- Use timer 7 in XLR PIC as a 32 counter
- provide pic_init_timer(), pic_set_timer(), pic_timer_count32() and
pic_timer_count() PIC timer operations.
- register this timer as platform_timecounter on rmi platform.
- style(9) fixes to mips/rmi platform files
- update pic.h to add pic_setup_intr() and use pic_setup_intr() for setting
up interrupts which are routed thru PIC.
- remove rmi_spin_mutex_safe and haslock, and make sure that the functions
are called only after mutexes are available.
- move PIC code to xlr_machdep.c
- move fast message ring code completely to on_chip.c
- move memory initialization to a new function xlr_mem_init()
- style fixes
booting again.
The code is a copy of the mips/mips/tick.c with minor modifications for
XLR interrupt handling. Disable mips/rmi/clock.c for now, the PIC based
timer code will be added later.
- Adds re-partitioning TLB per core for enabled threads.
- Adds hardware thread id to cpuid mapping
- updates rge driver packet distribution and message ring handling
threads to be started based on hardware thread id.
- remove unused early debugging code to set control registers.
- coding style fixes
Approved by: rrs (mentor)
am now able to run 32 cores ok.. but I still will hang
on buildworld with a NFS problem. I suspect I am missing
a patch for the netlogic rge driver.
JC check and see if I am missing anything except your
core-mask changes
Obtained from: JC
above 4Gig. If so when we add the base address with
the size we will wrap. So for now we just ignore
such memory and only use what we can. When we
get 64 bit working then we will be much better ;->
Basically the msg ring interrupt was being re-enabled
inside a spinlock as the thread set it self up for rescheduling.
This won't work since inside the re-enable is another
spin lock.. which means on return from the reenable
the interrupts have been reenabled. Thus you would
get a clock int and end up panicing holding a spin
lock to long :-o
the mi_startup (or to the last of it).. and
hit a panic after :
uart0: <16550 or compatible> on iodi0
Trap cause = 2 (TLB miss....)
I did have to take the pci bus OUT of the
build to get this far, hit a cache error with
the PCI code in. Interesting thing is the machine
reboots too ;-)
> Description of fields to fill in above: 76 columns --|
> PR: If a GNATS PR is affected by the change.
> Submitted by: If someone else sent in the change.
> Reviewed by: If someone else reviewed your modification.
> Approved by: If you needed approval for this commit.
> Obtained from: If the change is from a third party.
> MFC after: N [day[s]|week[s]|month[s]]. Request a reminder email.
> Security: Vulnerability reference (one per line) or description.
> Empty fields above will be automatically removed.
M rmi/xls_ehci.c
M rmi/clock.h
M rmi/xlr_pci.c
M rmi/perfmon.h
M rmi/uart_bus_xlr_iodi.c
M rmi/perfmon_percpu.c
M rmi/iodi.c
M rmi/pcibus.c
M rmi/perfmon_kern.c
M rmi/perfmon_xlrconfig.h
M rmi/pcibus.h
M rmi/tick.c
M rmi/xlr_boot1_console.c
M rmi/debug.h
M rmi/uart_cpu_mips_xlr.c
M rmi/xlrconfig.h
M rmi/interrupt.h
M rmi/xlr_i2c.c
M rmi/shared_structs.h
M rmi/msgring.c
M rmi/iomap.h
M rmi/ehcireg.h
M rmi/msgring.h
M rmi/shared_structs_func.h
M rmi/on_chip.c
M rmi/pic.h
M rmi/xlr_machdep.c
M rmi/ehcivar.h
M rmi/board.c
M rmi/clock.c
M rmi/shared_structs_offsets.h
M rmi/perfmon_utils.h
M rmi/board.h
M rmi/msgring_xls.c
M rmi/intr_machdep.c
compile and many of them may disappear. For example
the xlr_boot1_console.c is old code that is ifdef'd out.
I will clean these sorts of things up as I make progress
on the port. So far the only thing I have I think straightened
out is the bits around the interupt handling... and hey that
may be broke ;-)