Increase the default RX/TX ring sizes to 1024/1024 to accommodate for NICs with higher throughput (25G, 40G etc) Signed-off-by: Kevin Laatz <> Acked-by: Bruce Richardson <> Acked-by: Adrien Mazarguil <>
216 lines
5.3 KiB
216 lines
5.3 KiB
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <rte_eal.h>
#include <rte_ethdev.h>
#include <rte_cycles.h>
#include <rte_lcore.h>
#include <rte_mbuf.h>
#define RX_RING_SIZE 1024
#define TX_RING_SIZE 1024
#define NUM_MBUFS 8191
#define MBUF_CACHE_SIZE 250
#define BURST_SIZE 32
static const struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default = {
.rxmode = {
.max_rx_pkt_len = ETHER_MAX_LEN,
.ignore_offload_bitfield = 1,
static unsigned nb_ports;
static struct {
uint64_t total_cycles;
uint64_t total_pkts;
} latency_numbers;
static uint16_t
add_timestamps(uint16_t port __rte_unused, uint16_t qidx __rte_unused,
struct rte_mbuf **pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts,
uint16_t max_pkts __rte_unused, void *_ __rte_unused)
unsigned i;
uint64_t now = rte_rdtsc();
for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++)
pkts[i]->udata64 = now;
return nb_pkts;
static uint16_t
calc_latency(uint16_t port __rte_unused, uint16_t qidx __rte_unused,
struct rte_mbuf **pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts, void *_ __rte_unused)
uint64_t cycles = 0;
uint64_t now = rte_rdtsc();
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++)
cycles += now - pkts[i]->udata64;
latency_numbers.total_cycles += cycles;
latency_numbers.total_pkts += nb_pkts;
if (latency_numbers.total_pkts > (100 * 1000 * 1000ULL)) {
printf("Latency = %"PRIu64" cycles\n",
latency_numbers.total_cycles / latency_numbers.total_pkts);
latency_numbers.total_cycles = latency_numbers.total_pkts = 0;
return nb_pkts;
* Initialises a given port using global settings and with the rx buffers
* coming from the mbuf_pool passed as parameter
static inline int
port_init(uint16_t port, struct rte_mempool *mbuf_pool)
struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = port_conf_default;
const uint16_t rx_rings = 1, tx_rings = 1;
uint16_t nb_rxd = RX_RING_SIZE;
uint16_t nb_txd = TX_RING_SIZE;
int retval;
uint16_t q;
struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info;
struct rte_eth_txconf txconf;
if (port >= rte_eth_dev_count())
return -1;
rte_eth_dev_info_get(port, &dev_info);
if (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_FAST_FREE)
port_conf.txmode.offloads |=
retval = rte_eth_dev_configure(port, rx_rings, tx_rings, &port_conf);
if (retval != 0)
return retval;
retval = rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc(port, &nb_rxd, &nb_txd);
if (retval != 0)
return retval;
for (q = 0; q < rx_rings; q++) {
retval = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(port, q, nb_rxd,
rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port), NULL, mbuf_pool);
if (retval < 0)
return retval;
txconf = dev_info.default_txconf;
txconf.txq_flags = ETH_TXQ_FLAGS_IGNORE;
txconf.offloads = port_conf.txmode.offloads;
for (q = 0; q < tx_rings; q++) {
retval = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(port, q, nb_txd,
rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port), &txconf);
if (retval < 0)
return retval;
retval = rte_eth_dev_start(port);
if (retval < 0)
return retval;
struct ether_addr addr;
rte_eth_macaddr_get(port, &addr);
printf("Port %u MAC: %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8
" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8" %02"PRIx8"\n",
addr.addr_bytes[0], addr.addr_bytes[1],
addr.addr_bytes[2], addr.addr_bytes[3],
addr.addr_bytes[4], addr.addr_bytes[5]);
rte_eth_add_rx_callback(port, 0, add_timestamps, NULL);
rte_eth_add_tx_callback(port, 0, calc_latency, NULL);
return 0;
* Main thread that does the work, reading from INPUT_PORT
* and writing to OUTPUT_PORT
static __attribute__((noreturn)) void
uint16_t port;
for (port = 0; port < nb_ports; port++)
if (rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port) > 0 &&
rte_eth_dev_socket_id(port) !=
printf("WARNING, port %u is on remote NUMA node to "
"polling thread.\n\tPerformance will "
"not be optimal.\n", port);
printf("\nCore %u forwarding packets. [Ctrl+C to quit]\n",
for (;;) {
for (port = 0; port < nb_ports; port++) {
struct rte_mbuf *bufs[BURST_SIZE];
const uint16_t nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(port, 0,
bufs, BURST_SIZE);
if (unlikely(nb_rx == 0))
const uint16_t nb_tx = rte_eth_tx_burst(port ^ 1, 0,
bufs, nb_rx);
if (unlikely(nb_tx < nb_rx)) {
uint16_t buf;
for (buf = nb_tx; buf < nb_rx; buf++)
/* Main function, does initialisation and calls the per-lcore functions */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct rte_mempool *mbuf_pool;
uint16_t portid;
/* init EAL */
int ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
if (ret < 0)
rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error with EAL initialization\n");
argc -= ret;
argv += ret;
nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count();
if (nb_ports < 2 || (nb_ports & 1))
rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error: number of ports must be even\n");
mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("MBUF_POOL",
RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
if (mbuf_pool == NULL)
rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create mbuf pool\n");
/* initialize all ports */
for (portid = 0; portid < nb_ports; portid++)
if (port_init(portid, mbuf_pool) != 0)
rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot init port %"PRIu8"\n",
if (rte_lcore_count() > 1)
printf("\nWARNING: Too much enabled lcores - "
"App uses only 1 lcore\n");
/* call lcore_main on master core only */
return 0;