Gregorian Reformation. E. G. in Albania December 1, 1912 doesn't exist.
2. Add some countries in the switch table (BE, FI, LN, LU)
3. Correct some entries from the new found source of calendar knowledge:,
That is Claus Tondering's Calendar FAQ.
Submitted by: Robert Eckardt <>
Sundry man page fixes; handle Central European Summer Time (CEST);
usage fixes in line with man page fixes.
Correct usage: one of {-p pid, command} is required.
Open output file when command line is fully analyzed: incorrect `truss -o f'
command does not create an empty file anymore.
o Allow a forth argument in ppp.secret, specifying a new
label. This gives control over which section of{up,down} is used based on the authenticated user.
o Support random address ranges in ppp.secret (not just in ppp.conf).
o Add a AUTHENTICATING INCOMING CONNECTIONS section to the man page.
o Add a bit more about DEFLATE in the man page.
o Fix the incorrect "you must specify a password in interactive
mode" bit of the manual.
o Space things in the man page consistently.
o Be more precice about where you can use MYADDR, HISADDR and INTERFACE
in the "add" command documentation.
was not being set copied to the bsd arguments..
frequently, resulting in files of over 100MB of NULs
PR: 386/5044
Reviewed by: jmb
Submitted by: (Richard Winkel)
not in -auto mode isn't a good idea, and that the
add should be done in ppp.linkup instead.
Change "add 0 0 HISADDR" to "add default HISADDR". It's
more intuitive.
the northern part of Belgium (nl_BE). The southern part of
Belgium is supposed to be covered by the LC_TIME file in fr_BE.
Now only the LC_TIME for Finland is left to close PR 5409.
PR: 5409
Submitted by: Arjan de Vet Thanks!
Submitted by Peter Olsson. Thanks!
Changed weekdays -> weekday, as suggested by Steve Price.
PR: 5409 can be closed if someone sends in LC_TIME files
for Belgium, Finland and the Netherlands.
It maybe right, if patch was FreeBSD-own program, but it break compatibility
with pre-existent patches in other systems.
The example is big ncurses patch which don't apply on FreeBSD
due to "fixed" precedence.