- Add residual checker to the TF Host RM as well as new RM APIs. On close it will scan the DB and check of any remaining elements. If found they will be logged and FW msg sent for FW to scrub that specific type of resources. - Update the module bind to be aware of the module type, for each of the modules. - Add additional type 2 string util functions. - Fix the device naming to be in compliance with TF. - Update the device unbind order as to assure TCAMs gets flushed first. - Update the close functionality such that the session gets closed after the device is unbound. Signed-off-by: Michael Wildt <michael.wildt@broadcom.com> Signed-off-by: Venkat Duvvuru <venkatkumar.duvvuru@broadcom.com> Reviewed-by: Randy Schacher <stuart.schacher@broadcom.com> Reviewed-by: Ajit Khaparde <ajit.khaparde@broadcom.com>
DPDK is a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing. It supports many processor architectures and both FreeBSD and Linux. The DPDK uses the Open Source BSD-3-Clause license for the core libraries and drivers. The kernel components are GPL-2.0 licensed. Please check the doc directory for release notes, API documentation, and sample application information. For questions and usage discussions, subscribe to: users@dpdk.org Report bugs and issues to the development mailing list: dev@dpdk.org