/ directories (except for tests/bc/all.txt, tests/bc/errors.txt, tests/bc/posix_errors.txt, tests/bc/, tests/dc/all.txt, tests/dc/errors.txt, and tests/dc/read_errors.txt), which are called the "standard test directories."

For every test, there is the test file and the results file. The test files have names of the form <test>.txt, where <test> is the name of the test, and the results files have names of the form <test>_results.txt.

If the test file exists but the results file does not, the results for that test are generated by a GNU-compatible bc or dc. See the Generated Tests section.

The all.txt file in each standard tests directory is what tells the test suite and build system what tests there are, and the tests are either run in that order, or in the case of parallel make, that is the order that the targets are listed as prerequisites of make test.

If the test exists in the all.txt file but does not actually exist, the test and its results are generated by a GNU-compatible bc or dc. See the Generated Tests section.

To add a non-generated standard test, do the following:

  • Add the test file (<test>.txt in the standard tests directory).
  • Add the results file (<test>_results.txt in the standard tests directory). You can skip this step if just the results file needs to be generated. See the Generated Tests section for more information.
  • Add the name of the test to the all.txt file in the standard tests directory, putting it in the order it should be in. If possible, I would put longer tests near the beginning because they will start running earlier with parallel make. I always keep decimal first, though, as a smoke test.

If you need to add a generated standard test, see the Generated Tests section for how to do that.

Some standard tests need to be skipped in certain cases. That is handled by the build system. See the Integration with the Build System section for more details.

In addition to all of the above, the standard test directory is not only the directory for the standard tests of each calculator, it is also the parent directory of all other test directories for each calculator.

bc Standard Tests

The list of current (17 July 2021) standard tests for bc is below:


Tests decimal parsing and printing.


Tests printing in every base from decimal. This is near the top for performance of parallel testing.


Tests parsing in any base and outputting in decimal. This is near the top for performance of parallel testing.


Tests the extended math library. This is near the top for performance of parallel testing.


Tests printing at the extreme values of obase.


Tests the length() builtin function.


Tests the scale() builtin function.


Tests the left (<<) and right (>>) shift operators.


Tests addition.


Tests subtraction.


Tests multiplication.


Tests division.


Tests modulus.


Tests power (exponentiation).


Tests the sqrt() (square root) builtin function.


Tests the truncation ($) operator.


Tests the places (@) operator.


Tests some usage of variables. This one came from AFL++ I think.


Tests boolean operators.


Tests comparison operators.


Tests the abs() builtin function.


Tests assignment operators, including increment/decrement operators.


Tests functions, specifically function parameters being replaced before they themselves are used. See the comment in bc_program_call() about the last condition.


Tests scientific notation.


Tests engineering notation.


Tests that assigning to globals affects callers.


Tests strings.


Tests string allocation in slabs, to ensure slabs work.


Tests single and double letter numbers to ensure they behave differently. Single-letter numbers always be set to the same value, regardless of ibase.


Tests the e() function in the math library.


Tests the l() function in the math library.


Tests that bc produces the right value of pi for numbers with varying scale values.


Tests the a() function in the math library.


Tests the s() function in the math library.


Tests the c() function in the math library.


Tests the j() function in the math library.


Test arrays.


Miscellaneous tests. I named it this because at the time, I struggled to classify them, but it's really testing multi-line numbers.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


A miscellaneous test found by AFL++.


Tests void functions.


Tests the pseudo-random number generator and its special stack handling.


Tests the slab vector undo ability in used in bc_parse_name().


Tests divmod.


Tests modular exponentiation.


Tests the bitwise functions, band(), bor(), bxor(), blshift() and brshift() in gen/lib2.bc.

dc Standard Tests

The list of current (17 July 2021) standard tests for dc is below:


Tests decimal parsing and printing.


Tests the length() builtin function, including for strings and arrays.


Tests taking the length of the results stack.


Tests taking the length of the execution stack.


Tests addition.


Tests subtraction.


Tests multiplication.


Tests division.


Tests modulus.


Tests divmod.


Tests power (exponentiation).


Tests the sqrt() (square root) builtin function.


Tests modular exponentiation.


Tests boolean operators.


Tests negation as a command and as part of numbers.


Tests the truncation ($) operator.


Tests the places (@) operator.


Tests the left (<<) and right (>>) shift operators.


Tests the abs() builtin function.


Tests scientific notation.


Tests engineering notation.


Tests some usage of variables. This one came from AFL++ I think.


Miscellaneous tests. I named it this because at the time, I struggled to classify them.


Tests strings.


Tests the pseudo-random number generator and its special stack handling.


Tests the execution stack depth command.

Script Tests

The heavy lifting of testing the scripting of bc is done by the "script tests" for each calculator.

These tests use the files in the tests/bc/scripts/ and tests/dc/scripts/ directories (except for tests/bc/scripts/all.txt and tests/dc/scripts/all.txt), which are called the "script test directories."

To add a script test, do the following:

  • Add the test file (<test>.bc or <test>.dc in the script tests directory).
  • Add the results file (<test>.txt in the script tests directory). You can skip this step if just the results file needs to be generated. See the Generated Tests section for more information.
  • Add the name of the test to the all.txt file in the script tests directory, putting it in the order it should be in. If possible, I would put longer tests near the beginning because they will start running earlier with parallel make.

Some script tests need to be skipped in certain cases. That is handled by the build system. See the Integration with the Build System section for more details.

Another unique thing about the script tests, at least for bc: they test the -g and --global-stacks flags. This means that all of the script tests for bc are written assuming the -g flag was given on the command-line

There is one extra piece of script tests: tests/script.sed. This sed script is used to remove an incompatibility with GNU bc.

If there is only one more character to print at the end of BC_LINE_LENGTH, GNU bc still prints a backslash+newline+digit combo. OpenBSD doesn't, which is correct according to my reading of the bc spec, so my bc doesn't as well.

The sed script edits numbers that end with just one digit on a line by itself to put it on the same line as others.

bc Script Tests

The list of current (17 July 2021) script tests for bc is below:


Tests printing even harder than the print standard test.


Tests multiplication even harder than the multiply standard test.


Tests division even harder than the divide standard test.


Tests subtraction even harder than the subtract standard test.


Tests addition even harder than the add standard test.


Tests parsing even harder than the parse standard test.


Tests arrays even harder than the arrays standard test.


Tests arctangent even harder than the arctangent standard test.


Tests bessel even harder than the bessel standard test.


Tests functions even harder than the functions standard test.


Tests global stacks directly.


Tests the length() builtin on arrays.


Tests the random number generator in the presence of global stacks.


Tests functions with array reference parameters.


A random script provided by an early user that he used to calculate the size of computer screens


Tests escaping in strings.

dc Script Tests

The list of current (17 July 2021) script tests for dc is below:


Tests scripting by generating the first 100,000 primes.


Tests the asciify command.


Tests the stream command.


Tests arrays.


Tests else clauses on conditional execution commands.


Tests scripting with factorial.


Tests scripting by implementing loops.


Tests the quit command in the presence of tail calls.


A miscellaneous test.

Error Tests

One of the most useful parts of the bc test suite, in my opinion, is the heavy testing of error conditions.

Just about every error condition I can think of is tested, along with many machine-generated (by AFL++) ones.

However, because the error tests will often return error codes, they require different infrastructure from the rest of the test suite, which assumes that the calculator under test will return successfully. A lot of that infrastructure is in the scripts/ script, but it basically allows the calculator to exit with an error code and then tests that there was an error code.

Besides returning error codes, error tests also ensure that there is output from stderr. This is to make sure that an error message is always printed.

The error tests for each calculator are spread through two directories, due to historical accident. These two directories are the standard test directory (see the Standard Tests section) and the errors/ directory directly underneath the standard tests directory.

This split is convenient, however, because the tests in each directory are treated differently.

The error tests in the standard test directory, which include errors.txt for both calculators, posix_errors.txt for bc, and read_errors.txt for dc, are read line-by-line and shoved through stdin, and each line is considered a separate test. For this reason, there can't be any blank lines in the error files in the standard tests directory because a blank line causes a successful exit.

On the other hand, the tests in the errors/ directory below the standard tests directory are considered to be one test per file, and they are used differently. They are shoved into the calculator through stdin, but they are also executed on the command-line.

To add an error test, first figure out which kind you want.

Is it a simple one-liner, and you don't care if it's tested through a file?

Then put it in one of the error files in the standard test directory. I would only put POSIX errors in the posix_errors.txt file for bc, and only read() errors in the read_errors.txt file for dc; all others I would put in the respective errors.txt file.

On the other hand, if you care if the error is run as a file on the command-line, or the error requires multiple lines to reproduce, then put the test in the respective errors/ directory.

After that, you are done; the test suite will automatically pick up the new test, and you don't have to tell the test suite the expected results.

stdin Tests

The stdin tests specifically test the lexing and parsing of multi-line comments and strings. This is important because when reading from stdin, the calculators can only read one line at a time, so partial parses are possible.

To add stdin tests, just add the tests to the stdin.txt file in the respective standard tests directory, and add the expected results in the stdin_results.txt in the respective standard tests directory.

read() Tests

The read() tests are meant to test the read() builtin function, to ensure that the parsing and execution is correct.

Each line is one test, as that is the nature of using the read() function, so to add a test, just add it as another line in the read.txt file in the respective standard tests directory, and add its result to the read_results.txt file in the respective standard tests directory.

Other Tests

The "other" tests are just random tests that I could not easily classify under other types of tests. They usually include things like command-line parsing and environment variable testing.

To add an other test, it requires adding the programming for it to tests/ because all of the tests are written specifically in that script. It would be best to use the infrastructure in scripts/

Linux timeconst.bc Script

One special script that bc's test suite will use is the Linux timeconst.bc script.

I made the test suite able to use this script because the reason the toybox maintainer wanted my bc is because of this script, and I wanted to be sure that it would run correctly on the script.

However, it is not part of the distribution, nor is it part of the repository. The reason for this is because timeconst.bc is under the GPL, while this repo is under a BSD license.

If you want bc to run tests on timeconst.bc, download it and place it at tests/bc/scripts/timeconst.bc. If it is there, the test suite will automatically run its tests; otherwise, it will skip it.

History Tests

There are automatic tests for history; however, they have dependencies: Python 3 and pexpect.

As a result, because I need the test suite to be portable, like the rest of bc, the history tests are carefully guarded with things to ensure that they are skipped, rather than failing if Python and pexpect are not installed. For this reason, there is a sh script, tests/ that runs the actual script, tests/

I have added as many tests as I could to cover as many lines and branches as possible. I guess I could have done more, but doing so would have required a lot of time.

I have tried to make it as easy as possible to run the history tests. They will run automatically if you use the make test command, and they will also use parallel execution with make -j<cores> test.

All of the tests are contained in tests/ The reason for this is because they are in Python, and I don't have an easy way of including Python (or at the very least, I am not familiar enough with Python to do that). So they are all in the same file to make it easier on me.

Each test is one function in the script. They all take the same number and type of arguments:

  1. exe: the executable to run.
  2. args: the arguments to pass to the executable.
  3. env: the environment.

Each function creates a child process with pexpect.spawn and then tests with that child. Then the function returns the child to the caller, who closes it and checks its error code against its expected error code.

Yes, the error code is not a success all the time. This is because of the UTF-8 tests; bc gives a fatal error on any non-ASCII data because ASCII is all bc is required to handle, per the standard.

So in tests/, there are four main arrays:

  • bc test functions,
  • bc expected error codes.
  • dc test functions.
  • dc expected error codes.

tests/ takes an index as an argument; that index is what test it should run. That index is used to index into the proper test and error code array.

If you need to add more history tests, you need to do the following:

  1. Add the function for that test to tests/
  2. Add the function to the proper array of tests.
  3. Add the expected error code to the proper array of error codes.
  4. Add a target for the test to
  5. Add that target as a prerequisite to either test_bc_history or test_dc_history.

You do not need to do anything to add the test to history_all_tests (see Group Tests below) because the scripts will automatically run all of the tests properly.

Generated Tests

Some tests are large, and as such, it is impractical to check them into git. Instead, the tests depend on the existence of a GNU-compatible bc in the PATH, which is then used to generate the tests.

If was run with the -G argument, which disables generated tests, then make test and friends will automatically skip generated tests. This is useful to do on platforms that are not guaranteed to have a GNU-compatible bc installed.

However, adding a generated test is a complicated because you have to figure out where you want to put the file to generate the test.

For example, bc's test suite will automatically use a GNU-compatible bc to generate a <test>_results.txt file in the standard tests directory (either tests/bc/ or tests/dc/) if none exists for the <test> test. If no <test>.txt file exists in the standard tests directory, then bc's test suite will look for a <test>.bc or <test>.dc file in the script tests directory (either tests/bc/scripts or tests/dc/scripts), and if that exists, it will use that script to generate the <test>.txt file in the standard tests directory after which it will generate the <test>_results.txt file in the standard tests directory.

So you can choose to either:

  • Have a test in the standard tests directory without a corresponding *_results.txt file, or
  • Have a script in the script tests directory to generate the corresponding file in the standard test directory before generating the corresponding *_results.txt file.

Adding a script has a double benefit: the script itself can be used as a test. However, script test results can also be generated.

If bc is asked to run a script test, then if the script does not exist, bc's test suite returns an error. If it does exist, but no corresponding <test>.txt file exists in the script tests directory, then a GNU-compatible bc is used to generate the <test>.txt results file.

If generated tests are disabled through, then these tests are not generated if they do not exist. However, if they do exist, then they are run. This can happen if a make clean_tests was not run between a build that generated tests and a build that will not.

Group Tests

While the test suite has a lot of targets in order to get parallel execution, there are five targets that allow you to run each section, or all, of the test suite as one unit:

  • bc_all_tests (bc tests)
  • timeconst_all_tests (Linux timeconst.bc script tests)
  • dc_all_tests (dc tests)
  • history_all_tests (history tests)
  • run_all_tests (combination of the previous four)

In addition, there are more fine-grained targets available:

All of the above tests are parallelizable.

Individual Tests

In addition to all of the above, individual test targets are available. These are mostly useful for attempting to fix a singular test failure.

These tests are:

  • test_bc_<test>, where <test> is the name of a bc standard test. The name is the name of the test file without the .txt extension. It is the name printed by the test suite when running the test.
  • test_dc_<test>, where <test> is the name of a dc standard test. The name is the name of the test file without the .txt extension. It is the name printed by the test suite when running the test.
  • test_bc_script_<test>, where <test> is the name of a bc script test. The name of the test is the name of the script without the .bc extension.
  • test_dc_script_<test>, where <test> is the name of a dc script test. The name of the test is the name of the script without the .dc extension.
  • test_bc_history<idx> runs the bc history test with index <idx>.
  • test_dc_history<idx> runs the dc history test with index <idx>.

bcl Test

When bcl is built, the build system automatically ensures that make test runs the bcl test instead of the bc and dc tests.

There is only one test, and it is built from tests/bcl.c.

The reason the test is in C is because bcl is a C library; I did not want to have to write C code and POSIX sh scripts to run it.

The reason there is only one test is because most of the code for the library is tested by virtue of testing bc and dc; the test needs to only ensure that the library bindings and plumbing do not interfere with the underlying code.

However, just because there is only one test does not mean that it doesn't test more than one thing. The code actually handles a series of tests, along with error checking to ensure that nothing went wrong.

To add a bcl test, just figure out what test you want, figure out where in the tests/bcl.c would be best to put it, and put it there. Do as much error checking as possible, and use the err(BclError) function. Ensure that all memory is freed because that test is run through Valgrind and AddressSanitizer.

Integration with the Build System

If it was not obvious by now, the test suite is heavily integrated into the build system, but the integration goes further than just making the test suite easy to run from make and generating individual and group tests.

The big problem the test suite has is that some bc code, stuff that is important to test, is only in some builds. This includes all of the extra math extensions, for example.

So the test suite needs to have some way of turning off the tests that depend on certain build types when those build types are not used.

This is the reason the is tightly integrated with the build system: the build system knows what build type was used and can tell the test suite to turn off the tests that do not apply.

It does this with arguments to the test scripts that are either a 1 or a 0, depending on whether tests of that type should be enabled or not. These arguments are why I suggest, in the Test Scripts section, to always use a make target to run the test suite or any individual test. I have added a lot of targets to make this easy and as fast as possible.

In addition to all of that, the build system is responsible for selecting the bc/dc tests or the bcl test.

Test Suite Portability

The test suite is meant to be run by users and packagers as part of their install process.

This puts some constraints on the test suite, but the biggest is that the test suite must be as portable as bc itself.

This means that the test suite must be implemented in pure POSIX make, sh, and C99.

Test Scripts

To accomplish the portability, the test suite is run by a bunch of sh scripts that have the constraints laid out in POSIX Shell Scripts.

However, that means they have some quirks, made worse by the fact that there are generated tests and tests that need to be skipped, but only sometimes.

This means that a lot of the scripts take an awkward number and type of arguments. Some arguments are strings, but most are integers, like scripts/

It is for this reason that I do not suggest running the test scripts directly. Instead, always use an appropriate make target, which already knows the correct arguments for the test because of the integration with the build system.

Test Coverage

In order to get test coverage information, you need gcc, gcov, and gcovr.

If you have them, run the following commands:

CC=gcc ./configure -gO3 -c
make -j<cores>
make coverage

Note that make coverage does not have a -j<cores> part; it cannot be run in parallel. If you try, you will get errors. And note that CC=gcc is used.

After running those commands, you can open your web browser and open the index.html file in the root directory of the repo. From there, you can explore all of the coverage results.

If you see lines or branches that you think you could hit with a manual execution, do such manual execution, and then run the following command:

make coverage_output

and the coverage output will be updated.

If you want to rerun make coverage, you must do a make clean and build first, like this:

make clean
make -j<cores>
make coverage

Otherwise, you will get errors.

If you want to run tests in parallel, you can do this:

make -j<cores>
make -j<cores> test
make coverage_output

and that will generate coverage output correctly.

AddressSanitizer and Friends

To run the test suite under AddressSanitizer or any of its friends, use the following commands:

CFLAGS="-fsanitize=<sanitizer> ./configure -gO3 -m
make -j<cores>
make -j<cores> test

where <sanitizer> is the correct name of the desired sanitizer. There is one exception to the above: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer should be run on a build that has zero optimization, so for UBSan, use the following commands:

CFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined" ./configure -gO0 -m
make -j<cores>
make -j<cores> test


To run the test suite under Valgrind, run the following commands:

./configure -gO3 -v
make -j<cores>
make -j<cores> test

It really is that easy. I have directly added infrastructure to the build system and the test suite to ensure that if Valgrind detects any memory errors or any memory leaks at all, it will tell the test suite infrastructure to report an error and exit accordingly.

POSIX Shell Scripts

There is a lot of shell scripts in this repository, and every single one of them is written in pure POSIX sh.

The reason that they are written in POSIX sh is for portability: POSIX systems are only guaranteed to have a barebones implementation of sh available.

There are many snares for unwary programmers attempting to modify, any of the scripts in this directory,, or any of the scripts in tests/. Here are some of them:

  1. No bash-isms.
  2. Only POSIX standard utilities are allowed.
  3. Only command-line options defined in the POSIX standard for POSIX utilities are allowed.
  4. Only the standardized behavior of POSIX utilities is allowed.
  5. Functions return data by printing it. Using return sets their exit code.

In other words, the script must only use what is standardized in the sh and Shell Command Language standards in POSIX. This is hard. It precludes things like local and the [[ ]] notation.

These are enormous restrictions and must be tested properly. I put out at least one release with a change to that wasn't portable. That was an embarrassing mistake.

The lack of local, by the way, is why variables in functions are named with the form:


This is done to prevent any clashes of variable names with already existing names. And this applies to all shell scripts. However, there are a few times when that naming convention is not used; all of them are because those functions are required to change variables in the global scope.

Maintainer-Only Scripts

If a script is meant to be used for maintainers (of bc, not package maintainers), then rules 2, 3, and 4 don't need to be followed as much because it is assumed that maintainers will be able to install whatever tools are necessary to do the job.


The manuals for bc and dc are all generated, and the manpages for bc, dc, and bcl are also generated.


I don't like the format of manpages, and I am not confident in my ability to write them. Also, they are not easy to read on the web.

So that explains why bcl's manpage is generated from its markdown version. But why are the markdown versions of the bc and dc generated?

Because the content of the manuals needs to change based on the build type. For example, if bc was built with no history support, it should not have the COMMAND LINE HISTORY section in its manual. If it did, that would just confuse users.

So the markdown manuals for bc and dc are generated from templates (manuals/ and manuals/ And from there, the manpages are generated from the generated manuals.

The generated manpage for bcl (manuals/bcl.3) is checked into version control, and the generated markdown manuals and manpages for bc (manuals/bc) and dc (manuals/dc) are as well.

This is because generating the manuals and manpages requires a heavy dependency that only maintainers should care about: Pandoc. Because users should not have to install any dependencies, the files are generated, checked into version control, and included in distribution tarballs.

If you run, you have an easy way of generating the markdown manuals and manpages: just run make manpages. This target calls scripts/ appropriately for bc, dc, and bcl.

For more on how generating manuals and manpages works, see scripts/


The locale system of bc is enormously complex, but that's because POSIX-compatible locales are terrible.

How are they terrible?

First, gencat does not work for generating cross-compilation. In other words, it does not generate machine-portable files. There's nothing I can do about this except for warn users.

Second, the format of .msg files is...interesting. Thank goodness it is text because otherwise, it would be impossible to get them right.

Third, .msg files are not used. In other words, gencat exists. Why?

Fourth, $NLSPATH is an awful way to set where and how to install locales.

Yes, where and how.

Obviously, from it's name, it's a path, and that's the where. The how is more complicated.

It's actually not a path, but a path template. It's a format string, and it can have a few format specifiers. For more information on that, see this link. But in essence, those format specifiers configure how each locale is supposed to be installed.

With all those problems, why use POSIX locales? Portability, as always. I can't assume that gettext will be available, but I can pretty well assume that POSIX locales will be available.

The locale system of bc includes all files under locales/, scripts/, scripts/, scripts/, the bc_err_* constants in src/data.c, and the parts of the build system needed to activate it. There is also code in src/vm.c (in bc_vm_gettext()) for loading the current locale.

If the order of error messages and/or categories are changed, the order of errors must be changed in the enum, the default error messages and categories in src/data.c, and all of the messages and categories in the .msg files under locales/.

Static Analysis

I do some static analysis on bc.

I used to use Coverity, but I stopped using it when it started giving me too many false positives and also because it had a vulnerability.

However, I still use the Clang Static Analyzer through scan-build. I only use it in debug mode because I have to add some special code to make it not complain about things that are definitely not a problem.

The most frequent example of false positives is where a local is passed to a function to be initialized. scan-build misses that fact, so I pre-initialize such locals to prevent the warnings.

To run scan-build, do the following:

make clean
scan-build make

scan-build will print its warnings to stdout.


The quality of this bc is directly related to the amount of fuzzing I did. As such, I spent a lot of work making the fuzzing convenient and fast, though I do admit that it took me a long time to admit that it did need to be faster.

First, there were several things which make fuzzing fast:

  • Using AFL++'s deferred initialization.
  • Splitting bc's corpuses.
  • Parallel fuzzing.

Second, there are several things which make fuzzing convenient:

Fuzzing Performance

Fuzzing with AFL++ can be SLOW. Spending the time to make it as fast as possible is well worth the time.

However, there is a caveat to the above: it is easy to make AFL++ crash, be unstable, or be unable to find "paths" (see AFL++ Quickstart) if the performance enhancements are done poorly.

To stop AFL++ from crashing on test cases, and to be stable, these are the requirements:

  • The state at startup must be exactly the same.
  • The virtual memory setup at startup must be exactly the same.

The first isn't too hard; it's the second that is difficult.

bc allocates a lot of memory at start. ("A lot" is relative; it's far less than most programs.) After going through an execution run, however, some of that memory, while it could be cleared and reset, is in different places because of vectors. Since vectors reallocate, their allocations are not guaranteed to be in the same place.

So to make all three work, I had to set up the deferred initialization and persistent mode before any memory was allocated (except for vm.jmp_bufs, which is probably what caused the stability to drop below 100%). However, using deferred alone let me put the AFL++ initialization further back. This works because AFL++ sets up a fork() server that fork()'s bc right at that call. Thus, every run has the exact same virtual memory setup, and each run can skip all of the setup code.

I tested bc using AFL++'s deferred initialization, plus persistent mode, plus shared memory fuzzing. In order to do it safely, with stability above 99%, all of that was actually slower than using just deferred initialization with the initialization right before stdin was read. And as a bonus, the stability in that situation is 100%.

As a result, my AFL++ setup only uses deferred initialization. That's the __AFL_INIT() call.

(Note: there is one more big item that must be done in order to have 100% stability: the pseudo-random number generator must start with exactly the same seed for every run. This is set up with the tmux and tmuxp configs that I talk about below in Convenience. This seed is set before the __AFL_INIT() call, so setting it has no runtime cost for each run, but without it, stability would be abysmal.)

On top of that, while dc is plenty fast under fuzzing (because of a faster parser and less test cases), bc can be slow. So I have split the bc input corpus into three parts, and I set fuzzers to run on each individually. This means that they will duplicate work, but they will also find more stuff.

On top of all of that, each input corpus (the three bc corpuses and the one dc corpus) is set to run with 4 fuzzers. That works out perfectly for two reasons: first, my machine has 16 cores, and second, the AFL++ docs recommend 4 parallel fuzzers, at least, to run different "power schedules."


The preprepared input corpuses are contained in the tests/fuzzing/bc_inputs{1,2,3}/, and tests/fuzzing/dc_inputs directories. There are three bc directories and only one dc directory because bc's input corpuses are about three times as large, and bc is a larger program; it's going to need much more fuzzing.

(They do share code though, so fuzzing all of them still tests a lot of the same math code.)

The next feature of convenience is the scripts/ script. It assumes the existence of afl-clang-lto in the $PATH, but if that exists, it automatically configures and builds bc with a fuzz-ideal build.

A fuzz-ideal build has several things:

  • afl-clang-lto as the compiler. (See AFL++ Quickstart.)
  • Debug mode, to crash as easily as possible.
  • Full optimization (including Link-Time Optimization), for performance.
  • AFL++'s deferred initialization (see Fuzzing Performance above).
  • And AFL_HARDEN=1 during the build to harden the build. See the AFL++ documentation for more information.

There is one big thing that a fuzz-ideal build does not have: it does not use AFL++'s This is because crashes if it fails to allocate memory. I do not want to consider those as crashes because my bc does, in fact, handle them gracefully by exiting with a set error code. So is not an option.

However, to add to scripts/ making a fuzz-ideal build, in tests/fuzzing/, there are two yaml files: tests/fuzzing/bc_afl.yaml and tests/fuzzing/bc_afl_continue.yaml. These files are meant to be used with tmux and tmuxp. While other programmers will have to adjust the start_directory item, once it is adjusted, then using this command:

tmuxp load tests/fuzzing/bc_afl.yaml

will start fuzzing.

In other words, to start fuzzing, the sequence is:

tmuxp load tests/fuzzing/bc_afl.yaml

Doing that will load, in tmux, 16 separate instances of AFL++, 12 on bc and 4 on dc. The outputs will be put into the tests/fuzzing/bc_outputs{1,2,3}/ and tests/fuzzing/dc_outputs/ directories.

(Note that loading that config will also delete all unsaved AFL++ output from the output directories.)

Sometimes, AFL++ will report crashes when there are none. When crashes are reported, I always run the following command:

./scripts/ <dir>

where dir is one of bc1, bc2, bc3, or dc, depending on which of the 16 instances reported the crash. If it was one of the first four (bc11 through bc14), I use bc1. If it was one of the second four (bc21 through bc24, I use bc2. If it was one of the third four (bc31 through bc34, I use bc3. And if it was dc, I use dc.

The scripts/ script will report whether AFL++ correctly reported a crash or not. If so, it will copy the crashing test case to .test.txt and tell you whether it was from running it as a file or through stdin.

From there, I personally always investigate the crash and fix it. Then, when the crash is fixed, I either move .test.txt to tests/bc/errors/<idx>.txt as an error test (if it produces an error) or I create a new tests/bc/misc<idx>.txt test for it and a corresponding results file. (See Test Suite for more information about the test suite.) In either case, <idx> is the next number for a file in that particular place. For example, if the last file in tests/bc/errors/ is tests/bc/errors/18.txt, I move .test.txt to tests/bc/error/19.txt.

Then I immediately run scripts/ again to find the next crash because often, AFL++ found multiple test cases that trigger the same crash. If it finds another, I repeat the process until it is happy.

Once it is happy, I do the same, tmuxp load sequence and restart fuzzing. Why do I restart instead of continuing? Because with the changes, the test outputs could be stale and invalid.

However, there is a case where I continue: if scripts/ finds that every crash reported by AFL++ is invalid. If that's the case, I can just continue with the command:

tmuxp load tests/fuzzing/bc_afl_continue.yaml

(Note: I admit that I usually run scripts/ while the fuzzer is still running, so often, I don't find a need to continue since there was no stop. However, the capability is there, if needed.)

In addition, my fuzzing setup, including the tmux and tmuxp configs, automatically set up AFL++ power schedules (see Fuzzing Performance above). They also set up the parallel fuzzing such that there is one fuzzer in each group of 4 that does deterministic fuzzing. It's always the first one in each group.

For more information about deterministic fuzzing, see the AFL++ documentation.


I occasionally add to the input corpuses. These files come from new files in the Test Suite. In fact, I use soft links when the files are the same.

However, when I add new files to an input corpus, I sometimes reduce the size of the file by removing some redundancies.

And then, when adding to the bc corpuses, I try to add them evenly so that each corpus will take about the same amount of time to get to a finished state.

AFL++ Quickstart

The way AFL++ works is complicated.

First, it is the one to invoke the compiler. It leverages the compiler to add code to the binary to help it know when certain branches are taken.

Then, when fuzzing, it uses that branch information to generate information about the "path" that was taken through the binary.

I don't know what AFL++ counts as a new path, but each new path is added to an output corpus, and it is later used as a springboard to find new paths.

This is what makes AFL++ so effective: it's not just blindly thrashing a binary; it adapts to the binary by leveraging information about paths.

Fuzzing Runs

For doing a fuzzing run, I expect about a week or two where my computer is basically unusable, except for text editing and light web browsing.

Yes, it can take two weeks for me to do a full fuzzing run, and that does not include the time needed to find and fix crashes; it only counts the time on the last run, the one that does not find any crashes. This means that the entire process can take a month or more.

What I use as an indicator that the fuzzing run is good enough is when the number of "Pending" paths (see AFL++ Quickstart above) for all fuzzer instances, except maybe the deterministic instances, is below 50. And even then, I try to let deterministic instances get that far as well.

You can see how many pending paths are left in the "path geometry" section of the AFL++ dashboard.

Also, to make AFL++ quit, you need to send it a SIGINT, either with Ctrl+c or some other method. It will not quit until you tell it to.


I rarely use Radamsa instead of AFL++. In fact, it's only happened once.

The reason I use Radamsa instead of AFL++ is because it is easier to use with varying command-line arguments, which was needed for testing bc's command-line expression parsing code, and AFL++ is best when testing input from stdin.

scripts/ does also do fuzzing on the AFL++ inputs, but it's not as effective at that, so I don't really use it for that either.

scripts/ and Radamsa were only really used once; I have not had to touch the command-line expression parsing code since.

AddressSanitizer with Fuzzing

One advantage of using AFL++ is that it saves every test case that generated a new path (see AFL++ Quickstart above), and it doesn't delete them when the user makes it quit.

Keeping them around is not a good idea, for several reasons:

  • They are frequently large.
  • There are a lot of them.
  • They go stale; after bc is changed, the generated paths may not be valid anymore.

However, before they are deleted, they can definitely be leveraged for even more bug squashing by running all of the paths through a build of bc with AddressSanitizer.

This can easily be done with these four commands:

./scripts/ -a
./scripts/ --asan bc1
./scripts/ --asan bc2
./scripts/ --asan bc3
./scripts/ --asan dc

(By the way, the last four commands could be run in separate terminals to do the processing in parallel.)

These commands build an ASan-enabled build of bc and dc and then they run bc and dc on all of the found crashes and path output corpuses. This is to check that no path or crash has found any memory errors, including memory leaks.

Because the output corpuses can contain test cases that generate infinite loops in bc or dc, scripts/ has a timeout of 8 seconds, which is far greater than the timeout that AFL++ uses and should be enough to catch any crash.

If AFL++ fails to find crashes and ASan fails to find memory errors on the outputs of AFL++, that is an excellent indicator of very few bugs in bc, and a release can be made with confidence.

Code Concepts

This section is about concepts that, if understood, will make it easier to understand the code as it is written.

The concepts in this section are not found in a single source file, but they are littered throughout the code. That's why I am writing them all down in a single place.


POSIX mode is bc-only.

In fact, POSIX mode is two different modes: Standard Mode and Warning Mode. These modes are designed to help users write POSIX-compatible bc scripts.

Standard Mode

Standard Mode is activated with the -s or --standard flags.

In this mode, bc will error if any constructs are used that are not strictly compatible with the POSIX bc specification.

Warning Mode

Warning Mode is activated with the -w or --warn flags.

In this mode, bc will issue warnings, but continue, if any constructs are used that are not strictly compatible with the POSIX bc specification.

Memory Management

The memory management in bc is simple: everything is owned by one thing.

If something is in a vector, it is owned by that vector.

If something is contained in a struct, it is owned by that struct with one exception: structs can be given pointers to other things, but only if those other things will outlast the struct itself.

As an example, the BcParse struct has a pointer to the one BcProgram in bc. This is okay because the program is initialized first and deallocated last.

In other words, it's simple: if a field in a struct is a pointer, then unless that pointer is directly allocated by the struct (like the vector array or the number limb array), that struct does not own the item at that pointer. Otherwise, the struct does own the item.

Async-Signal-Safe Signal Handling

bc is not the typical Unix utility. Most Unix utilities are I/O bound, but bc is, by and large, CPU-bound. This has several consequences, but the biggest is that there is no easy way to allow signals to interrupt it.

This consequence is not obvious, but it comes from the fact that a lot of I/O operations can be interrupted and return EINTR. This makes such I/O calls natural places for allowing signals to interrupt execution, even when the signal comes during execution, and not interrupting I/O calls. The way this is done is setting a flag in the signal handler, which is checked around the time of the I/O call, when it is convenient.

Alternatively, I/O bound programs can use the self-pipe trick.

Neither of these are possible in bc because the execution of math code can take a long time. If a signal arrives during this long execution time, setting a flag like an I/O bound application and waiting until the next I/O call could take seconds, minutes, hours, or even days. (Last I checked, my bc takes a week to calculate a million digits of pi, and it's not slow as far as bc implementations go.)

Thus, using just the technique of setting the flag just will not work for an interactive calculator.

Well, it can, but it requires a lot of code and massive inefficiencies. I know this because that was the original implementation.

The original implementation set a flag and just exit the signal handler. Then, on just about every loop header, I have a check for the signal flag. These checks happened on every iteration of every loop. It was a massive waste because it was polling, and polling is evil.

So for version 3.0.0, I expended a lot of effort to change the implementation.

In the new system, code outside the signal handler sets a flag (vm.sig_lock) to tell the signal handler whether it can use longjmp() to stop the current execution. If so, it does. If not, it sets a flag, which then is used by the code outside the signal handler that set the vm.sig_lock flag. When that code unsets vm.sig_lock, it checks to see if a signal happened, and if so, that code executes the longjmp() and stops the current execution.

Other than that, the rest of the interrupt-based implementation is best described in the Error Handling.

However, there are rules for signal handlers that I must lay out.

First, signal handlers can only call async-signal-safe functions.

Second, any field set or read by both the signal handler and normal code must be a volatile sig_atomic_t.

Third, when setting such fields, they must be set to constants and no math can be done on them. This restriction and the above restriction exist in order to ensure that the setting of the fields is always atomic with respect to signals.

These rules exist for any code using Unix signal handlers, not just bc.

Vectors and Numbers

Vectors and numbers needed special consideration with the interrupt-based signal handling.

When vectors and numbers are about to allocate, or reallocate their arrays, they need to lock signals to ensure that they do not call malloc() and friends and get interrupted by a signal because, as you will see in the Error Handling section, longjmp() cannot be used in a signal handler if it may be able to interrupt a non-async-signal-safe function like malloc() and friends.


If you asked me what procedure is used the most in bc, I would reply without hesitation, "assert()."

I use assert() everywhere. In fact, it is what made fuzzing with AFL++ so effective. AFL++ is incredibly good at finding crashes, and a failing assert() counts as one.

So while a lot of bad bugs might have corrupted data and not caused crashes, because I put in so many assert()'s, they were turned into crashing bugs, and AFL++ found them.

By far, the most bugs it found this way was in the bc parser. (See the bc Parsing for more information.) And even though I was careful to put assert()'s everywhere, most parser bugs manifested during execution of bytecode because the virtual machine assumes the bytecode is valid.

Sidenote: one of those bugs caused an infinite recursion when running the sine (s()) function in the math library, so yes, parser bugs can be very weird.

Anyway, they way I did assert()'s was like this: whenever I realized that I had put assumptions into the code, I would put an assert() there to test it and to document it.

Yes, documentation. In fact, by far the best documentation of the code in bc is actually the assert()'s. The only time I would not put an assert() to test an assumption is if that assumption was already tested by an assert() earlier.

As an example, if a function calls another function and passes a pointer that the caller previously assert()'ed was not NULL, then the callee does not have to assert() it too, unless also called by another function that does not assert() that.

At first glance, it may seem like putting asserts for pointers being non-NULL everywhere would actually be good, but unfortunately, not for fuzzing. Each assert() is a branch, and AFL++ rates its own effectiveness based on how many branches it covers. If there are too many assert()'s, it may think that it is not being effective and that more fuzzing is needed.

This means that assert()'s show up most often in two places: function preconditions and function postconditions.

Function preconditions are assert()'s that test conditions relating to the arguments a function was given. They appear at the top of the function, usually before anything else (except maybe initializing a local variable).

Function postconditions are assert()'s that test the return values or other conditions when a function exits. These are at the bottom of a function or just before a return statement.

The other assert()'s cover various miscellaneous assumptions.

If you change the code, I HIGHLY suggest that you use assert()'s to document your assumptions. And don't remove them when AFL++ gleefully crashes bc and dc over and over again.


In bc, vectors mean resizable arrays, and they are the most fundamental piece of code in the entire codebase.

I had previously written a vector implementation, which I used to guide my decisions, but I wrote a new one so that bc would not have a dependency. I also didn't make it as sophisticated; the one in bc is very simple.

Vectors store some information about the type that they hold:

  • The size (as returned by sizeof).
  • An enum designating the destructor.

If the destructor is BC_DTOR_NONE, it is counted as the type not having a destructor.

But by storing the size, the vector can then allocate size * cap bytes, where cap is the capacity. Then, when growing the vector, the cap is doubled again and again until it is bigger than the requested size.

But to store items, or to push items, or even to return items, the vector has to figure out where they are, since to it, the array just looks like an array of bytes.

It does this by calculating a pointer to the underlying type with v + (i * size), where v is the array of bytes, i is the index of the desired element, and size is the size of the underlying type.

Doing that, vectors can avoid undefined behavior (because char pointers can be cast to any other pointer type), while calculating the exact position of every element.

Because it can do that, it can figure out where to push new elements by calculating v + (len * size), where len is the number of items actually in the vector.

By the way, len is different from cap. While cap is the amount of storage available, len is the number of actual elements in the vector at the present point in time.

Growing the vector happens when len is equal to cap before pushing new items, not after.

To add a destructor, you need to add an enum item to BcDtorType in include/vector.h and add the actual destructor in the same place as the enum item in the bc_vec_dtors[] array in src/data.c.

Pointer Invalidation

There is one big danger with the vectors as currently implemented: pointer invalidation.

If a piece of code receives a pointer from a vector, then adds an item to the vector before they finish using the pointer, that code must then update the pointer from the vector again.

This is because any pointer inside the vector is calculated based off of the array in the vector, and when the vector grows, it can realloc() the array, which may move it in memory. If that is done, any pointer returned by bc_vec_item(), bc_vec_top() and bc_vec_item_rev() will be invalid.

This fact was the single most common cause of crashes in the early days of this bc; wherever I have put a comment about pointers becoming invalidated and updating them with another call to bc_vec_item() and friends, do NOT remove that code!


Maps in bc are...not.

They are really a combination of two vectors. Those combinations are easily recognized in the source because one vector is named <name>s (plural), and the other is named <name>_map.

There are currently three, all in BcProgram:

  • fns and fn_map (bc functions).
  • vars and var_map (variables).
  • arrs and arr_map (arrays).

They work like this: the <name>_map vector holds BcId's, which just holds a string and an index. The string is the name of the item, and the index is the index of that item in the <name>s vector.

Obviously, I could have just done a linear search for items in the <name>s vector, but that would be slow with a lot of functions/variables/arrays. Instead, I ensure that whenever an item is inserted into the <name>_map vector, the item is inserted in sorted order. This means that the <name>_map is always sorted (by the names of the items).

So when looking up an item in the "map", what is really done is this:

  1. A binary search is carried out on the names in the <name>_map vector.
  2. When one is found, it returns the index in the <name>_map vector where the item was found.
  3. This index is then used to retrieve the BcId.
  4. The index from the BcId is then used to index into the <name>s vector, which returns the actual desired item.

Why were the <name>s and <name>_map vectors not combined for ease? The answer is that sometime, when attempting to insert into the "map", code might find that something is already there. For example, a function with that name may already exist, or the variable might already exist.

If the insert fails, then the name already exists, and the inserting code can forego creating a new item to put into the vector. However, if there is no item, the inserting code must create a new item and insert it.

If the two vectors were combined together, it would not be possible to separate the steps such that creating a new item could be avoided if it already exists.

Slabs and Slab Vectors

bc allocates a lot of small strings, and small allocations are the toughest for general-purpose allocators to handle efficiently.

Because of that reason, I decided to create a system for allocating small strings using something that I call a "slab vector" after slab allocators.

These vectors allocate what I call "slabs," which are just an allocation of a single page with a length to tell the slab how much of the slab is used.

The vector itself holds slabs, and when the slab vector is asked to allocate a string, it attempts to in the last slab. If that slab cannot do so, it allocates a new slab and allocates from that.

There is one exception: if a string is going to be bigger than 128 bytes, then the string is directly allocated, and a slab is created with that pointer and a length of SIZE_MAX, which tells the slab vector that it is a direct allocation. Then, the last slab is pushed into the next spot and the new special slab is put into the vacated spot. This ensures that a non-special slab is always last.

Not only that, but a slab vector can be used as a stack allocator. If the string needs to be deallocated, the length of the string is passed to the slab vector which deallocates it using that information. This allows a stack of allocations.

Command-Line History

When I first wrote bc, I immediately started using it in order to eat my own dog food.

It sucked, and the biggest reason why was because of the lack of command-line history.

At first, I just dealt with it, not knowing how command-line history might be implemented.

Eventually, I caved and attempted to adapt linenoise-mob, which I had known about for some time.

It turned out to be easier than I thought; the hardest part was the tedious renaming of everything to fit the bc naming scheme.

Understanding command-line history in bc is really about understanding VT-100 escape codes, so I would start there.

Now, the history implementation of bc has been adapted far beyond that initial adaptation to make the command-line history implementation perfect for bc alone, including integrating it into bc's Custom I/O and making sure that it does not disturb output that did not end with a newline.

On top of that, at one point, I attempted to get history to work on Windows. It barely worked after a lot of work and a lot of portability code, but even with all of that, it does not have at least one feature: multi-line pasting from the clipboard.

Error Handling

The error handling on bc got an overhaul for version 3.0.0, and it became one of the things that taught me the most about C in particular and programming in general.

Before then, error handling was manual. Almost all functions returned a BcStatus indicating if an error had occurred. This led to a proliferation of lines like:

if (BC_ERR(s)) return s;

In fact, a quick and dirty count of such lines in version 2.7.2 (the last version before 3.0.0 turned up 252 occurrences of that sort of line.

And that didn't even guarantee that return values were checked everywhere.

But before I can continue, let me back up a bit.

From the beginning, I decided that I would not do what GNU bc does on errors; it tries to find a point at which it can recover. Instead, I decided that I would have bc reset to a clean slate, which I believed, would reduce the number of bugs where an unclean state caused errors with continuing execution.

So from the beginning, errors would essentially unwind the stack until they got to a safe place from which to clean the slate, reset, and ask for more input.

Well, if that weren't enough, bc also has to handle POSIX signals. As such, it had a signal handler that set a flag. But it could not safely interrupt execution, so that's all it could do.

In order to actually respond to the signal, I had to litter checks for the flag everywhere in the code. And I mean everywhere. They had to be checked on every iteration of every loop. They had to be checked going into and out of certain functions.

It was a mess.

But fortunately for me, signals did the same thing that errors did: they unwound the stack to the same place.

Do you see where I am going with this?

It turns out that what I needed was a async-signal-safe form of what programmers call "exceptions" in other languages.

I knew that setjmp() and longjmp() are used in C to implement exceptions, so I thought I would learn how to use them. How hard could it be?

Quite hard, it turns out, especially in the presence of signals. And that's because there are a few big snares:

  1. The value of any local variables are not guaranteed to be preserved after a longjmp() back into a function.
  2. While longjmp() is required to be async-signal-safe, if it is invoked by a signal handler that interrupted a non-async-signal-safe function, then the behavior is undefined.

Oh boy.

For number 1, the answer to this is to hide data that must stay changed behind pointers. Only the pointers are considered local, so as long as I didn't do any modifying pointer arithmetic, pointers and their data would be safe. For cases where I have local data that must change and stay changed, I needed to undo the setjmp(), do the change, and the redo the setjmp().

For number 2, bc needs some way to tell the signal handler that it cannot do a longjmp(). This is done by "locking" signals with a volatile sig_atomic_t. (For more information, see the Async-Signal-Safe Signal Handling section.) For every function that calls a function that is not async-signal-safe, they first need to use BC_SIG_LOCK to lock signals, and afterward, use BC_SIG_UNLOCK to unlock signals.

BC_SIG_UNLOCK has another requirement: it must check for signals or errors and jump if necessary.

On top of all of that, all functions with cleanup needed to be able to run their cleanup. This meant that longjmp() could not just jump to the finish; it had to start what I call a "jump series," using a stack of jmp_buf's (jmp_bufs in BcVm). Each longjmp() uses the top of the jmp_bufs stack to execute its jump. Then, if the cleanup code was executed because of a jump, the cleanup code was responsible for continuing the jump series by popping the previous item off the stack and using the new top of the stack for a jump.

In this way, C++-style exceptions were implemented in pure C. Not fun, but it works. However, the order of operations matters, especially in the macros that help implement the error handling.

For example, in BC_UNSETJMP, signals are unlocked before checking for signals. If a signal comes between, that's fine; it will still cause a jump to the right place. However, disabling the lock after could mean that a signal could come after checking for signals, but before signals were unlocked, causing the handling of the signal to be delayed.

Custom I/O

Why did I implement my own buffered I/O for bc? Because I use setjmp() and longjmp() for error handling (see the Error Handling section), and the buffered I/O in libc does not interact well with the use of those procedures; all of the buffered I/O API is basically non-async-signal-safe.

Implementing custom buffered I/O had other benefits. First, it allowed me to tightly integrate history with the I/O code. Second, it allowed me to make changes to history in order to make it adapt to user prompts.


To simplify parsing, both calculators use lexers to turn the text into a more easily-parsable form.

While some tokens are only one character long, others require many tokens, and some of those need to store all of the text corresponding to the token for use by the parsers. Tokens that need to store their corresponding text include, but are not limited to:

  • Strings.
  • Numbers.
  • Identifiers.

For this purpose, the lexer has a vector named str to store the data for tokens. This data is overwritten if another token is lexed that needs to store data, so the parsers need to copy the data before calling the lexer again.

Both lexers do some of the same things:

  • Lex identifiers into tokens, storing the identifier in str.
  • Lex number strings into tokens, storing the string in str.
  • Lex whitespace.
  • Lex comments.

Other than that, and some common plumbing, the lexers have separate code.

dc Lexing

The dc lexer is remarkably simple; in fact, besides src/main.c, src/bc.c, and src/dc.c, which just contain one function each, the only file smaller that src/dc_lex.c is src/args.c, which just processes command-line arguments after they are parsed by src/opt.c.

For most characters, the dc lexer is able to convert directly from the character to its corresponding token. This happens using dc_lex_tokens[] in src/data.c.

dc's lexer also has to lex the register name after lexing tokens for commands that need registers.

And finally, dc's lexer needs to parse dc strings, which is the only part of the dc lexer that is more complex than the bc lexer. This is because dc strings need to have a balanced number of brackets.

bc Lexing

The bc lexer is fairly simple. It does the following things:

  • Lexes bc strings.
  • Lexes bc identifiers. This is necessary because this is how bc keywords are lexed. After ensuring that an identifier is not a keyword, the bc lexer allows the common identifier function to take over.
  • Turns characters and groups of characters into bc operator tokens.


The difference between parsing bc and dc code is...vast. The dc parser is simple, while the bc parser is the most complex piece of code in the entire codebase.

However, they both do some of the same things.

First, the parsers do not use abstract syntax trees; instead, they directly generate the bytecode that will be executed by the BcProgram code. Even in the case of bc, this heavily simplifies the parsing because the Shunting-Yard Algorithm is designed to generate Reverse Polish Notation, which is basically directly executable.

Second, any extra data that the BcProgram needs for execution is stored into functions (see the Functions section). These include constants and strings.

dc Parsing

The parser for dc, like its lexer, is remarkably simple. In fact, the easiness of lexing and parsing Reverse Polish notation is probably why it was used for dc when it was first created at Bell Labs.

For most tokens, the dc parser is able to convert directly from the token to its corresponding instruction. This happens using dc_parse_insts[] in src/data.c.

dc's parser also has to parse the register name for commands that need registers. This is the most complex part of the dc parser; each different register command needs to be parsed differently because most of them require two or more instructions to execute properly.

For example, storing in a register requires a swap instruction and an assignment instruction.

Another example are conditional execution instructions; they need to produce the instruction for the condition, and then they must parse a possible "else" part, which might not exist.

bc Parsing

bc's parser is, by far, the most sensitive piece of code in this software, and there is a very big reason for that: bc's standard is awful and defined a very poor language.

The standard says that either semicolons or newlines can end statements. Trying to parse the end of a statement when it can either be a newline or a semicolon is subtle. Doing it in the presence of control flow constructs that do not have to use braces is even harder.

And then comes the biggest complication of all: bc has to assume that it is always at a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). bc is, first and foremost, an interactive utility.


All of this means that bc has to be able to partially parse something, store enough data to recreate that state later, and return, making sure to not execute anything in the meantime.

That is what the flags in include/bc.h are: they are the state that bc is saving for itself.

It saves them in a stack, by the way, because it's possible to nest structures, just like any other programming language. Thus, not only does it have to store state, it needs to do it arbitrarily, and still be able to come back to it.

So bc stores its parser state with flags in a stack. Careful setting of these flags, along with properly using them and maintaining the flag stack, are what make bc parsing work, but it's complicated. In fact, as I mentioned, the bc parser is the single most subtle, fickle, and sensitive piece of code in the entire codebase. Only one thing came close once: square root, and that was only sensitive because I wrote it wrong. This parser is pretty good, and it is still sensitive. And flags are the reason why.

For more information about what individual flags there are, see the comments in include/bc.h.


bc's language is Turing-complete. That means that code needs the ability to jump around, specifically to implement control flow like if statements and loops.

bc handles this while parsing with what I called "labels."

Labels are markers in the bytecode. They are stored in functions alongside the bytecode, and they are just indices into the bytecode.

When the bc parser creates a label, it pushes an index onto the labels array, and the index of the label in that array is the index that will be inserted into the bytecode.

Then, when a jump happens, the index pulled out of the bytecode is used to index the labels array, and the label (index) at the index is then used to set the instruction pointer.

Cond Labels

"Cond" labels are so-called because they are used by conditionals.

The key to them is that they come before the code that uses them. In other words, when jumping to a condition, code is jumping backwards.

This means that when a cond label is created, the value that should go there is well-known. Cond labels are easy.

However, they are still stored on a stack so that the parser knows what cond label to use.

Exit Labels

Exit labels are not so easy.

"Exit" labels are so-called because they are used by code "exiting" out of if statements or loops.

The key to them is that they come after the code that uses them. In other words, when jumping to an exit, code is jumping forwards.

But this means that when an exit label is created, the value that should go there is not known. The code that needs it must be parsed and generated first.

That means that exit labels are created with the index of SIZE_MAX, which is then specifically checked for with an assert in bc_program_exec() before using those indices.

There should NEVER be a case when an exit label is not filled in properly if the parser has no bugs. This is because every if statement, every loop, must have an exit, so the exit must be set. If not, there is a bug.

Exit labels are also stored on a stack so that the parser knows what exit label to use.

Expression Parsing

bc has expressions like you might expect in a typical programming language. This means infix notation.

One thing about infix notation is that you can't just generate code straight from it like you can with Reverse Polish notation. It requires more work to shape it into a form that works for execution on a stack machine.

That extra work is called the Shunting-Yard algorithm, and the form it translates infix notation into is...Reverse Polish notation.

In order to understand the rest of this section, you must understand the Shunting-Yard algorithm. Go do that before you read on.

Operator Stack

In bc, the Shunting-Yard algorithm is implemented with bytecode as the output and an explicit operator stack (the ops field in BcParse) as the operator stack. It stores tokens from BcLex.

However, there is one HUGE hangup: multiple expressions can stack. This means that multiple expressions can be parsed at one time (think an array element expression in the middle of a larger expression). Because of that, we need to keep track of where the previous expression ended. That's what start parameter to bc_parse_operator() is.

Parsing multiple expressions on one operator stack only works because expressions can only stack; this means that, if an expression begins before another ends, it must also end before that other expression ends. This property ensures that operators will never interfere with each other on the operator stack.


Because expressions can stack, parsing expressions actually requires recursion. Well, it doesn't require it, but the code is much more readable that way.

This recursion is indirect; the functions that bc_parse_expr_err() (the actual expression parsing function) calls can, in turn, call it.

Expression Flags

There is one more big thing: not all expressions in bc are equal.

Some expressions have requirements that others don't have. For example, only array arguments can be arrays (which are technically not expressions, but are treated as such for parsing), and some operators (in POSIX) are not allowed in certain places.

For this reason, functions that are part of the expression parsing infrastructure in bc's parser usually take a flags argument. This is meant to be passed to children, and somewhere, they will be checked to ensure that the resulting expression meets its requirements.

There are also places where the flags are changed. This is because the requirements change.

Maintaining the integrity of the requirements flag set is an important part of the bc parser. However, they do not have to be stored on a stack because their stack is implicit from the recursion that expression parsing uses.


Functions, in bc, are data structures that contain the bytecode and data produced by the parsers. Functions are what the BcProgram program executes.

Main and Read Functions

There are two functions that always exist, which I call the "main" and "read" functions.

The "main" function is the function in which any code and data outside other functions is put. Basically, it is the function where the scripting code ends up.

The "read" function is the function that is reset and parsed every time a call to the read() builtin function happens.

dc Strings

In dc, strings can be executed, and since there are no actual "functions" in dc, strings are handled as functions. In fact, they are effectively translated into functions by parsing.

Tail Calls

Since strings in dc are functions, and the fact that dc has no native loops, such loops are implemented in dc code using strings with conditional execution commands at the end of strings.

When such conditional execution, or even unconditional execution, commands are the very last commands in a string, then dc can perform a tail call.

This is done by recording the fact that a tail call happened, done by incrementing an integer on a stack. When a string is executed without a tail call, a new entry is pushed onto the stack with the integer 1.

When a string finally quits that followed tail calls, its stack entry is popped, eliminating all of those tail calls.

Why perform tail calls? Because otherwise, dc would be subject to the same thing that plagues functional programming languages: stack overflow. In dc's case, that would manifest itself as a growing heap, because the execution stack is stored on the heap, until a fatal allocation failure would occur.


Execution is handled by an interpreter implemented using BcProgram and code in src/program.c.

The interpreter is a mix between a stack machine and a register machine. It is a stack machine in that operations happen on a stack I call the "results stack," but it is a register machine in that items on the stack can be stored to and loaded from "registers" (dc terminology), variables (bc terminology), and arrays.


There are two stacks in the interpreter:

  • The "results" stack (as mentioned above).
  • The "execution" stack.

The results stack (the results field of the BcProgram struct) is the stack where the results of computations are stored. It is what makes the interpreter part stack machine. It is filled with BcResult's.

The execution stack (the stack field of the BcProgram struct) is the stack that tracks the current execution state of the interpreter. It is the presence of this separate stack that allows the interpreter to implement the machine as a loop, rather than recursively. It is filled with BcInstPtr's, which are the "instruction pointers."

These instruction pointers have three fields, all integers:

  • func, the index of the function that is currently executing.
  • idx, the index of the next bytecode instruction to execute in the function's bytecode array.
  • len, which is the length of the results stack when the function started executing. This is not used by dc, but it used by bc because functions in bc should never affect the results stack of their callers.

With these three fields, and always executing using the instruction pointer at the top of the execution stack, the interpreter can always keep track of its execution.

When a function or a string starts executing, a new BcInstPtr is pushed onto the execution stack for it. This includes if a function was called recursively. And then, when the function or string returns, its BcInstPtr is popped off of the execution stack.


Execution of functions are done through bytecode produced directly by the parsers (see the Parsing). This bytecode is stored in the code vector of the BcFunc struct.

This is a vector for two reasons:

  • It makes it easier to add bytecode to the vector in the parsers.
  • bc allows users to redefine functions.

The reason I can use bytecode is because there are less than 256 instructions, so an unsigned char can store all the bytecodes.

Bytecode Indices

There is one other factor to bytecode: there are instructions that need to reference strings, constants, variables, or arrays. Bytecode need some way to reference those things.

Fortunately, all of those things can be referenced in the same way: with indices because all of the items are in vectors.

So bc has a way of encoding an index into bytecode. It does this by, after pushing the instruction that references anything, pushing a byte set to the length of the index in bytes, then the bytes of the index are pushed in little-endian order.

Then, when the interpreter encounters an instruction that needs one or more items, it decodes the index or indices there and updates the idx field of the current BcInstPtr to point to the byte after the index or indices.

One more thing: the encoder of the indices only pushes as many bytes as necessary to encode the index. It stops pushing when the index has no more bytes with any 1 bits.


In bc, the vector of variables, vars in BcProgram, is not a vector of numbers; it is a vector of vector of numbers. The first vector is the vector of variables, the second is the variable stack, and the last level is the actual number.

This is because both bc and dc need variables to be stacks.

For dc, registers are defined to be stacks.

For bc, variables as stacks is how function arguments/parameters and function auto variables are implemented.

When a function is called, and a value needs to be used as a function argument, a copy of the value is pushed onto the stack corresponding to the variable with the same name as the function's parameter. For auto variables, a new number set to zero is pushed onto each stack corresponding to the auto variables. (Zero is used because the bc spec requires that auto variables are set to zero.)

It is in this way that the old value of the variable, which may not even be related to the function parameter or auto variable, is preserved while the variable is used as a function parameter or auto variable.

When the function returns, of course, the stacks of the variables for the parameters and auto's will have their top item popped, restoring the old value as it was before the function call.


Like variables, arrays are also implemented as stacks. However, because they are arrays, there is yet another level; the arrs field in BcProgram is a vector of vectors of vectors of numbers. The first of the two levels is the vector of arrays, the second the stack of for each array, the third the actual array, and last the numbers in the array.

dc has no need of this extra stack, but bc does because arrays can be function parameters themselves.

When arrays are used for function arguments, they are copied with a deep copy; each item of the source vector is copied. This is because in bc, according to the bc spec, all function arguments are passed by value.

However, array references are possible (see below).

When arrays are used as auto's, a new vector is pushed with one element; if more elements are needed, the array is grown automatically, and new elements are given the value of zero.

In fact, if any array is accessed and does not have an element at that index, the array is automaticall grown to that size, and all new elements are given the value zero. This behavior is guaranteed by the bc spec.

Array References

Array references had to be implemented as vectors themselves because they must be pushed on the vectors stacks, which, as seen above, expect vectors themselves.

So thus, references are implemented as vectors on the vector stacks. These vectors are not vectors of vectors themselves; they are vectors of bytes; in fact, the fact that they are byte vectors and not vector vectors is how a reference vector is detected.

These reference vectors always have the same two things pushed: a byte encoding (the same way bytecode indices are) of the referenced vector's index in the arrs vector, and a byte encoding of the referenced vectors index in the vector stack.

If an item in a referenced vector is needed, then the reference is dereferenced, and the item is returned.

If a reference vector is passed to a function that does not expect a reference, the vector is dereferenced and a deep copy is done, in the same way as vectors are copied for normal array function parameters.


There are many places in bc and dc where function pointers are used:

  • To implement destructors in vectors. (See the Vectors section.)
  • To select the correct lex and parse functions for bc and dc.
  • To select the correct function to execute unary operators.
  • To select the correct function to execute binary operators.
  • To calculate the correct number size for binary operators.
  • To print a "digit" of a number.
  • To seed the pseudo-random number generator.

And there might be more.

In every case, they are used for reducing the amount of code. Instead of if/else chains, such as:

if (BC_IS_BC) {
else {

The best example of this is bc_num_binary(). It is called by every binary operator. It figures out if it needs to allocate space for a new BcNum. If so, it allocates the space and then calls the function pointer to the true operation.

Doing it like that shrunk the code immensely. First, instead of every single binary operator duplicating the allocation code, it only exists in one place. Second, bc_num_binary() itself does not have a massive if/else chain or a switch statement.

But perhaps the most important use was for destructors in vectors.

Most of the data structures in bc are stored in vectors. If I hadn't made destructors available for vectors, then ensuring that bc had no memory leaks would have been nigh impossible. As it is, I check bc for memory leaks every release when I change the code, and I have not released bc after version 1.0.0 with any memory leaks, as far as I can remember anyway.


In order to do arbitrary-precision math, as bc must do, there must be some way of representing arbitrary-precision numbers. BcNum in include/num.h is bc's.

(Note: the word "limb" is used below; it has a specific meaning when applied to arbitrary-precision numbers. It means one piece of the number. It can have a single digit, which is what GNU bc does, or it can have multiple, which is what this bc does.)

This struct needs to store several things:

  • The array of limbs of the number. This is the num field.
  • The location of the decimal point. This is the rdx (short for radix) field.
  • The number of limbs the number has. This is the len field.
  • Whether the number is negative or not. This is the least significant bit of the rdx field. More on that later.

In addition, bc's number stores the capacity of the limb array; this is the cap field.

If the number needs to grow, and the capacity of the number is big enough, the number is not reallocated; the number of limbs is just added to.

There is one additional wrinkle: to make the usual operations (binary operators) fast, the decimal point is not allowed to be in the middle of a limb; it must always be between limbs, after all limbs (integer) or before all limbs (real between -1 and 1).

The reason for this is because addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division expect digits to be lined up on the decimal point. By requiring that it be between limbs, no extra alignment is needed, and those operations can proceed without extra overhead.

This does make some operations, most notably extending, truncating, and shifting, more expensive, but the overhead is constant, and these operations are usually cheap compared to the binary operators anyway.

This also requires something else: bc numbers need to know exactly how many decimal places they have after the decimal point. If the decimal point must be inbetween limbs, the last decimal place could be in the middle of a limb. The amount of decimal places in a number is carefully tracked and stored in the scale field, and this number must always coincide with the rdx field by the following formula:

scale + (BC_BASE_DIGS - 1) / BC_BASE_DIGS == rdx >> 1

(BC_BASE_DIGS is the number of decimal digits stored in one limb. It is 9 on 64-bit systems and 4 on other systems.)

Yes, rdx is shifted; that is because the negative bit is stored in the least significant bit of the rdx field, and the actual radix (amount of limbs after the decimal/radix point) is stored in the rest of the bits. This is safe because BC_BASE_DIGS is always at least 4, which means rdx will always need at least 2 bits less than scale.

In addition to rdx always matching scale, another invariant is that rdx must always be less than or equal to len. (Because scale may be greater than rdx, scale does not have to be less than or equal to len.)

Another invariant is that len must always be less than or equal to cap, for obvious reasons.

The last thing programmers need to know is that the limb array is stored in little-endian order. This means that the last decimal places are in the limb stored at index 0, and the most significant digits are stored at index len-1.

This is done to make the most important operations fast. Addition and subtraction are done from least significant to most significant limbs, which means they can speed through memory in the way most computers are best at. Multiplication does the same, sort of, and with division, it matters less. Comparison does need to go backwards, but that's after exhausting all other alternatives, including for example, checking the length of the integer portion of each limb array.

Finally, here are some possible special situations with numbers and what they mean:

  • len == 0: the number equals 0.
  • len == 0 && scale != 0: the number equals 0, but it has a scale value. This is the only case where scale does not have to coincide with rdx This can happen with division, for example, that sets a specific scale for the result value but may produce 0.
  • (rdx >> 1) < len: the number is greater than or equal to 1, or less than or equal to -1.
  • (rdx >> 1) == len: the number is greater than -1 and less than 1, not including 0, although this will be true for 0 as well. However, 0 is always assumed to be represented by len == 0.
  • (rdx >> 1) == 0: the number is an integer. In this case, scale must also equal 0.

Math Style

When I wrote the math for bc, I adopted a certain style that, if known, will make it easier to understand the code. The style follows these rules:

  • BcNum arguments always come before arguments of other types.
  • Among the BcNum arguments, the operands always come first, and the BcNum where the result(s) will be stored come last.
  • Error checking is placed first in the function.
  • Easy cases are placed next.
  • Preparation, such as allocating temporaries, comes next.
  • The actual math.
  • Cleanup and ensuring invariants.

While these rules are not hard and fast, using them as a guide will probably help.

Strings as Numbers

Strings can be assigned to variables. This is a problem because the vectors for variable stacks expect BcNum structs only.

While I could have made a union, I decided that the complexity of adding an entirely new type, with destructor and everything, was not worth it. Instead, I took advantage of the fact that free(), when passed a NULL pointer, will do nothing.

Using that, I made it so BcNum's could store strings instead. This is marked by the BcNum having a NULL limb array (num) and a cap of 0 (which should never happen with a real number, though the other fields could be 0).

The BcNum stores the function that stores the string in the rdx field, and it stores the index of the string in the scale field. This is used to actually load the string if necessary.

Note that historically, string information was stored in the loc field of the d union in a BcResult. This was changed recently to standardize; now, all string information are stored in the n field of the d union regardless. This means that all string information is stored in BcNum's. This removes extra cases.

Also, if a temp is made with a string, then the result type should still be BC_RESULT_STR, not BC_RESULT_TEMP. This is to make it easier to do type checks.

Pseudo-Random Number Generator

In order to understand this section, I suggest you read the information in the manpages about the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) first; that will help you understand the guarantees it has, which is important because this section delves into implementation details.

First, the PRNG I use is seeded; this is because most OS's have an excellent cryptographically secure PRNG available via command-line, usually /dev/urandom, but the only seeded PRNG available is usually bash's $RANDOM, which is essentially a wrapper around C's rand().

rand() is...bad. It is only guaranteed to return 15 bits of random data. Obviously, getting good random data out of that would be hard with that alone, but implementations also seem to be poor.

On top of that, bc is an arbitrary-precision calculator; if I made it able to generate random numbers, I could make it generate random numbers of any size, and since it would be seeded, results would be reproducible, when wanted.

So to get that, I needed a seeded PRNG with good characteristics. After scouring the Internet, I decided on the PCG PRNG, mostly because of this blog post. Part of the reason was the behavior of the xoroshiro128+ author, who hates on PCG and its author, but also because PCG seemed to do better when tested by independent parties.

After that decision, I faced a challenge: PCG requires 255 bits of seed: 128 for the actual seed, and 127 for the "increment." (Melissa O'Neill, the PCG author, likens the increment to selecting a codebook.)

I could, of course, put the entire 255 bits into one massive arbitrary-precision number; bc is good at that, after all. But that didn't sit right with me because it would mean any seed selected by users would have the real portion ignored, which is stupid in a program like bc.

Instead, I decided to make the integer portion the increment (clamped down to size), and the real portion the seed.

In most cases, this would be a bad idea because you cannot, in general, know how many decimal places you need to represent any number with n real digits in base b in another base. However, there is an easy to how many decimal digits after the decimal point it takes to represent reals of base 2 in base 10: the power of two.

It turns out that, for base 2 represented in base 10, the power of 2 is exactly how many digits are necessary to represent any number n/2^p, where p is the power of 2. This is because at every halving, the number of decimal places increases by 1:


So the algorithm to convert all 255 bits of the seed is as follows:

  1. Convert the increment to a BcNum.
  2. Convert the seed to a BcNum.
  3. Divide the seed by 2^128 with a scale of 128. (For 32-bit systems, substitute 64 bits for 128.)
  4. Add the two numbers together.

Likewise, the algorithm to convert from a user-supplied number to a seed is:

  1. Truncate a copy of the number.
  2. Subtract the result from #1 from the original number. This gives the real portion of the number.
  3. Clamp the result of #1 to 127 (or 63) bits. This is the increment.
  4. Multiply the result of #2 by 2^128.
  5. Truncate the result of #4. This is the seed.

Generating Arbitrary-Precision Numbers

I wrote a function (bc_rand_bounded()) that will return unbiased results with any bound below the max that PCG can generate.

To generate an integer of arbitrary size using a bound, bc simply uses bc_rand_bounded() to generate numbers with a bound 10^BC_BASE_DIGS for as many limbs as needed to satisfy the bigger bound.

To generate numbers with arbitrary precision after the decimal point, bc merely generates an arbitrary precision integer with the bound 10^p, where p is the desired number of decimal places, then divides in by 10^p with a scale of p.

Debug Code

Besides building bc in debug mode with the -g flag to, programmers can also add -DBC_DEBUG_CODE=1 to the CFLAGS. This will enable the inclusion of a lot of extra code to assist with debugging.

For more information, see all of the code guarded by #if BC_DEBUG_CODE in the include/ directory and in the src/ directory.

Yes, all of the code is guarded by #if preprocessor statements; this is because the code should never be in a release build, and by making programmers add this manually (not even an option to, it is easier to ensure that never happens.

However, that said, the extra debug code is useful; that was why I kept it in.


While I have put in a lot of effort to make bc as fast as possible, there might be some things you can do to speed it up without changing the code.

First, you can probably use profile-guided optimization to optimize even better, using the test suite to profile.

Second, I included macros that might help branch placement and prediction:

  • BC_ERR(e)
  • BC_NO_ERR(e)
  • BC_LIKELY(e)

BC_ERR is the same as BC_UNLIKELY, and BC_NO_ERR is the same as BC_LIKELY; I just added them to also document branches that lead to error conditions or away from error conditions.

Anyway, if BC_LIKELY and BC_UNLIKELY are not defined during compilation, they expand to nothing but the argument they were given.

They can, however, be defined to __builtin_expect((e), 1) and __builtin_expect((e), 0), respectively, on GCC and Clang for better branch prediction and placement. (For more information about __builtin_expect() see the GCC documentation.)

There might be other compilers that can take advantage of that, but I don't know anything about that.

Also, as stated in the build manual, link-time optimization is excellent at optimizing this bc. Use it.


To help programmers improve performance, I have built and assembled infrastructure to make benchmarking easy.

First, in order to easily run benchmarks, I created scripts/

Second, I copied and adapted ministat.c from FreeBSD, to make it easier to judge whether the results are significant or not.

Third, I made the make clean target make clean_benchmarks, to clean scripts/ministat and the generated benchmark files.

Fourth, I made it so scripts/ outputs the timing and memory data in a format that is easy for scripts/ministat to digest.

To add a benchmark, add a script in the right directory to generate the benchmark. Yes, generate.

All of the benchmarks are generated first, from .bc and .dc files in the benchmarks/bc/ and benchmarks/dc/. This is so that massive amounts of data can be generated and then pushed through the calculators.

If you need to benchmark bc or dc with simple loops, have the generator files simply print the loop code.

Caching of Numbers

In order to provide some performance boost, bc tries to reuse old BcNum's that have the default capacity (BC_NUM_DEF_SIZE).

It does this by allowing bc_num_free() to put the limb array onto a statically-allocated stack (it's just a global array with a set size). Then, when a BcNum with the default capacity is needed, bc_num_init() asks if any are available. If the answer is yes, the one on top of the stack is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned, and bc_num_free() knows it needs to malloc() a new limb array.

When the stack is filled, any numbers that bc attempts to put on it are just freed.

This setup saved a few percent in my testing for version 3.0.0, which is when I added it.


At the request of one of my biggest users, I spent the time to make a build mode where the number and math code of bc could be wrapped into a library, which I called bcl.

This mode is exclusive; bc and dc themselves are not built when building bcl.

The only things in the bc math code that is not included is:

  • Printing newlines (clients do not care about bc's line lenth restriction).
  • dc's stream print.

Even the pseudo-random number generator is included, with extra support for generating real numbers with it. (In bc, such support is in lib2.bc.)

Signal Handling

Like signal handling in bc proper (see the Async-Signal-Safe Signal Handling section), bcl has the infrastructure for signal handling.

This infrastructure is different, however, as bcl assumes that clients will implement their own signal handling.

So instead of doing signal handling on its own, bcl provides the capability to interrupt executions and return to the clients almost immediately. Like in bc, this is done with setjmp() and longjmp(), although the jump series is stopped before returning normally to client code.


Contexts were an idea by the same user that requested bcl. They are meant to make it so multiple clients in one program can keep their data separate from each other.


Numbers in bcl are literally indices into an encapsulated array of numbers, hidden in the context. These indices are then passed to clients to refer to numbers later.

Operand Consumption

Most math functions in bcl "consume" their operand arguments; the arguments are freed, whether or not an error is returned.

This is to make it easy to implement math code, like this:

n = bcl_add(bcl_mul(a, b), bcl_div(c, d));

If numbers need to be preserved, they can be with bcl_dup():

n = bcl_add(bcl_mul(bcl_dup(a), bc_dup(b)), bcl_div(bcl_dup(c), bcl_dup(d)));


Errors can be encoded in the indices representing numbers, and where necessary, clients are responsible for checking those errors.

The encoding of errors is this: if an error happens, the value 0-error is returned. To decode, do the exact same thing. Thus, any index above 0-num_errors is an error.

If an index that represents an error is passed to a math function, that function propagates the error to its result and does not perform the math operation.

All of this is to, once again, make it easy to implement the math code as above.

However, where possible, errors are returned directly.