The ipsec_mb SW PMD now has multiprocess support. The queue-pair IMB_MGR is stored in a memzone instead of being allocated externally by the Intel IPSec MB library, when v1.1 is used. If v1.0 is used, multi process is not supported, and allocation is done as before. The secondary process needs to reconfigure the queue-pair to allow for IMB_MGR function pointers be updated. Intel IPsec MB library version 1.1 is required for this support. Signed-off-by: Ciara Power <ciara.power@intel.com> Acked-by: Ray Kinsella <mdr@ashroe.eu> Acked-by: Fan Zhang <roy.fan.zhang@intel.com> Acked-by: Akhil Goyal <gakhil@marvell.com>