
170 lines
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This file contains visible (incompatible) changes to the users.
This version of tcsh has the following new things:
* %$variables are now expanded in the prompt.
* print_by_columns prints in a single column if the output is not a tty.
* REMOTEHOST contains only the IP address, not the host name of the machine.
* names in .cshdirs are quoted.
* exit value from 0..255 not -128..127 as posix mandates.
* Implicit cd when the variable implicitcd is set or set to verbose
* NLS Message Catalog support.
* The bind, aliases, linedit builtins are not used anymore; they are
#ifdef'ed OBSOLETE and will be really removed in the next version
* new filetest builtin
* new hup builtin
* =x obeys nonomatch
* tcsh.man2html nroff to HTML converter for the tcsh manpage
* prompt is now %# by default.
* $REMOTEHOST contains the name of the remote host (optional)
* $HOSTTYPE is going away. New variables $OSTYPE, $MACHTYPE, $VENDOR similar
to the gnu ones.
* $< can be interrupted and takes modifiers. Does not quote args by default
like csh.
* Variable modifiers do not stop processing after the first one fails
> set i=aabbcc
> echo $i:s/a/A/:s/b/B/
> echo $i:s/x/A/:s/b/B/
* set -r makes variables readonly
* set nonomatch, echo ~notaser returns ~notauser instead of an error
* file operators: Changed -s == !-z and -S == socket
* $?0 returns false now on interactive shells for csh compatibility.
* %p%P include seconds in prompt strings.
* $%var contains the number of characters in $var.
* Shell -w -x are now POSIX compliant on POSIX machines.
* Imported environment variables are not globbed.
* $dirstack can be used to set and examine the directory stack.
* $? == $status and $# == $#argv like in the bourne shell.
* expand variables expands arrays too (but not array elements yet).
* $0 contains argv[0] on interactive shells.
* new -b -c etc file operators from SGI csh.
* nostat takes a list of shell patterns.
* symbolic names for arrow key bindings [left, right, up, down]
* shift, left operators update variables correctly.
* builtins builtin.
* history and dirs accept now -LSc flags.
* $history accepts an optional second argument, that can change the
history builtin output similar to the $time format.
* History timestamps preserved in .history. The history file contains
now the timestamps as csh comments.
* ignore_symlinks and chase_symlinks are replaced with symlinks=ignore
and symlinks=chase; symlinks=expand addition
* complete and uncomplete builtins; user-programmable completion additions.
* Tcsh now uses the rightmost column of the terminal, allowing cut-and-paste
operations in terminal emulators that work [xterm R5 not R4]
* echo_style controls now the behaviour of the builtin echo; the default
should match the builtin echo of /bin/csh; if your system does not
come with csh, then the default echo should match /bin/echo.
* cd -; changes to the previous directory.
* setting dunique variable pushes only unique directories on the directory
* source builtin allows additional arguments that get passed in $argv in
the sourced script.
* tcsh now mirrors correctly all exported csh variables [term=TERM,path=PATH
* showdots=-A makes listing behave like ls -A.
* directory stack access =<num> allows for entries > 9.
* $a:u uppercase the first character in $a, $a:l downcases the first
character in $a.
* Shorthand for file tests in 'if' expressions ( -dx file ) is the
same as ( -d file && -x file )
* Nothing new.
6.00 PL3
* %d in the prompt is the week-day and no longer $cwd; use %/ instead.
* changes in the prompt format. Date changes to accomodate people from
down under.
* vi insert mode to command mode transition does not move the cursor.
6.00 PL2
* setty builtin
This is used to specify what tcsh modes can be altered using stty,
Modes that should be set are specified as +<mode>, modes that should
be cleared are specified as -<mode>, and the ones that should be
untouched are specified as <mode>. setty with no arguments prints
the modes that are affected by tcsh, and setty -a prints all modes.
* multiple : modifiers in variables and ! escapes. Things like:
> set prompt="$host:r:$cwd>"
don't work any more, they should be replaced with
> set prompt="${host:r}:$cwd>"
> set prompt="$host:r"":$cwd>"
the reason is that now you can
> set foo=/usr/local/a.b.c
> echo $foo:t:r:e
If for some reason you don't like this change you can disable it with
-DCOMPAT. -DCOMPAT may go away in future tcsh versions and the way tcsh
works now is the way the 4.4BSD csh works.
6.00 PL1
* There is no more config.iris4d, use config.sgi instead
* History searching searches using shell patterns too.
* The autolist values that controlled beeping are not supported any more;
used matchbeep instead.
* /etc/Login and /etc/Logout were renamed to /etc/csh.login /etc/csh.logout
and /etc/csh.cshrc was added
* prompt2 and prompt3 can have prompt escapes.
* eval pipes work
* ignore_symlinks works
5.20 PL2
* %{..%} escapes in prompt
5.20 PL0
* bindkey -r
* history -t
* shell variables in paths expand correctly.
* variable expansion
* quoted expansions now work.
* new version and tcsh variable format
5.19 PL2
* NLS support
* New bindkey and echotc builtins
* Underline and Bold in the prompt; additions and changes to the prompt and
who syntax (%u is now %n, so that %u can be used to turn undeline off,
and %n is now \n).
* rmstar needs to be set to protect from accidental removal
* Fixed editor, and spell line.
* Glob-expand, on arguments.
* Added process migration builtins for aix370
5.19 PL1
* Maintainance release for mainly the rs6000
5.19 PL0
* 8 bit clean code, by using 16 bit strings.
* Mostly shared strings (a side-effect)
* Highlights everywhere (and in ls-F) filenames that contain characters
with the eighth bit set (or passes them unchanged depending on the
variable 'nometa')
* Newline in the prompt via %n.
* dirs takes also a -v flag for `vertical display'
* There is a new variable `listjobs' which controls if and how jobs
are displayed when a new job is suspended. [Idea from the mtXinu
code, very useful for novice users who hit control-Z 10 times on
the same job!]
set listjobs=long, jobs -l is executed every time a job is suspended.
set listjobs=short, jobs is executed every time a job is suspended.
* Passes lint... At least on a sun.