Andrey Vesnovaty 4d9fd85fb5 ethdev: add shared actions to flow API
Introduce extension of flow action API enabling sharing of single
rte_flow_action in multiple flows. The API intended for PMDs, where
multiple HW offloaded flows can reuse the same HW essence/object
representing flow action and modification of such an essence/object
affects all the rules using it.

Motivation and example
Adding or removing one or more queues to RSS used by multiple flow rules
imposes per rule toll for current DPDK flow API; the scenario requires
for each flow sharing cloned RSS action:
- call `rte_flow_destroy()`
- call `rte_flow_create()` with modified RSS action

API for sharing action and its in-place update benefits:
- reduce the overhead of multiple RSS flow rules reconfiguration
- optimize resource utilization by sharing action across multiple

Change description

Shared action
In order to represent flow action shared by multiple flows new action
type RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_SHARED is introduced (see `enum
Actually the introduced API decouples action from any specific flow and
enables sharing of single action by its handle across multiple flows.

Shared action create/use/destroy
Shared action may be reused by some or none flow rules at any given
moment, i.e. shared action resides outside of the context of any flow.
Shared action represent HW resources/objects used for action offloading
API for shared action create (see `rte_flow_shared_action_create()`):
- should allocate HW resources and make related initializations required
  for shared action implementation.
- make necessary preparations to maintain shared access to
  the action resources, configuration and state.
API for shared action destroy (see `rte_flow_shared_action_destroy()`)
should release HW resources and make related cleanups required for shared
action implementation.

In order to share some flow action reuse the handle of type
`struct rte_flow_shared_action` returned by
rte_flow_shared_action_create() as a `conf` field of
`struct rte_flow_action` (see "example" section).

If some shared action not used by any flow rule all resources allocated
by the shared action can be released by rte_flow_shared_action_destroy()
(see "example" section). The shared action handle passed as argument to
destroy API should not be used any further i.e. result of the usage is

Shared action re-configuration
Shared action behavior defined by its configuration can be updated via
rte_flow_shared_action_update() (see "example" section). The shared
action update operation modifies HW related resources/objects allocated
on the action creation. The number of operations performed by the update
operation should not depend on the number of flows sharing the related
action. On return of shared action update API action behavior should be
according to updated configuration for all flows sharing the action.

Shared action query
Provide separate API to query shared action state (see
rte_flow_shared_action_update()). Taking a counter as an example: query
returns value aggregating all counter increments across all flow rules
sharing the counter. This API doesn't query shared action configuration
since it is controlled by rte_flow_shared_action_create() and
rte_flow_shared_action_update() APIs and no supposed to change by other


struct rte_flow_action actions[2];
struct rte_flow_shared_action_conf conf;
struct rte_flow_action action;
/* skipped: initialize conf and action */
struct rte_flow_shared_action *handle =
	rte_flow_shared_action_create(port_id, &conf, &action, &error);
actions[0].type = RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_SHARED;
actions[0].conf = handle;
actions[1].type = RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_END;
/* skipped: init attr0 & pattern0 args */
struct rte_flow *flow0 = rte_flow_create(port_id, &attr0, pattern0,
					actions, error);
/* create more rules reusing shared action */
struct rte_flow *flow1 = rte_flow_create(port_id, &attr1, pattern1,
					actions, error);
/* skipped: for flows 2 till N */
struct rte_flow *flowN = rte_flow_create(port_id, &attrN, patternN,
					actions, error);
/* update shared action */
struct rte_flow_action updated_action;
 * skipped: initialize updated_action according to desired action
 * configuration change
rte_flow_shared_action_update(port_id, handle, &updated_action, error);
 * from now on all flows 1 till N will act according to configuration of
 * updated_action
/* skipped: destroy all flows 1 till N */
rte_flow_shared_action_destroy(port_id, handle, error);

Signed-off-by: Andrey Vesnovaty <>
Acked-by: Ori Kam <>
Acked-by: Ajit Khaparde <>
Acked-by: Andrew Rybchenko <>
2020-10-16 19:48:18 +02:00
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