Change-Id: I507d670afd839aede737d553432202a33a920c06 Signed-off-by: Pawel Kaminski <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: SPDK Automated Test System <> Reviewed-by: Daniel Verkamp <> Reviewed-by: Tomasz Zawadzki <>
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Lvol feature test plan
The purpose of these tests is to verify the possibility of using lvol configuration in SPDK.
Configuration in test is to be done using example stub application. All management is done using RPC calls, including logical volumes management. All tests are performed using malloc backends. One exception to malloc backends are tests for logical volume tasting - these require persistent merory like NVMe backend.
Tests will be executed as scenarios - sets of smaller test step in which return codes from RPC calls is validated. Some configuration calls may also be validated by use of "get_*" RPC calls, which provide additional information for verifying results.
Tests with thin provisioned lvol bdevs, snapshots and clones are using nbd devices. Before writing/reading to lvol bdev, bdev is installed with rpc start_nbd_disk. After finishing writing/reading, rpc stop_nbd_disk is used.
construct_lvol_store - positive tests
TEST CASE 1 - Name: construct_lvs_positive
Positive test for constructing a new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with correct base bdev name. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- destroy lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- call successful, return code = 0, uuid printed to stdout
- get_lvol_stores: backend used for construct_lvol_store has uuid field set with the same uuid as returned from RPC call
- no other operation fails
construct_lvol_bdev - positive tests
TEST CASE 50 - Name: construct_logical_volume_positive
Positive test for constructing a new logical volume. Call construct_lvol_bdev with correct lvol store UUID and size in MiB for this bdev. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size
- delete lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- call successful, return code = 0
- get_bdevs: backend used for construct_lvol_bdev has name field set with the same name as returned value from call RPC method: construct_lvol_bdev
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 51 - Name: construct_multi_logical_volumes_positive
Positive test for constructing a multi logical volumes. Call construct_lvol_bdev with correct lvol store UUID and size is equal one quarter of the this bdev size. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size (size is approximately equal to one quarter of the bdev size, because of lvol metadata)
- repeat the previous step three more times
- delete lvol bdevs
- create and delete four lvol bdevs again from steps above
- destroy lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- call successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_store: backend used for construct_lvol_bdev has name field set with the same name as returned from RPC call for all repeat
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 52 - Name: construct_lvol_bdev_using_name_positive
Positive test for constructing a logical volume using friendly names. Verify that logical volumes can be created by using a friendly name instead of uuid when referencing to lvol store. Steps:
- create malloc bdev
- create logical volume store on created malloc bdev
- verify lvol store was created correctly
- create logical volume on lvol store by using a friendly name as a reference
- verify logical volume was correctly created
- delete logical volume bdev
- destroy logical volume store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 53 - Name: construct_lvol_bdev_duplicate_names_positive
Positive test for constructing a logical volumes using friendly names. Verify that logical volumes can use the same argument for friendly names if they are created on separate logical volume stores. Steps:
- create two malloc bdevs
- create logical volume stores on created malloc bdevs
- verify stores were created correctly
- create logical volume on first lvol store
- verify it was correctly created
- using the same friendly name argument create logical volume on second lvol store
- verify logical volume was correctly created
- delete logical volume bdevs
- destroy logical volume stores
- delete malloc bdevs
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
construct_lvol_bdev - negative tests
TEST CASE 100 - Name: construct_logical_volume_nonexistent_lvs_uuid
Negative test for constructing a new logical_volume. Call construct_lvol_bdev with lvs_uuid which does not exist in configuration. Steps:
- try to call construct_lvol_bdev with lvs_uuid which does not exist
Expected result:
- return code != 0
- ENODEV response printed to stdout
TEST CASE 101 - Name: construct_lvol_bdev_on_full_lvol_store
Negative test for constructing a new lvol bdev. Call construct_lvol_bdev on a full lvol store. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response from get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is smaller by 1 MB from the full size malloc bdev
- try construct_lvol_bdev on the same lvs_uuid as in last step; this call should fail as lvol store space is taken by previously created bdev
- destroy_lvol_store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- first call successful
- second construct_lvol_bdev call return code != 0
- EEXIST response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 102 - Name: construct_lvol_bdev_name_twice
Negative test for constructing lvol bdev using the same friendly name twice on the same logical volume store. Steps:
- create malloc bdev
- create logical volume store on malloc bdev
- using get_lvol_stores verify that logical volume store was correctly created and has arguments as provided in step earlier (cluster size, friendly name, base bdev)
- construct logical volume on lvol store and verify it was correctly created
- try to create another logical volume on the same lvol store using the same friendly name as in previous step; this step should fail
- delete existing lvol bdev
- delete existing lvol store
- delete malloc bdevs
Expected results:
- creating two logical volumes with the same friendly name within the same lvol store should not be possible
- no other operation fails
resize_lvol_store - positive tests
TEST CASE 150 - Name: resize_logical_volume_positive
Positive test for resizing a logical_volume. Call resize_lvol_bdev with correct logical_volumes name and new size. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to one quarter of size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- resize_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal half to size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- resize_lvol_bdev on the correct lvs_uuid and size is smaller by 1 MB from the full size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- resize_lvol_bdev on the correct lvs_uuid and size is equal 0 MiB
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- delete lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- lvol bdev should change size after resize operations
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
resize lvol store - negative tests
TEST CASE 200 - Name: resize_logical_volume_nonexistent_logical_volume
Negative test for resizing a logical_volume. Call resize_lvol_bdev with logical volume which does not exist in configuration. Steps:
- try resize_lvol_store on logical volume which does not exist
Expected result:
- return code != 0
- Error code: ENODEV ("No such device") response printed to stdout
TEST CASE 201 - Name: resize_logical_volume_with_size_out_of_range
Negative test for resizing a logical volume. Call resize_lvol_store with size argument bigger than size of base bdev. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal one quarter of size malloc bdev
- try resize_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to size malloc bdev + 1MiB; this call should fail
- delete lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- resize_lvol_bdev call return code != 0
- Error code: ENODEV ("Not enough free clusters left on lvol store") response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
destroy_lvol_store - positive tests
TEST CASE 250 - Name: destroy_lvol_store_positive
Positive test for destroying a logical volume store. Call destroy_lvol_store with correct logical_volumes name Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- destroy_lvol_store
- check correct response get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_stores: response should be of no value after destroyed lvol store
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 251 - Name: destroy_lvol_store_use_name_positive
Positive test for destroying a logical volume store using lvol store name instead of uuid for reference. Call destroy_lvol_store with correct logical volume name Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response from get_lvol_stores command
- destroy_lvol_store
- check correct response from get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_stores: response should be of no value after destroyed lvol store
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 252 - Name: destroy_lvol_store_with_lvol_bdev_positive
Positive test for destroying a logical volume store with lvol bdev created on top. Call destroy_lvol_store with correct logical_volumes name Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to size malloc bdev
- destroy_lvol_store
- check correct response get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_stores: response should be of no value after destroyed lvol store
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 253 - Name: destroy_multi_logical_volumes_positive
Positive test for destroying a logical volume store with multiple lvol bdevs created on top. Call construct_lvol_bdev with correct lvol store UUID and size is equal to one quarter of the this bdev size. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size (size is equal to one quarter of the bdev size)
- repeat the previous step four times
- destroy_lvol_store
- check correct response get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- call successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_store: backend used for construct_lvol_bdev has name field set with the same name as returned from RPC call for all repeat
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 254 - Name: destroy_resize_logical_volume_positive
Positive test for destroying a logical_volume after resizing. Call destroy_lvol_store with correct logical_volumes name. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to one quarter of size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev
- resize_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal half of size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- Resize_lvol_bdev on the correct lvs_uuid and the size is smaller by 1 MB from the full size malloc bdev
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- resize_lvol_bdev on the correct lvs_uuid and size is equal 0 MiB
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- destroy_lvol_store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- lvol bdev should change size after resize operations
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
- get_lvol_stores: response should be of no value after destroyed lvol store
TEST CASE 255 - Name: delete_lvol_store_persistent_positive
Positive test for removing lvol store persistently Steps:
- construct_lvol_store on NVMe bdev
- destroy lvol store
- delete NVMe bdev
- add NVMe bdev
- check if destroyed lvol store does not exist on NVMe bdev
Expected result:
- get_lvol_stores should not report any existsing lvol stores in configuration after deleting and adding NVMe bdev
- no other operation fails
destroy_lvol_store - negative tests
TEST CASE 300 - Name: destroy_lvol_store_nonexistent_lvs_uuid
Call destroy_lvol_store with nonexistent logical_volumes name exist in configuration. Steps:
- try to call destroy_lvol_store with lvs_uuid which does not exist
Expected result:
- return code != 0
- Error code response printed to stdout
TEST CASE 301 - Name: delete_lvol_store_underlying_bdev
Call destroy_lvol_store after deleting it's base bdev. Lvol store should be automatically removed on deleting underlying bdev. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
- try to destroy lvol store; this call should fail as lvol store is no longer present
Expected result:
- destroy_lvol_store retudn code != 0
- Error code: ENODEV ("No such device") response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
nested destroy_lvol_bdev - negative tests
TEST CASE 350 - Name: nested_destroy_logical_volume_negative
Negative test for destroying a nested first lvol store. Call destroy_lvol_store with correct base bdev name. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to size malloc bdev
- construct first nested lvol store on created lvol_bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct first nested lvol bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size
- check size of the lvol bdev by command RPC : get_bdevs
- destroy first lvol_store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- Error code: ENODEV ("the device is busy") response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
nested construct_logical_volume - positive tests
TEST CASE 400 - Name: nested_construct_logical_volume_positive
Positive test for constructing a nested new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with correct base bdev name. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to size malloc bdev
- construct first nested lvol store on created lvol_bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct first nested lvol bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size
- construct second nested lvol store on created first nested lvol bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct second nested lvol bdev on correct first nested lvs uuid and size
- delete nested lvol bdev and lvol store
- delete base lvol bdev and lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- get_lvol_stores: backend used for construct_lvol_store has UUID field set with the same UUID as returned from RPC call backend used for construct_lvol_bdev has UUID field set with the same UUID as returned from RPC call
- no other operation fails
construct_lvol_store - negative tests
TEST CASE 450 - Name: construct_lvs_nonexistent_bdev
Negative test for constructing a new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with base bdev name which does not exist in configuration. Steps:
- try construct_lvol_store on bdev which does not exist
Expected result:
- return code != 0
- Error code: ENODEV ("No such device") response printed to stdout
TEST CASE 451 - Name: construct_lvs_on_bdev_twice
Negative test for constructing a new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with base bdev name twice. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- try construct_lvol_store on the same bdev as in last step; this call should fail as base bdev is already claimed by lvol store
- destroy lvs
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- first call successful
- second construct_lvol_store call return code != 0
- EEXIST response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 452 - Name: construct_lvs_name_twice
Negative test for constructing a new lvol store using the same friendly name twice. Steps:
- create two malloc bdevs
- create logical volume store on first malloc bdev
- using get_lvol_stores verify that logical volume store was correctly created and has arguments as provided in step earlier (cluster size, friendly name, base bdev)
- try to create another logical volume store on second malloc bdev using the same friendly name as before; this step is expected to fail as lvol stores cannot have the same name
- delete existing lvol store
- delete malloc bdevs
Expected results:
- creating two logical volume stores with the same friendly name should not be possible
- no other operation fails
nested construct_lvol_bdev - test negative
TEST CASE 500 - Name: nested_construct_lvol_bdev_on_full_lvol_store
Negative test for constructing a new nested lvol bdev. Call construct_lvol_bdev on a full lvol store. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct_lvol_bdev on correct lvs_uuid and size is equal to size malloc bdev
- construct nested lvol store on previously created lvol_bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- construct nested lvol bdev on previously created nested lvol store and size is equal to size lvol store
- try construct another lvol bdev as in previous step; this call should fail as nested lvol store space is already claimed by lvol bdev
- delete nested lvol bdev
- destroy nested lvol_store
- delete base lvol bdev
- delete base lvol store
- delete malloc bdev
Expected result:
- second construct_lvol_bdev call on nested lvol store return code != 0
- EEXIST response printed to stdout
- no other operation fails
delete_bdev - positive tests
TEST CASE 550 - Name: delete_bdev_positive
Positive test for deleting malloc bdev. Call construct_lvol_store with correct base bdev name. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- delete malloc bdev
- check response get_lvol_stores command
Expected result:
- get_lvol_stores: response should be of no value after destroyed lvol store
- no other operation fails
construct_lvol_store_with_cluster_size - negative tests
TEST CASE 600 - Name: construct_lvol_store_with_cluster_size_max
Negative test for constructing a new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with cluster size is equal malloc bdev size + 1B. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on correct, exisitng malloc bdev and cluster size equal malloc bdev size in bytes + 1B
Expected result:
- return code != 0
- Error code response printed to stdout
TEST CASE 601 - Name: construct_lvol_store_with_cluster_size_min
Negative test for constructing a new lvol store. Call construct_lvol_store with cluster size smaller than minimal value of 8192. Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- try construct lvol store on malloc bdev with cluster size 8191
- verify that lvol store was not created
Expected result:
- construct lvol store return code != 0
- Error code response printed to stdout
logical volume tasting tests
TEST CASE 700 - Name: tasting_positive
Positive test for tasting a multi lvol bdev configuration. Create a lvol store with some lvol bdevs on NVMe drive and restart vhost app. After restarting configuration should be automatically loaded and should be exactly the same as before restarting. Check that running configuration can be modified after restarting and tasting. Steps:
- run vhost app with NVMe bdev
- construct lvol store on NVMe bdev
- using get_lvol_stores command verify lvol store was correctly created
- construct five lvol bdevs on previously created lvol store; each lvol bdev size is approximately equal to 2% of total lvol store size (approximately because of the lvol metadata which consumes some of the space)
- using get_bdevs command verify lvol bdevs were correctly created
- shutdown vhost application by sending SIGTERM signal
- start vhost application with the same NVMe bdev as in the first step
- using get_lvol_stores command verify that previously created lvol strore was correctly discovered and loaded by tasting feature (including UUID's)
- using get_bdevs command verify that previously created lvol bdevs were correctly discovered and loaded by tasting feature (including UUID's)
- verify if configuration can be modified after tasting: construct five more lvol bdevs to fill up loaded lvol store, delete all existing lvol bdevs, destroy existing lvol store, verify removal results using get_lvol_stores and get_bdevs commands
- re-create initial configuration by repeating steps 2-5: create lvol store on NVMe bdev, create four lvol bdevs on lvol store and verify all configuration call results
- clean running configuration: delete all lvol bdevs, destroy lvol store verify removal results using get_lvol_stores and get_bdevs commands
Expected results:
- configuration is successfully tasted and loaded after restarting vhost
- lvol store attributes (UUID, total size, cluster size, etc.) remain the same after loading existing configuration
- lvol bdev attributes (UUID, size, etc.) remain the same after loading existing configuration
- all RPC configuration calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 701 - Name: tasting_lvol_store_positive
Positive test for tasting lvol store. Steps:
- run vhost app with NVMe bdev
- construct lvol store on NVMe bdev
- delete NVMe bdev
- add NVMe bdev
- check if lvol store still exists in vhost configuration
- destroy lvol store from NVMe bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful (lvol store should be tasted correctly), return code = 0
- no other operation fails
snapshot and clone
TEST CASE 750 - Name: snapshot_readonly
- constrcut malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct lvol bdev
- fill lvol bdev with 100% of its space using write operation
- create snapshot of created lvol bdev
- check if created snapshot has readonly status
- try to perform write operation on created snapshot
- check if write failed
- destroy lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 751 - Name: snapshot_compare_with_lvol_bdev
- construct malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct thin provisioned lvol bdev with size less than 25% of lvs
- construct thick provisioned lvol bdev with size less than 25% of lvs
- fill first lvol bdev with 50% of its space
- fill second lvol bdev with 100% of their space
- create snapshots of created lvol bdevs and check that they are readonly
- check using cmp program if data on corresponding lvol bdevs and snapshots are the same
- fill lvol bdev again with 50% of its space using write operation
- compare thin provisioned bdev clusters with snapshot clusters and check that 50% of data are the same and 50% are different
- destroy lvol bdevs
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- removing snapshot should always end with success
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 752 - Name: snapshot_during_io_traffic
- construct malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct thin provisioned lvol bdev
- perform write operation with verification to created lvol bdev
- during write operation create snapshot of created lvol bdev
- check that snapshot has been created successfully and check that it is readonly
- check that write operation ended with success
- destroy lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 753 - Name: snapshot_of_snapshot
- construct malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct thick provisioned lvol bdev
- create snapshot of created lvol bdev and check that it is readonly
- create snapshot of previously created snapshot
- check if operation fails
- destroy lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- creating snapshot of snapshot should fail
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 754 - Name: clone_bdev_only
- construct malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc
- construct thick provisioned lvol bdev
- create clone of created lvol bdev
- check if operation fails
- create snapshot of lvol bdev and check that it is readonly
- create clone of created lvol bdev
- check if operation failed
- create clone of snapshot on the same lvs where snaphot was created
- check if operation ends with success
- check if clone is not readonly
- check that clone is thin provisioned
- destroy lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- cloning thick provisioned lvol bdev should fail
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 755 - Name: clone_writing_to_clone
- construct with malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct thick provisioned lvol bdev
- fill lvol bdev with 100% of its space
- create snapshot of thick provisioned lvol bdev
- create two clones of created snapshot
- perform write operation to first clone and verify that data were written correctly
- check that operation ended with success
- compare second clone with snapshot and check that data on both bdevs are the same
- destroy lvol bdev
- destroy lvol store
- destroy malloc bdev
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- no other operation fails
logical volume rename tests
TEST CASE 800 - Name: rename_positive
Positive test for lvol store and lvol bdev rename. Steps:
- create malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- create 4 lvol bdevs on top of previously created lvol store
- rename lvol store; verify that lvol store friendly name was updated in get_lvol_stores output; verify that prefix in lvol bdevs friendly names were also updated
- rename lvol bdevs; use lvols UUID's to point which lvol bdev name to change; verify that all bdev names were successfully updated
- rename lvol bdevs; use lvols alias name to point which lvol bdev name to change; verify that all bdev names were successfully updated
- clean running configuration: delete lvol bdevs, destroy lvol store, delete malloc bdev; use lvol store and lvol bdev friendly names for delete and destroy commands to check if new names can be correctly used for performing other RPC operations;
Expected results:
- lvol store and lvol bdevs correctly created
- lvol store and lvol bdevs names updated after renaming operation
- lvol store and lvol bdevs possible to delete using new names
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 801 - Name: rename_lvs_nonexistent
Negative test case for lvol store rename. Check that error is returned when trying to rename not existing lvol store.
- call rename_lvol_store with name pointing to not existing lvol store
Expected results:
- rename_lvol_store return code != 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 802 - Name: rename_lvs_EEXIST
Negative test case for lvol store rename. Check that error is returned when trying to rename to a name which is already used by another lvol store.
- create 2 malloc bdevs
- construct lvol store on each malloc bdev
- on each lvol store create 4 lvol bdevs
- call rename_lvol_store on first lvol store and try to change its name to the same name as used by second lvol store
- verify that both lvol stores still have the same names as before
- verify that lvol bdev have the same aliases as before
Expected results:
- rename_lvol_store return code != 0; not possible to rename to already used name
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 803 - Name: rename_lvol_bdev_nonexistent
Negative test case for lvol bdev rename. Check that error is returned when trying to rename not existing lvol bdev.
- call rename_lvol_bdev with name pointing to not existing lvol bdev
Expected results:
- rename_lvol_bdev return code != 0
- no other operation fails
TEST CASE 804 - Name: rename_lvol_bdev_EEXIST
Negative test case for lvol bdev rename. Check that error is returned when trying to rename to a name which is already used by another lvol bdev.
- create malloc bdev
- construct lvol store on malloc bdev
- construct 2 lvol bdevs on lvol store
- call rename_lvol_bdev on first lvol bdev and try to change its name to the same name as used by second lvol bdev
- verify that both lvol bdev still have the same names as before
Expected results:
- rename_lvol_bdev return code != 0; not possible to rename to already used name
- no other operation fails
Call CTRL+C (SIGTERM) occurs after creating lvol store Steps:
- create a malloc bdev
- construct_lvol_store on created malloc bdev
- check correct uuid values in response get_lvol_stores command
- Send SIGTERM signal to the application
Expected result:
- calls successful, return code = 0
- get_bdevs: no change
- no other operation fails