The following additional changes are needed for the new install disks:
1) Remove from filesystem disk's /filelist: bin/cat, dev/MAKEDEV.local.
2) Remove from the filesystem disk: /bin/cat, /COPYRIGHT and /dev/MAKEDEV.local.
3) Add to the filesystem disk: /sbin/fdisk, /dev/fd1a and /dev/rfd1a.
4) Build a fourth DOS disk containing at least: os-bs, rz/sz
Outstanding problems:
1) If there are >1024 cylinders, then FreeBSD cannot boot unless installed
at cylinder 0 (and since neither can DOS evidently, the two can't share
a disk in this case).
2) If FreeBSD is installed at cylinder 0, subsequent installs tend to fail.
3) If a DOS partition exists, disklabel doesn't seem to update the disk
geometry in the FreeBSD disklabel correctly (so reinstalling FreeBSD with
a new geometry requires installing it at cylinder 0). Rod suggested
invoking disklabel on the raw c-partition. This makes sense, but it
doesn't seem to work (newfs, for instance, can't find the new label).
Added support of DONET({IMP,NS,ISO}) so you can now compile with options
NS and ISO, still missing some IMP code, but since the imp is old and
gone I doubt this will ever be used.
Subject: More information on "netstat -r
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1993 11:57:33 +0100
I have been trying for some time now to get "netstat -r"
working from the 0.2.2 patchkit. I have the following solution to the
The symbol _radix_node_head needs to be added to the symbols.raw file
to enable the new routing table access. If this symbol is not present
then the old system us used which results in no routes being given. I
don't think that this justifies a patch in its own right but perhaps
could be added to a related patch sometime..
other tools really want.
Targets sio*) and com*) now create entry named ttyxx, default setup with
a sh MAKEDEV all is to use the sio major numbers, com is all but depreicated
ld won't generate output if there are two .o files with the same
name. It thinks they are multiply defined external references. This
patch explictly allows multiple /file names/ with the same value.
This can happen if you do a two stage link or if you link in file
names that are identical to files in libc.
Otherwise ld.c exits with a status=1 and non error message. Rich
From: (Bruce Evans)
This fixes several problems.
It has almost everything that is in the FreeBSD version of Aug 22.
It is missing the bug for 2 drives and still prints <> around the
drive type. It handles BADEND144 less verbosely. It does wdgetctlr()
somewhat differently from NetBSD/FreeBSD.
Date: Sun Sep 5 06:45:12 PDT 1993
Fixed printf's to be correct, since Bruce used the old ones. This driver
still prints phantom wd1's on some Maxtor and other IDE drives, I have
a patch I am sending to Bruce for checking.
Made pkg_add -n less bitchy.
Made -p in pkg_add override "default" package location in pkg_create.
Added concept of "slave" and "master" modes, allowing many different things
to be done to packing lists on the fly. This is really something for
front-end drivers to use, but also something for the more expert user.
rename()'ing files before trying to copy them, thus saving
considerable time when targets and staging area are on same filesystem.
these are not part of the standard distribution and do not belong
in here, this was carry over from earlier work.
Added src-tarball: ssrc-tarball: targets to build the 2 source tar balls,
still have to manually copy/chmod/chown the src tree into the destination
directory and clean out all the obj, and CVS files/dirs, plus run a
make cleandist in it before running these targets, but atleast things are
getting easier to do!
release: now uses fixed floppies target.
is not really needed until we can go multiuser.
Changed name of list from CRYPT_FILES to CRYPT_SRCS, since that is
really what they point to. Added list CRYPT_DIRS, that is the directories
that are in the des distribution.
Fixed kc-xx-floppy dependencies on kc-floppy since it would not do
the right thing with the new target floppies:
Now user ${RELEASEDIR} for dd'ing the floppy images and other stuff having
to do with building the release.
Added new target bin-tarball that builds the bin.tar.gz.?? split archives for
Added new target des-tarball that builds the des.tar.gz.?? split archives for
Added building of /usr/local directories for the CDROMDIST.
New target floppies: that builds all 4 floppies.
New target release: that should completely populate a release tree, except
that the src-tarball target is not yet written.
wd80x3 class boards can be configured to the GENERIC kernels.
Entry was:
device ed0 at isa? port 0x280 net irq 9 iomem 0xd0000 vector edintr
Is now:
device ed0 at isa? port 0x280 net irq 5 iomem 0xd8000 vector edintr
after the cpio floppy has been installed. This fixes the corrupt disk
problem during the install. Still need to add some echo's about expecting
disk corruption at this point in time.
Upgraded release statement to say 1.0 GAMMA. Added a dummy read before
the instuctions so the user does not get confused by the rapid output
and thinks something scrolled off the screen.