This file is going to disappear, remove the doxygen parts that reference various drivers and remove it from the doxygen index. Signed-off-by: David Marchand <>
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There are many libraries, so their headers may be grouped by topics:
device: [dev] (@ref rte_dev.h), [ethdev] (@ref rte_ethdev.h), [ethctrl] (@ref rte_eth_ctrl.h), [cryptodev] (@ref rte_cryptodev.h), [devargs] (@ref rte_devargs.h), [bond] (@ref rte_eth_bond.h), [vhost] (@ref rte_virtio_net.h), [KNI] (@ref rte_kni.h), [PCI] (@ref rte_pci.h),
memory: [memseg] (@ref rte_memory.h), [memzone] (@ref rte_memzone.h), [mempool] (@ref rte_mempool.h), [malloc] (@ref rte_malloc.h), [memcpy] (@ref rte_memcpy.h)
timers: [cycles] (@ref rte_cycles.h), [timer] (@ref rte_timer.h), [alarm] (@ref rte_alarm.h)
locks: [atomic] (@ref rte_atomic.h), [rwlock] (@ref rte_rwlock.h), [spinlock] (@ref rte_spinlock.h)
CPU arch: [branch prediction] (@ref rte_branch_prediction.h), [cache prefetch] (@ref rte_prefetch.h), [byte order] (@ref rte_byteorder.h), [CPU flags] (@ref rte_cpuflags.h)
CPU multicore: [interrupts] (@ref rte_interrupts.h), [launch] (@ref rte_launch.h), [lcore] (@ref rte_lcore.h), [per-lcore] (@ref rte_per_lcore.h), [power/freq] (@ref rte_power.h)
layers: [ethernet] (@ref rte_ether.h), [ARP] (@ref rte_arp.h), [ICMP] (@ref rte_icmp.h), [IP] (@ref rte_ip.h), [SCTP] (@ref rte_sctp.h), [TCP] (@ref rte_tcp.h), [UDP] (@ref rte_udp.h), [frag/reass] (@ref rte_ip_frag.h), [LPM IPv4 route] (@ref rte_lpm.h), [LPM IPv6 route] (@ref rte_lpm6.h), [ACL] (@ref rte_acl.h)
QoS: [metering] (@ref rte_meter.h), [scheduler] (@ref rte_sched.h), [RED congestion] (@ref rte_red.h)
hashes: [hash] (@ref rte_hash.h), [jhash] (@ref rte_jhash.h), [thash] (@ref rte_thash.h), [FBK hash] (@ref rte_fbk_hash.h), [CRC hash] (@ref rte_hash_crc.h)
containers: [mbuf] (@ref rte_mbuf.h), [ring] (@ref rte_ring.h), [distributor] (@ref rte_distributor.h), [reorder] (@ref rte_reorder.h), [tailq] (@ref rte_tailq.h), [bitmap] (@ref rte_bitmap.h), [ivshmem] (@ref rte_ivshmem.h)
packet framework:
- [port] (@ref rte_port.h): [ethdev] (@ref rte_port_ethdev.h), [ring] (@ref rte_port_ring.h), [frag] (@ref rte_port_frag.h), [reass] (@ref rte_port_ras.h), [sched] (@ref rte_port_sched.h), [kni] (@ref rte_port_kni.h), [src/sink] (@ref rte_port_source_sink.h)
- [table] (@ref rte_table.h): [lpm IPv4] (@ref rte_table_lpm.h), [lpm IPv6] (@ref rte_table_lpm_ipv6.h), [ACL] (@ref rte_table_acl.h), [hash] (@ref rte_table_hash.h), [array] (@ref rte_table_array.h), [stub] (@ref rte_table_stub.h)
- [pipeline] (@ref rte_pipeline.h)
basic: [approx fraction] (@ref rte_approx.h), [random] (@ref rte_random.h), [config file] (@ref rte_cfgfile.h), [key/value args] (@ref rte_kvargs.h), [string] (@ref rte_string_fns.h)
debug: [jobstats] (@ref rte_jobstats.h), [hexdump] (@ref rte_hexdump.h), [debug] (@ref rte_debug.h), [log] (@ref rte_log.h), [warnings] (@ref rte_warnings.h), [errno] (@ref rte_errno.h)
misc: [EAL config] (@ref rte_eal.h), [common] (@ref rte_common.h), [ABI compat] (@ref rte_compat.h), [keepalive] (@ref rte_keepalive.h), [version] (@ref rte_version.h)