In the Stingray use case, representors are conventionally run
inside the SoC domain representing functions that are on the
X86 domain. In order to support this mechanism of building
representors for endpoints that are not in the same host domain,
additional dev args have been in the PMD like so:
rep-based-pf=<physical index> rep-is-pf=<VF=0 or PF=1>
where `rep-based-pf` specifies the physical index of the base PF
that the representor is derived off of.
Since representor(s) can be created for endpoint PFs as well,
rename struct bnxt_vf_representor to bnxt_representor and other such
dev_ops and function names.
devargs have also been extended to specify the exact CoS queue along
with flow control enablement to be used for the conduit between the
representor and the endpoint function.
This is how a sample devargs would look with all the extended devargs
-w 0000:06:02.0,host-based-truflow=1,representor=[1],rep-based-pf=8,
Call CFA_PAIR_ALLOC only in case of Stingray instead of CFA_VFR_ALLOC.
Signed-off-by: Somnath Kotur <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Baucom <>
Reviewed-by: Venkat Duvvuru <>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Khaparde <>