* Whitespace and gcc 4.x fixes.
* Fix deallocation bug in fetch.c.
* Implement timeouts for accept(2) and connect(2),
which accept timeout values with '-q quittime'.
(intended to help with active mode through firewalls)
* Fix bin/77158 by Ryoji Kanai <rkanai@eeye.com>.
Short list of changes:
* SIGINT termination from auto-fetch.
* Less trusting of remote filenames during auto mgets.
* Improved RFC2616 compliancy.
* Fix globs when using ftp reget (from mat@).
* Limit send buffer size.
header file differences between FBSD and NBSD. Like lukemftpd, the
portable version of lukemftp lags too far behind CVS.
This import includes several big fixes plus a cleaned up manpage.