This should NOT go into 2.0.5 /phk
Support disk slices. This involves mainly replacing inline code with
function calls. Support for ST506 drives is temporarily broken since
the `setgeom' arg to dsopen() is not implemented completely enough to
use. The `setgeom' arg will go away and ST506 drives will be supported
in another way. A large amount of dead code is left in wdopen() as a
reminder of the problems here.
Close the device in wdsize(). Open tracking was broken on all drives
with a swap device.
Remove support for soft write protection. There are no ioctls to set
it. It was used to disable writing to unlabelled disks, but we want
to support writing to foreign partitions on unlabeled disks.
Use generic dkbad routines to do about 2/3 of the work for supporting
Improve disk statistics: estimate 4MB/sec instead of 8MB/sec for
the transfer rate (ISA max is 4MB/sec, old IDE max is 3.3MB/sec);
fix dk_xfer[] (it counted sectors, not transfers); keep the estimate
dk_seek[] = dk_xfer[] (was sectors, is now transfers); only count
words actually transferred (the count is still too high after a
failed write and after retries). Remove wdxfer[].
Fix indentation in wdattach(). Fix resulting botched printing of the
disk size for ST506 drives. Print the disk geometry less cryptically.