The box drawing characters we use aren't necessarily safe with a serial
console; for instance, in the report by npn@, these were causing his xterm
to send back a sequence that lua picked up as input and halted the boot.
This is less than ideal.
Fallback to ASCII frames for console with 'comconsole' in it. This is a
partial revert r338108 by imp@ -- instead of removing the menu entirely and
disabling color/cursor sequences, just reverting the default frame to ASCII
is enough to not break in this setup.
Reported by: npn
Triaged and recommended by: tsoome
Replace mini cons25 emulator with teken, this does enable us proper console
terminal for loader and will make it possible to implement different
back end callbacks to draw to screen.
At this time we still only "draw" in text mode.
Uncovered while writing the documentation from this, we previously
explicitly fell back to orb or orbbw if an invalid or incompatible logodef
was selected -- in contrast to branddefs, which have an exported variable
that one can whip up a quick local.lua to override in a safe manner that
works regardless of whether or not loader.conf(5) successfully loads.
These are less controversial than the others, thus done in a separate
commit. These are all used internally and ways to override are provided via
soon-to-be-documented API or loader.conf(5) variables.
Ideally, all of the functionality to revamp the loader screen has associated
APIs that are flexible enough that third-party scripts wouldn't need to
override these.
dteske@, I believe, had originally pointed out that lualoader failed to
allow logo-*.lua for new logos to be added. When correcting this mistake, I
failed to do the same for brands.
Correct the sub-mistake: creating new brands is almost identical to creating
new logos, except one must use `drawer.addBrand` and 'graphic' is the only
valid key for a branddef at the moment.
While here, I've added `drawer.default_brand` to be set to name of brand to
be used (e.g. 'fbsd', project default).
Eventually this whole goolash will be documented.
Reported by: kmoore, iXsystems
This commit splits all of the logodefs/graphics out into their own own files
and provides a method for these files to register their logodefs with the
drawer. Graphics are now loaded on demand if they don't exist in the current
set of logodefs.
The drawer module becomes a little easier to navigate through without all of
the graphics mixed in. It's also easy to do one-off graphics like the
9.2 Die Hard tribute by dteske@ without adding even more to our memory
- All of our default positions were offset from forth
- Our menu frame size was smaller than in forth
- Logo/brand drawing had an off-by-one, drawing one column lower on the
screen than they should have been.
- While here, switch a print() to printc() as it's expected that logos may
contain color and other escpae sequences that we'll need to honor.
It may be set to "left" or "right" -- any other value will cause the title
to be centered.
I've chosen to position these things just inside the vertical borders,
rather than overlapping the corners. This is an arbitrary choice and easily
amendable if this looks terrible.
r330282 registered loader.printc as printc, so use it instead. This makes
sense for a couple reasons, the major point being that it reads a little bit
easier and pairs nicely with the global 'print'.
Similar cases can not really be made for other loader.* functions as most of
them are either highly specific to our use-case or usually available in
other modules, such as `os`. printc does not have a standard implementation
in the Lua world(*), so we have a little more leeway with it, and it's kind
of a special case of the globally available 'print'.
(*) I've been in the Lua world for all of two weeks, so this could be wrong.
- Add drawer.frame_styles to map out the kinds of characters we need for the
different loader_menu_frame values
- Respect loader_menu_frame, default to double[*]
- (imp) Use loader.printc instead of print- print adds a newline to the
output, which is not the right thing we want to be doing.
- (imp) Draw horizontal frames a little more efficiently- setting the cursor
after every line segment is horribly inefficient, especially on serial
consoles. Halve the number of characters written at the expense of an
additional loop to draw the bottom frame, which is likely more efficient
in the long run for some of less ideal scenarios.
[*] menu.4th(8) claims that the default here was single, but unset
loader_menu_frame yielded double and we didn't have any overrides in the
default loader.conf(5), so double it is.
The latter is good, but the former is more elegant and clear about what 'x'
is. Adopt it, preferably only using the latter kind of notation where needed
as values for tables.
Graphics have a tendency to cause 80-col issues, so make an exception to our
standard indentation guidelines for these graphics. This does not hamper
readability too badly.
Two 40-column strings of spaces is trivially replaced with
string.rep(" ", 80)
luacheck pointed out an assortment of issues, ranging from non-standard
globals being created as well as unused parameters, variables, and redundant
Using '_' as a placeholder for values unused (whether it be parameters
unused or return values unused, assuming multiple return values) feels clean
and gets the point across, so I've adopted it. It also helps flag candidates
for cleanup later in some of the lambdas I've created, giving me an easy way
to re-evaluate later if we're still not using some of these features.
Allow "name" entries to be simple strings, instead of just functions. We
know whether we support colors or not by the time any of this is setup, so
all menu names that are basically static with colors sprinkled in are good
candidates for simplification.
Also simplify "func" in many cases where it's just invoking another function
with no arguments. The downside to this simplification is that the functions
called can no longer be trivially replaced by a local module. The upside is
that it removes another layer of indirection that we likely don't need.
These can be re-evaluated later if a compelling argument is raised, on a
case-by-case basis, for replacement.
This was also a convenience convention (for me) that is not very lua-tic.
Drop it.
I've maintained some parentheses where I'd prefer them, for example,
'if x or y or (z and w) then', but these situations are far and few between.
This was previously chosen out of convenience, as we had a mixed style and
needed to be consistent. I started learning Lua on Friday, so I switched
everything over. It is not a very lua-nic convention, though, so drop it.
Excessive parenthesizing around conditionals is next on the chopping block.
Carousel storage doesn't need to happen in the menu module, and indeed
storing it there introduces a circular reference between drawer and menu
that only works because of global pollution in loader.lua.
Carousel choices generally map to config entries anyways, making it as good
of place as any to store these. Move {get,set}CarouselIndex functionality
out into config so that drawer and menu may both use it. If we had more
carousel functionality, it might make sense to create a carousel module, but
this is not the case.
We follow pretty closely the following structure of a module:
1. Copyright notice
2. Module requires
3. Module local declarations
4. Module local definitions
5. Module exports
6. return
Re-organize the one-offs (config/drawer) and denote the start of module
exports with a comment.
Declare these adjacent to the local definitions at the top of the module,
and make sure they're actually declared local to pollute global namespace a
little bit less.
This refactor makes it straightforward to add new logos for drawing and
organizes logo definitions in a logical manner.
The graphic to be drawn for each logo may again be modified outside of
drawer, but it must be done on a case-by-case basis as a modification to the
As part of an effort to slowly reduce our exports overall to a set of stable
properties/functions, go ahead and reduce what drawer exposes to others.
The graphics should generally not be modified on their own, but their
position could be modified if additional grahics also need to be drawn.
Export position/shift information, but leave the actual graphic local to
the module.
The next step will be to create a 'menudef' that gets exported instead, with
each entry in the menudef table describing the graphic to be drawn along
with specific positioning information.
Pull out specialized naming behavior into drawer.menu_name_handlers. This is
currently only needed for the carousel entry, where naming is based on the
current choice and the menu item purposefully does not store this state.
The setup was designed so that every type can have a special name handler,
and the default action is to simply use the result of
If we've fetched menu.entries and it turns out it's a function, call it to
get the actual menu entries.
This will be used to swap multi-/single- user boot options if we're booting
single user by default (boot_single="YES" in loader.conf(5)). It can also be
used fairly easily for other non-standard situations.
Instead of directly listing them in menu.welcome and menu.boot_options,
store them at menu.welcome.entries and welcome.boot_options.entries.
This will come into play later when we need to re-order the welcome menu if
boot_single is specified.
These are the style points that I'd like to try and maintain in our lua
- Parentheses around conditionals
- Trailing semicolons, except on block terminators
- s:method(...) instead of string.method(s, ...) where applicable
There's likely more, but that'll get hammered out as we continue.